Reviews by MohicanHase


Super Admin
Pros: beutiful, non flying, not super loud
Cons: not very tame
I have had my Cayuga since day 2, and they still will barly eat from my hand, and when I try t do "check ups" they go nuts. unlike my pekins I have had since they were a month old. but they are very beautiful, and can not fly very high. Not nearly as loud as my pekins. Only thing I could improve on them is their tameness. I was around them everyday and they still run.
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Super Admin
Pros: They are pretty freindly ducks, they are fun to watch to, so make great pets.
Cons: Loud, messy, and constntly need new water.
My 2 pekin ducks are friendly, but loud, mine have not started to lay yet, but I hear they lay pretty good. They are messy, and will dig deep holes in your yard! but all ducks do. I love em. but can not be kept in town or where neighbors might complain.
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