Reviews by StiltChickens

Pros: Easy to use, excellent hatch rates.
Cons: Little toes can get pinched when opening and shutting it.
An excellent incubator. It provides a very stable environment, and is fantastically easy to use. It provides good hatch rates, even for birds with very high embryo mortality(like seramas.). My only complaint is that if drying chicks make a break for freedom, then their toes can get pinched. If the bottom half had higher sides, then this wouldn't be an issue. 10/10 would recommend.
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Pros: Its price
Cons: Young chicks can easily drown, and older chicks foul up the water rly fast. It breaks easily.
I purchased this waterer at my local feed store, and... it sucks! Older chicks mess in it or knock it over(my sizzle chicks flooded their pen), and younger chicks drown or get chilled unless you put marbles in it. To top it off, it breaks very easily.
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Pros: Not aggressive, snuggly, pretty, cold and heat tolerant, predators tend to leave them alone.
Cons: FLIES like crazy, loves to roost in trees,and is nearly impossible to get out of said trees.
I've got two amerucana pullets, named Cleo and Theo. They're nice sweet birds, huge and fluffy. However, they frequently fly up trees or onto roofs and have to be rescued. I plan on buying or breeding more soon.

Cleo and Theo, and their rooster Snowball.
(Edit: apparently they're Easter Eggers. Sorry for the confusion.)
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Super Admin
Pros: Good egg laying, AWESOME personalities, good fertility, colorful and beautiful.
Cons: Prone to heart problems, most predators can take them out, and some bloodlines have high amounts of chick mortality.
I got my first serama, a little silver hen, in the summer of 2012. She was only my second chicken. Boy oh boy did a steep learning curve await me. I purchased her for twenty dollars from a local 4-her. He was all too happy to give her to me. I named the demure little creature May, and fell into the belief that I had a princess among chickens. Boy was I wrong. She's older now, and has had more brushes with death than Harry Houdini. She's a quirky, crazy, amazing little critter, and I wouldn't trade her for the world. Thanks to her, I've been breeding seramas for three years now. My advice to anyone who wants to breed seramas: plan everything BEFORE you buy. Go to shows. Talk to breeders. Figure out which bloodline works best for you, what incubator you want, whether to keep your seramas indoors or outdoors. The more you plan, the better off you are. And just remember, the only stupid question is the one that you don't ask.


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