Reviews by mejumpmore1


Super Admin
Pros: Gorgeous, fun to watch
Cons: inconsistent layer, very chatty
I have one black copper marans hen. She's a funny girl. Not friendly at all, in fact she runs in the opposite direction from us even when treats are involved. Hoping in time she will come around. She lays large, dark brown eggs (lighter though than you'd expect from a marans). Copper (hen's name) lays about 3x per week, approximately every other day with the occasional 2-3 day break. I don't think I'd invest in another Marans since I'm far more interested in egg production than a colorful egg basket. It is fun, however, to watch her race across the yard after the other hens. She's 2nd in the pecking order and feels the need to harass the other girls every now and then. She's also very proud of herself when she lays an egg and will "sing" for about an hour before and nearly 2 hours after laying. Funny chickie!


Super Admin
Pros: well mannered, good layer
Cons: not terribly friendly
I have one light brahma that I purchased as an adult hen. She is a good layer of medium, cream colored eggs. She lays 3-4 days in a row then rests a day. She is by far my most consistent laying hen at this time. She isn't all that friendly and prefers not to be handled, I'm OK with that so long as she continues to be consistent with her eggs. Bossy Pants (yes, that's her name!) is a beautiful bird. Her foot feathers tend to get dirty which one would expect.
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