Reviews by Rare Feathers Farm

Pros: Lay HUGE eggs, friendly
Cons: Very rare, shallow gene pool.
Crevecoeurs are really neat birds. They are smart, lay (huge) white eggs and are very friendly. Most of my hens are extremely "talkative" too and the roosters eat out of my hands. Very nice birds. They are in dire need of more people dedicated to working with them.
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Pros: Unique-looking, very hardy, lay well
Cons: Short production span, rare/shallow gene pool
There is a need to help these gorgeous & rare chickens. Some people are breeding mottleds and calling them spangled...others are working on different colors, too....but you have to build the barn before it's painted! Find a reputable breeder and breed towards the standard! Yes, I know there is no current APA Standard for these guys but there is an ABA Standard to work towards.
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Pros: Funky, funny, friendly, cute
Cons: Dumb, can be flighty, very shallow gene pool, horrible layers
I've owned both LF & bantam Houdan. I must say I prefer the bantams over the LF. They actually seem a lot less flighty and I've had no aggression problems with the bantams like I did with the LF. They do have some hardiness issues and they're certainly on the low end of the "smarts" department with the breeds I own. Nonetheless, they are funny little birds.
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