Reviews by kcw0525


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, Friendly, Loving, Curious
Cons: None

This is Bonnie. She is one of our female Buckeyes. We have two females and one male. The male is darker than the females and the weird thing that I had never read is that the male has a different kind of comb than the females. While the other two buckeyes aren't as friendly as Bonnie, Bonnie sure is the friendliest bird we have. As soon as we open the coop door, she greets us. In fact, she was the first bird to jump on my lap. These birds are sweet, and love looking at us. They are very pretty, although they do look very similar to RIRs (currently at 11 weeks). I wish we had more chickens like Bonnie.

Above is one of our females. The other female has the same comb, but she avoided us this morning so I couldn't get a picture of her.

This is our male. It's a single comb. We got him from Meyer's Hatchery online, so I'm sure he's full-breed, but who knows! Maybe a RIR snuck into the Buckeye batch!


Super Admin
Pros: Friendly, Big
Cons: Pecks at everything

We have 5 Light Brahmas. They are very sweet birds, and their personalities are developing more and more everyday (currently 11 weeks old). They are big, currently the biggest we own, but they are so very pretty. Most bird breed have various characteristics that you can distinguish male from female. Currently, the males haven't gotten their tail feathers in, so we only have their combs to tell them apart. The males have rather large, bumpy combs, while the females have small, almost non-existent combs. They have always been the first to feed, even from our hands. From day 1, one of our males, Fatty, always stood up to us. We would reach our hands into the brooder box and he would jump up at us. Now that they are in the coop, he's typically the first to the door when we arrive. But they do peck at everything. And they aren't afraid to nip you on the hands. I wear two rings, my wedding ring on one hand and my green class ring on the other. Any time I reach my hand into the coop, even to pet them or another chicken, they immediately try to peck my rings on. In fact, this picture I uploaded is of Fatty pecking my phone camera as I took the picture. None the less, I love these beautiful birds. They are some of the friendliest birds we have.


Super Admin
Pros: Beautiful, Smart, Quick
Cons: Intimidated, Flighty, Quick
I love our Blue Ands! We currently have two females and one male. Our male is currently the top of the pecking order, and he was the first to learn to crow (at only 8 weeks, impressive right?). His comb is beautiful, big, and red, while the females have smaller combs colored grey and pink (currently 11 weeks old). They have great personalities, although they run away as soon as our hands come anywhere close to them. The male isn't as afraid of us. I mention that them being "quick" is both a pro and a con, because they are able to get away in case of a predator attack, but a con because you'll be chasing them around everywhere if you need to catch them to look at them. They are very smart birds, and have a much sleeker head and longer, narrower beak than my others.

Above is our lighter female. She has specks of black feathers all over her, including a prominent black feather in her tail. Our other female is darker.

Here is a side view of our rooster. He's so handsome, right?
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