Reviews by SteveBaz

Pros: Easy Gentle Loveable Producer Sweet
Cons: N/A
The sole survivor of a raccoon attack and is the oldest in my flock. Extremely loyal girl. She is the "QUEEN" in the coop and they listen to her a lot. Loves following me around but I have a few that do that. Of course I have a bowl with me 75% of the time. That means picking up eggs or giving food :)


Super Admin
Pros: Sweet, Easy, Lovable, Family Oriented
Cons: Loud
I had 15 Girls and 1 morning woke up to a slaughter by a family of coons that got into my coop and brooder and trapped and killed 10 of the 15 girls. After 2 days 3 more died from injuries and the 5th went a few days later now all were gone but my 1 Buff Orpington, BLONDIE. She jumps into my arms and lets me pet her and love her and runs around most of the day with me as I work outside. Well it got crazy having a 6 month old BO have no one other than me so we, my grand baby and I bought a flock of assorted chicks. Blondie got PI$$ED and killed of the largest of the group we ran to go get a box to separate them and then when we were ready to get them in a box to separate them all the other 2 week old kids where under Blondie and she took them in and went Brodee and raise all the kids. Why with the other? Blondie became a mommy in a matter of minutes. Why she killed 1 and took in the other 9 is beyond my understanding or do I want to try and figure it out. Well 8 months have gone by and she is it at the top of the pecking order when it comes to the leader of the pack but her and her kids is a wonderful story.
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