Reviews by Texasfowler


Super Admin
Pros: Excellent foragers dont mind being held
Well I have had 4 dorkings for three weeks got them at the local feed store(I was shocked too). All 3 hens have 5 toes the rooster has 4 with 2 spots that look they might have been supposed to be toes. These guys are awesome. I catch moths at night with a butterfly net as a chicken treat. None of the other birds stand a chance of getting a moth those little dorky boogers get 90% of the catch. What I do is turn off all of the lights except a bell light located about 18in off the ground and as the moths circle the lights the little chickies get all excited and jump up and grab em highly entertaining. well I had to seperate the dorkings from the eggers during moth time because not a single egger would get a bug. The dorkings are'nt mean just very fast, impressive, my little dorking rooster theodore grabbed a moth on the fly a good two feet off the ground while it was in flight. All but the rooster dont mind being held.
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Pros: Very curious, very much individuals.
Cons: Flighty/ very much indivisuals.
Well I picked these little boogers up from the local feed store they were selling them as amerucuanos. But after a little research I realized they were eggers. Two of them are super sweet love being held and love taking a nap in my lap when I read at night. Of the other three one likes being talked too(but not held or touched in anyway). I call her sweetie because she will come sit on my foot and look at me with the most endearing facial expressions until I talk to her then she will go about her business for awhile and then sit on my foot an hour later and chirp at me until I talk to her again. Precocious to say the least. The other two could care less as long as I dont handle them. When I do handle them they become for lack of better terms offended and they will let you know in no uncertain terms(vocalization) that this is not cool. They dont make an alarmed sound. They sound offended.
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Pros: Very docile, Very entertaining, And very lovable.
I recently bought 10 chickens that were 4 weeks old. 8 Australorps and 2 Barred Plymouth Rocks. I was originally just going to buy the Australorps because of their infamous egg laying capabilities. But I wanted ten chickens and the seller only had 8 Australorps. He had 5 other chickens, So I had to choose between the three rhode island reds he had and the 2 barred rocks. Well we started catching the australorps and lo and behold instead of running to the other side of the pen like the rest of the birdies. The rocks just kinda of stood around like hey whats going on, did you bring me something, who are you(disclaimer: the chicks had been raised by his 3 kids who really enjoyed messin with them so they were definitley peoplized) Those little boogers stole my heart right there. I named one mama barred and the other mama rocks. They love being petted they hop into my lap when I am having my morning coffee. And they have the most entertaining facial expressions I have encountered yet in chickens. The australorps while being tame dont mind being handled but the rocks love it. And that is why the rocks rock.
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