
Barred Rock

Very tame nice breed that gives you big beautiful brown eggs. They aren't that loud and the...
Pros: Docile, Beautiful, Big, Loves Attention, Gentle
Cons: Attention hogs

I've only got the three girls, two Barred Rocks and a Rhode Island Red.
And I love them!

The Girls greet me each and every day, follow me about, and beg for attention or treats.
They never want to go anywhere without you. Soon as I go inside, they go back to the coop until I call them, then they all come rushing out.
My Girls are Very friendly and are nice to each other. They never fight, never peck at one another.
Sometimes I get confused who's in what pecking order.

My big girl, Raven, keeps the other two in line without any aggression.
When treats get low, she never uses her state to bully the other girls and never bully's them in general.
When I check on them, she runs in between my feet or general stays right at my side.

When my other Barred Rock, Malef got sick, I kept her in the house for a few day and watched over her.
During that time, she would NOT let me leave her sight. Ever time I'd go and do something she'd squawk and cry until I returned.
She demanded to be in my lap, to be petted, and often wanted to try and fall asleep on my shoulder.
She'd climb up and nuzzle my head and neck, making what I believe to be a chicken purr
I never thought a chicken could purr, but she showed me wrong.

I love my girls to death and love being with them
If you want a dual purpose, hardy, friendly chicken, yet a good layer
I'd go with the Barred Rock
Pros: Good layers, friendly toward their own breed, usually friendly towards people.
Cons: Aggressive towards other breeds of chicken, sometimes flighty.
My Barred Rocks have been good steady layers throughout their first laying and most of their second year. They have been clannish and even somewhat protective towards others of their own breed but are sometimes aggressive towards other breeds. Mine have been louder than the other breeds, especially during spring and summer when they are producing more eggs. Some of mine lay very large eggs and have had difficulty laying.
Pros: Great Layers, Friendly, Handsome
Cons: Sometimes Bossy
I Love Barred Plymouth Rocks!
Pros: very sweet and docile
Cons: eats alot of feed, they can be jumpy at times
i had a barred rock, her name was bella, i got her on 2-7-2015, from murray mcmurray hatchery. i raised her from a chick. she was sweet and docile, but was jumpy at times and she ate ALOT!!! she would peck at the others to stop eating so ahe would have more, every time i gave the feed call bella would alway come running and she was alsways stuffing her face! her crop was always full. but i still loved her, her comb was not show quality, it was a little bent in the back, but it worked out because the bird flue made them cancle the shows where i live. about a month ago i sold her to a family who lived on a farm ( i live in town) along with a white cochin and a cuckoo maran rooster. i sold her before she was old enough to lay eggs so i dont know how well she lays.

here is a picture of her along with my cuckoo marans rooster:

i think she is on the left, not to sure
Pros: Great Layers; winter hardy; heat hardy
Cons: Can be bossy
My five barred rocks are great layers- pretty brown eggs almost every day during the summer and so far about 3-4 a week in the heavy winter months; Cold hardy- I have seen them outside scratching around in the yard without a care in the world when the temp here was below 0 and the windchill was -24. Nights here have been in the negative 20's and they still are laying and getting out in the yard during the day-----And I don't even heat their coop! One hen got a little tiny bit of frost bite on her comb, but the rest of them are perfect! During the summer, the temps here get in the high 90's and low 100's and while they confined themselves to the cool dirt under the lilac bushes, they did fine with plenty of water every day.
Pros: Excellent layers, very sweet, inquisitive, and loving
Cons: Sometimes a Little "Slow" in the thinking department.
Ours gets along great with new additions to the flock, very friendly.

She's not always the smartest bird in the flock, though. Even with 5 other hens to learn from, it still took her about a week after laying to lay her eggs in one of the two nesting boxes.
Pros: Loves to tell you about their day,Hillarious,Curious.Lots of personality.
Cons: Sometimes bossy,
Barred rocks are also a nice Chicken to start off with. they lay large brown eggs.are very active, mine loves mint.. lol
Pros: Friendly, talkative and great layers
Cons: None
I love my Barred Rocks! They have a very fun personality! One of my BR hens is the leader of the pack. However, I have two and they are both very talkative and enjoy human contact. I have had the occasional young rooster and these girls are in charge. He has to be something special for them to give him a break. I love that they are strong willed but they can seem like bullies with the others sometimes. They aren't mean with the others, they just chase and talk at them. The others seem to get they are the boss fairly easily.

If I started over, I would definitely get Barred Rock. They are beautiful to look at in the yard! They are fun to listen to and they are loving hens that enjoy contact with their humans. They are also great layers. Nearly every day I get a beautiful rock egg.

One went broody and she has taken a break after I broke her broody. I fully believe when she starts up again I will get lovely daily eggs from her!

Love them!
Pros: great layers, very friendly, easy to handle
Of the current 4 breeds I own, my barred are the nicest to deal with
Pros: Good layers, very winter hardy and very pretty birds! :)
Cons: Somwhat mean to other hens
I love my barred rock hen, Clucky. She is a good layer and very pretty - Clucky got second place at our county fair this year! :) Also, Barred rocks are very good at foraging and fending for themselves. She is somewhat bossy to the other hens but generally does okay with them. It is a very hardy breed and I highly recommend it! :)

Pros: curious, free ranges, easy to tame
Cons: Stays at the top of pecking order, and will be a little more aggressive to other breeds.
I sold all my adults at 2 1/2 years, still laying almost daily. The new girls, purchased at 8 weeks, were not hand raised, but have become tame and trusting with just a little bit of daily handling. Quite curious, and loves to free range. Must be at the top or near the top of the pecking order, but does not excessively bully other breeds. I'll know more when we merge the older Rhode Island Reds with the Barred rocks.
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Pros: Super sweet, soft feathers, decent size, nice to look at, lay fairly earl. Good with kids.
Cons: None
We love our barred rocks. They're a favorite around here and a breed we will always keep. Very friendly with sweet personalities.
Pros: Good layer, dual purpose, curious, large eggs, beautiful, good in cold climates
Cons: None
Got 6 Barred Rocks and raised them since chicks. They are good egg layers that have large brown eggs. Very friendly and over all nice birds always following me around. Sometimes they remind me of small dogs in the since they follow me around. It's a really good, beautiful breed to add into the mix if you have several chickens. They are also a good starter bird and are easy to take care of. They do good in the cold climates and are dual purpose.
Pros: Docile, friendly, fun to watch, lots of personality, great layers, cold hardy, pretty, quiet when they're older
Cons: Food thieves (don't walk outside with food expecting to eat it in peace)
I have 6 hens and they're awesome birds. They're GREAT layers with decent sized eggs. Mine went through a noisy 'teenage' stage but are now very quiet except at egg laying time. I look like Dr. Doolittle walking through my yard because they follow me everywhere and will sit and watch me work on projects. I love to watch them in the yard. They're constantly doing something to make me laugh. They don't bug my garden at all. And they're great insect catchers. They don't like to be held but will allow me to pick them up if I need to. I get the impression from the way they watch me when I pick them up that they're just curious why I wanted to.
Pros: nice coloring
Cons: skiddish small eggs
i cant write a very good review because one of mine had a hard birth and the other one doesn't even seem to exist. all i can say is the normal one is very serious and the slow one is like crazy.
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Pros: Our Barred Rocks are super friendly and seek out affection. Our Maude makes little coo noises when I rub her belly.
Cons: A little skittish at first, very food motivated though.
Pros: talkative, calm
Cons: none to note
It's a bit unfair of me to write a review on my 1 BR since she's disabled. However, despite being very poorly sighted, she lays well and is very personable. I hand feed her treats since she gets pushed to the side, but she is able to eat/drink normally like the other girls. I will likely get more in the future since they are robust ladies!
Pros: Large, Intelligent, Large Eggs, Resourceful
Cons: Lesser Foraging Skills,
I originally bought some Barred Rock chicks about ten years ago, and didn't find them to be anything special. Now that I have raised them again, they've become my favorite breed, topping Rhode Island Reds. They each have a different personality, become quite a bit larger than the Reds and are intelligent enough to huddle together in the cold. They're great survivors, and produce high quality eggs. I don't always offer calcium supplements until winter when foraging isn't as good, but they don't need it otherwise. When left to free range, they are wonderful at keeping themselves fed, putting themselves to bed at night and continuing to produce great eggs. There will always be room for a Barred Rock in my coop!
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Pros: *Lots of eggs, Docile,Pretty,Cold hardy*
Cons: *Bossy,Loud,Roosters are mean!!!!*
I love this breed we have about thirty in with all our other breeds . This breed is definitely bossy to other hens but if treated nice they can be really sweet .Although our two roosters were mean the hen are just great to have around!!

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Pros: None. She lays well, but it's completely overshadowed by all the awful.
Cons: Messy, always covered in poop, beaks food out, bossy, mean, demanding, gluttonous, antisocial, the list goes on and on and on...
I'll start by saying I only have experience with one Barred Rock, and maybe all the others are fantastic, but this one bird has been so awful she's completely ruined the entire breed for me. She is merciless about setting the pecking order, to the point where it becomes pointless bullying. I have my 10 week old d'Anvers in a sectioned off pen for introduction, and I can't even set up a little perch for them because she will attack it and knock them all down. She scoops food out onto the ground then digs it into the dirt, wasting it. She eats double what the other standard chicken does. If I've given them all treats she'll alternate between stuffing her face and prowling around the d'Anvers' pen, trying to attack them through the wire for daring to eat. She's disgusting, always pooping all over herself and generally just having extremely poor hygiene. She doesn't even like human attention. She'll come running if she sees me, but her interest is purely food motivated and if I try to pet her she will "bwwak" angrily and side-step away. Then to top it all off, if I crouch down in the chicken pen she will come over and peck at me.
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