Reviews by henny1129

Pros: Good egglayers, friendly once caught, beautiful.
Cons: Wonderful flyers, difficult to catch.
We have found our Easter Eggers, Henny and Arlo, to be very good egglayers. Henny lays a delicious, mint green egg and Arlo lays a large, light brown egg. Once you catch them, they are happy to chill with you and are very friendly. Both of our EE's have been shown through 4-H and both did well behavior wise. I can trust them to not attack me or anyone else who comes in the pen with them. They are also happy to get along with our other chickens and seem to be committed brooders. They are very beautiful birds and definitely a favorite among visitors.

Unfortunately, our Easter Eggers love to fly out of their pen and visit the neighbors. Once out, they are very difficult to catch and act like little turds. They often times make hard-to-find nests where they lay their eggs, and it is definitely a time-waster to go out there and try to find their nests. We have clipped both of their wings on each chicken, but it didn't help one bit. One other con that I could think off was that the Easter Eggers can be difficult to catch no matter if they are in their pen or not. Once caught, they are fine though and act like the most social birds ever.

These are very fun birds to have around, and I would definitely recommend them to any flock owner!


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Pros: Super friendly, good egglayers, very calm.
Cons: A bit loud.
Our gals are absolute characters! We have found them to be super friendly and cuddly and a source of entertainment as well! They are great foragers and love to eat the bugs that fly into their pen. Ours go broody often and even though we haven't ever let them hatch eggs, I've read that they are great mothers. One of our Buff's has been shown through 4-H and did an excellent job behavior wise. She was great through all the shows and never had a problem being touched, examined, or held for long periods of time. We have found our girls to be good egglayers and at 2 years old, they are still going strong, typically laying an egg a day.

The only con that I could think of is that the Buff's tend to be very loud going about their daily activities. Out in the country, it isn't a problem for us, but for anyone living in the city, I could see how the noise level could create a problem with the neighbors.

Overall, Orpington's are great birds and are must haves for beginner chicken owners or families with young children!
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