Reviews by lozpearl


Super Admin
Pros: Best layers, large egg size, inquisitive and super friendly nature.
Cons: Can't think of a single one!
Australorps originated from the cross breeding of Orpingtons to create a more well-rounded chicken. :)

As such, they have fantastic personalities like the Orpington, however are known for their inquisitive rather than docile nature. They're ultra friendly and would suit families with children. They typically get along well with their flock. They're fantastic layers and have a super high production rate and they lay large, brown eggs. They would be perfect for someone in suburbia just wanting to keep a few hens for egg production or someone in the country with a 'no frills' approach to poultry keeping. This breed is low maintenance with high productivity! A very versatile breed.

I personally love that mine are very keen to form relationships with people and are super friendly.

Call Duck

Super Admin
Pros: Small, highly entertaining, keen to reproduce, don't require huge amounts of space, get along well with other poultry.
Cons: Hens can be VERY noisy! Able to fly.
I've had Calls for a little while now and we just love them! They're so amusing, some of the things they do are absolutely hilarious and have us in stitches! They would happily spend the entire day in the water and they forage a lot also, which can help with cost of feed. Mine love the chickens also and are more than happy to follow them around in the garden, occasionally calling out to them if they can't see them! A word of warning- the hens can be very loud, and I wouldn't recommend having them in a metro area. It does depend on the hen though, some are more vocal than others and one of mine is the loudest I've come across so far!

They're seasonal layers and don't lay year round like Indian Runners. You'd be wise to clip their wings as their ability to fly is actually quite impressive!

My drake was killed recently by a dog, and when he saw her coming he protected his partner by running straight at the dog. The hen managed to escape unharmed. We're so sad to have lost him but the scenario itself demonstrates the character of a Call drake. Our hen was terribly lonely without him and but I managed to track down her half sister and bought her as a companion, luckily! I now have two very happy hens. :)

Overall such lovely and funny little ducks, and cute as a button! Definitely recommend.
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