Reviews by tigershep

Pros: Friendly, Hardy, Good Foragers
Cons: Small, Egg Size, Eat Everything
This breed has been a favorite since I can remember. I had a rooster when I was ten, and still consider Harry to be the most beautiful chicken I have owned to date. We have four small hens now and they are great foragers. We have four acres of woods, and they spend their entire day free roaming, kicking up leaves, and eating tons of bugs. They also love getting into your garden, as all chickens do. When it comes down to it, they aren't afraid to show a little aggression to chase off a potential danger such as larger cats, and even dogs.
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Barred Rock

Pros: Large, Intelligent, Large Eggs, Resourceful
Cons: Lesser Foraging Skills,
I originally bought some Barred Rock chicks about ten years ago, and didn't find them to be anything special. Now that I have raised them again, they've become my favorite breed, topping Rhode Island Reds. They each have a different personality, become quite a bit larger than the Reds and are intelligent enough to huddle together in the cold. They're great survivors, and produce high quality eggs. I don't always offer calcium supplements until winter when foraging isn't as good, but they don't need it otherwise. When left to free range, they are wonderful at keeping themselves fed, putting themselves to bed at night and continuing to produce great eggs. There will always be room for a Barred Rock in my coop!
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