Reviews by Leo1


Super Admin
Pros: Super sweet, gentle, fun...
Cons: Not a one
I've noticed a bit of a difference between the buffs and the lights. The buff were great and the only breed I've had rooster of. Wonderful roosters. My light Brahma, though, was leagues above. She had the most gentle and amazing spirit from the get. Her calm, unbelievably chill nature affected the entire flock. She had some health issues and when she had to be separated, the whole flock changed. She got thru some crazy health stuff, to the point where she became known as Morgaine, the wonder chicken. She was the matriarch; when one of the girls had internal laying and got sepsis, after her surgery she slept under Morgaine's wing for at least a month and Morgaine was totally good with it. Even though, she was a 9.5lb bird, 3 lbs bigger than my next largest bird, she wasn't at the top of the pecking order. She was just not into that and did not participate in shenanigans, but she was somewhere toward the top of the middle. In fact, her affect on the flock, was so profound, it kept the shenanigans at such a minimum, it took me 3 years to notice their pecking order....and I spend a LOT of time with my birds. She was just a big fluff ball of love and everyone loved her. She also had a sense of humor and was just funny. Smart too, I taught her to count to 7, scratched my pant leg with her beak, to get a peanut. Best chicken ever....and I've had Faverolles, who were also spectacular birds.
Totally warms my heart! I have a hen named Peep who seemed to be unremarkable from the rest, who turned out to be the most remarkable! She isn't in the top peck either, and doesn't care to be. She's a lovely girl too! Funny how loving they can be be.


Super Admin
Pros: Intelligent, lots of personality, can be easily trained, adorable, talkative
Cons: The eggs are a little smaller, but who cares!
It's a toss up between Brahmas and Faverolles as to which is my favorite breed. My girls were living with Brahma cockerels for a little while and my little Faverolles would kick the roos butts if they tried to mate them. It was the funniest thing, especially since the roos were much bigger than the girls. So, needless to say I haven't had a problem with them being submissive. I have two Favs and they are the best of friends, each will make sure the other is inside safe and sound before they will go up on the roost for the night. If you want a quiet bird, this isn't it. If they have something to say the tell the whole neighborhood, but I love that about them. So much personality they just have to let it out:)
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