Reviews by haileyeverhart

Pros: sweet, funny, pretty feathers and eggs, and fluffy beards
Cons: none!
Farm stores usually sell "Ameraucanas" but really they're Easter Eggers. And I'm not complaining! Easter Eggers are a mixed breed so they come in such a variety of colors and patterns and have such sweet and funny personalities. My EE's lay mint green eggs everyday and sit on my lap for cuddles. One even wanders through my house looking for treats. They are a perfect family chicken especially for kids! Just got 2 more cause I love em so much.
Pros: So kind and cute
Cons: None
I dont understand the reviews on them being skittish, its called babying them! If you want a nice chicken you have to play with them and make them think youre the mother hen. I know I have, they call for me when i leave the room and just generally love being around me, I love it. Bottom line, dont listen to others saying this breed is skittish, they are very docile birds so if they say theyre skittish, its just how they raised them
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