
Easter Eggers

The Easter Egger is not really a breed. They are relationed to the breeds Ameraucanas and...
Pros: Pretty, All look different, lay tonnes of green eggs, love cuddles, and are adorable, plus have the cutest baby peep ever.
Cons: Can get sick fairly easy, lice love their beards and muffs.
More pros:
Have awesome beard/muffs, love cuddles and a pretty/adorable!
Pros: Nice to look at, really enjoy the unique egg colors
Cons: Skittish, can be bossy
I've had several of these and have enjoyed them all. Right now I have two adults and three 4 week old chicks.
So I have to start by saying we've only had our EE's for a couple weeks and they are only 3 months old so I can't comment as to their laying. I read someone say they are stupid and I just have to disagree. Our two, Athena and Minerva seem to be very smart. They were the first of the new flock to figure out the door system between the pens and runs. They are wonderful foragers and when I take treats out they hardly even notice. They would rather forage than be fed...though they will eat mealworms out of my hand once they are caught. The only issue I have so far is that they are hard to catch, extremely quick, and when one did get out she ran into the tall grass/weeds and layed down to hide. She was only a few feet from us but we couldn't see her at all and she stayed perfectly still. Took a while to find her and then had to use the net to catch her. Hopefully as we have them longer and are able to work with them more maybe they will settle down but who knows. They seem to have a very independent personality and don't seem to be to reliant on us at all. They pretty much stick together in the flock and ignore the other girls but aren't mean or aggressive at all. If someone does start to pick on one of them though they stand up and the other always comes to aid her sister. As long as their laying turns out to be good I would recommend them for any flock!

Pros: Dog-like, sweet, GREAT layers
Cons: Cross beak is prone:(
These are honestly the best chickens! When they were younger two of the 4 were a little tough to handle, but now those two are the sweetest, most out-going chickens I have!! They are very dependable layers! I think all of them lay every day, or just miss one day per week. Not to mention the beautiful blue eggs I get!

This is just a story that I think sums up my girl, Stir Fry:) I was sitting on a chair outside, and she was looking up at me like she wanted to jump up(like the looks dogs give). I told her to come on up, and she literally jumped up on the chair and sat on my lap for like 10 minutes while I just pet her. She is the sweetest little thing and loves to help me, especially when I'm cleaning out the coop or getting them food. She is a very curious girl and is not afraid to go out and adventure while free-ranging. Stir fry is definitely the leader of the group, not to mention she layed the first egg!

All of my EE's are absolutely gorgeous, on the inside and out!

Now to the not so happy aspect of the breed: the fact that cross beak runs in their breed specifically.... Long story short I had a very sweet chick, Scarlette, who developed a very bad case of cross beak when she was about two weeks. She would hang out with me inside while I made her special food:) She ended up not making it.

Even knowing that I could get another cross beak chick I would still go with the breed because they are that amazing, and frankly Scarlette taught me a lot so it was worth it:)

Hope this helps!!
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Pros: Nice large eggs, steady layer through cold / heat, survivor
Cons: Not humon freindly
I purchase new chicks every Father's day for myself and then cull my flock down to 12. I bought 2 of these and the first night they got out and survived for 2 days on their own in the back yard and alley. Dog killed one just as she was getting ready to lay. The other I almost thought I lost but found her trapped under a wood pile a week later. She was a little thin but came back strong and started laying within a week.

Love her chipmunk face so much, I bought 2 others this year along with a rooster to start breeding with my other breeds just to see what I get. I have 4 RIR, 2 Barred Rock, 3 EE hens 1 EE Rooster, 1 Australorp, 1 Blue Andalasian, 1 Light Brahma, 1 Silver Hamburg, 1 Silver Wyandotte, 1 Golden Wyandotte and 1 Buff Leghorn. With that type of mix I should get a very interesting breeding and egg colors.
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Pros: inquisitive; friendly; beautiful varying feather patterns/egg colours
Cons: can be skiddish as chicks; not amazing layers
We have 4 EE's in our flock and they are great chicken-pets. As chicks all 4 were quite skiddish, but then one day little Chewbacbac (yes you read that right- Star Wars themed birds...) had an unfortunate run "under" with our Lab's paw. It was clear she had a broken leg or even tendon damage. Our chicken-expert-friend casted her little leg for 2 weeks and we nursed her back to health. She then decided we were A-ok and honestly, I think she told her sisters too because since that cast came off they follow us everywhere and little Chewbacbac can't wait to ride on my arm as I go about the chicken chores. Too funny! (maybe pea sized brains, but definitely full of personality and "thankfulness", dare I say?) Photos is of her in her cast- pretty flippin cute...

Pros: lay blue/green eggs, talkative, good with kids, like to be held, funny overall, started laying at 19 weeks.
Cons: none
These are my favorite chickens!!
They lay great eggs, total lap chickens, great with kids,
the only one bad thing about them is they start laying really small eggs.
But otherwise if I could have a flock of 10+ in a separate room so I could breed them I would
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Pros: The colorful eggs, the mix of colors and characteristics of the birds
Cons: None really
I decided to get EEs when I first started keeping chickens because I wanted a good mix of different looking birds. They were a great range of colors and personalities. Out of that flock the EEs were easily my favorites. They were friendly, smart, and quite pretty. Our best rooster was the EE that I ordered with that batch. He even earned himself a name, Big Daddy, and I usually only name birds Dinner when their time is up. Once they started laying I was even more happy with them. Green, blue, and even pink eggs. When I decided to start over after that flock was decimated I ordered more and am currently waiting for them to be old enough to lay while enjoying their antics.
Pros: Pretty Eggs
Cons: Skittish Birds
I have a flock of 10 chickens of various breeds, 4 of which are EE. Two of them came from Ideal Hatchery, Two came from My Pet Chicken. All four came with other chicks or ducklings and were shipped as day old chicks and hand raised, yet all four are terribly skittish. The rest of my chickens are friendly, allow us to pick them up and pet them, but all of the EE run like we are predators. Even when we have treats they will come near, but not eat out of our hands like the other chicks and ducks. Overall, we have been disappointed with this breed. I specifically chose breeds to be good pets and good layers and these have not been good pets.
Pros: Great looking, great layers, and so nice
Cons: none
mine are the nicest birds ever and they lay almost every day
Pros: Love to be held, beautiful birds
Cons: skittish as chicks, difficult to identify sex before maturity
I am obsessed with these birds! I will start by saying that mine are not laying yet so I have no idea if the eggs will be blue, green, or something else. They have the best personalities and make great pets. I started with 3, one turned out to be a rooster and it broke my heart to give him away because I was already so emotionally attached to them at just 2 months old. They are very docile and mine love to be held, I may have started spending more time with my easter egger pullets than my cats! I swear they like to be cuddled just as much as my cats do, maybe even more. They run up to me when I am in the backyard and like to jump up and perch on my head and arms and fall asleep in my lap. With that being said I did earn their trust by feeding them mealworms when I discovered how skittish they were as chicks.

I'm very excited for my girls to start laying and I'm curious to see what color eggs they lay. In all honesty I don't really care what color eggs they lay because their personalities make them such a joy to have!.A must have for any backyard flock!
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Pros: Friendly, unique, good layers, broody
Cons: None!
I have bantam and standard easter eggers. They are the friendliest birds I have. Wonderful layers, broody, cold hardy, and very friendly. I will always have these in my flock!
Pros: Multi-Climate, Multi-Purpose (meat, eggs, pets, entertainment, etc.), Genetically Diverse, Readily Available
Cons: Traits not always passed down to young
I've kept many chickens ever since I started raising them in 2011. I've raised bantams (d'Uccles, Old English, Minorca), hybrids (Red Sex-links, Black Sex-links), hatchery mutts (sold as purebreeds, but that doesn't mean a thing coming from a hatchery), and a wonderfully friendly Oriental gamecock. The Easter Egger trumps all of them.

The Easter Egger is a multi-climate chicken. My EE's have withstood high temperatures and low temperatures alike with ease. They make good egg-layers (I usually have a surplus in the fridge), and although I've never eaten any of my birds, I have heard that their meat is tasty. They tend to be smaller than some multi-purpose breeds (the females, in particular, look like oversized bantams), but this means that they can fly well, which is a great advantage if you free-range them like I do (my hens can fly for many feet like pros when startled or excited). The roosters are not "clingy" to people but are by no means aggressive. The hens lay eggs that are surprisingly large, considering the size of the birds; and the colors of mine range from pale turquoise to a tinted white.

EE's are not flighty, so they will make good selections for kids (assuming your kids are well-mannered and will not try to do mean things to the birds). The hens enjoy human contact, and all of my hens have occasionally sat in my lap for several minutes, quite contentedly. They are easy to pick up and hardly ever struggle (mine relax almost as soon as I pick them up). The roosters are harder to catch but never bite when handled. I have never been spurred by my roosters.

My EE's have shown good disease resistance.

Perhaps the only major problem with EE's is that, because they are not a pure breed, you could breed them and get very different traits in their offspring at the outset of your breeding venture. However, with time (and assuming you are selective in breeding), you could maintain a relatively genetically stable flock with good chances of passing on their traits to their young.

EE's make great birds for beginners, amateurs, and professionals alike. If you're looking for a good starting point for your chicken-keeping, get some Easter Eggers!
Pros: Great layers, very calm and gentle, quiet birds, great free Rangers
Cons: None that I can think of
I have a few Easter eggers including my rooster he is very protective of his lady's he finds them food and he leads them all in he house at night and will come back out after he thinks they are all in just to make sure they are all in and goes back in and hops up on the roost with everyone else. The hens are one of my favorite layers in my mixed flock they lay pretty good in the winter and they lay every day in the spring/summer and they are very calm and quiet good free Rangers and are pretty good kept in a run. The most reason I like them is because they are so quiet when I go out to check on them and make sure they are all in and I pet them a little bit and the don't even make a noise they love to be picked up and petted unlike the rest of my birds in my mixed flock u try to pet them and they sqawk like ur going to stab them and cut there head off so my Easter eggers are the quietest birds I have ever owned hope every one else likes them as much as I do they are really pretty birds also I highly reccomend these birds good luck.

Here is a pic of my Easter egger rooster his name is Fred

And here is his daughter Roada
Pros: Curious, fun, not really aggressive, just a great chicken!
Cons: Can sometimes be aggressive.
I love these birds, they all come in different colors and shapes. They are also great winter layers, (as other people say they are not) They have colorful eggs and are so docile! I would totally recommend this chicken!
Pros: Great layers of large to extra large pastel green eggs, friendly, good foragers, hardy in cold weather, easy to tell apart
Cons: chicks are prone to crossbeak
I started my flock 3 years ago and EEs were among my first breeds. They free range and are great at foraging and eluding predators. Snow and freezing temps don't daunt them. None have been ill or had reproductive problems yet. One of my hens has a pretty major cross beak, which I've read is fairly common in EEs. It wasn't noticeable until she was 3 weeks old. She is still doing fine and is #3 in the pecking order.

All of my EEs are inquisitive and like to follow us around and watch us do yard work. They are friendly and will eat out of our hands. I had to train a few to stop flying up and perching on my arms, shoulders, or head, but I'll allow them to sit on my lap. They lay 5-6 eggs/week apiece in spring and summer. The eggs are a beautiful pastel green and large. Some of my hens lay extra large eggs and occasionally I'll get jumbos that won't fit in an average egg carton.

I've read that EEs can get broody, but none of mine have gone broody yet. I am so glad of that; my family, friends, and neighbors are addicted to the delicious eggs. We have friends who drive 40 min. each way to get a carton of eggs from us. I can definitely recommend EEs, especially for first time backyard chicken farmers
Pros: Attractive eggs, The hens are usually friendly towards people and other chickens.
Cons: Roosters aggressive, They don't lay much.
My EE hens are, for the most part, friendly but are very poor layers. They will sometimes lay well for about a week and then quite for several months. My EE roosters are aggressive towards me and the other chickens and don't protect the hens very well. My hens are very docile and quiet and one will fly up onto my lap if I'm sitting. I recommend the hens for anybody who wants chickens as pets, not as laying hens.
Pros: Cold hardy. Friendly. Inquisitive. Beautiful colors-eggs and chickens!
Cons: Not a real/official breed.
I currently have three EE hens. They all lay pretty good size eggs. One lays a turquoise colored egg, another lays green with white speckles, and another one lays blue oval eggs. They're always demanding to be pet, often running up to me and squatting. My orange EE, Twinkie, jumps on my shoulder a lot. They're very curious and intelligent, always climbing and investigating things. My favorite EE, Owlie, likes to jump in your lap and just relax there. They're very friendly, aren't really dominating.
EE's come in so many different colors, it's wonderful! And you never quite know what the chick is going to grow up to look like. Even if two chickens have a similar color, there's always differences that make them easy to tell apart. Great for keeping track of who's who!
I love this breed so much, I got 6 more chicks and 5 more on the way!
I would recommend this type of chicken to anyone!
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Pros: Friendly, lots of colored eggs, very quiet.
Cons: Skittish at first, they like to fly.
I own 6 Easter Eggers, and every one of them lays colored eggs! They were VERY skittish at first, but you can just put your hand in the cage with food in it, and they become your best friends. They are really quiet too, so if you live in a residential area the neighbors probably won't be able to hear them. They are a little noisy when they lay their first eggs, but if the nest box is inside a house, it won't be really loud. They like to fly, but I clipped their wings, so flying isn't a problem anymore. I rate them 10/10
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Pros: Beautiful eggs, each bird is unique, fun addiction to the flock, reliable layer
Cons: Skiddish
Every single day my two Easter Eggers (Maia and Snidely) give me two beautiful eggs. It was so exciting seeing what color they would lay. Snidely gives me a pale blue medium sides egg and Maia lays a large turquoise egg (often a double yolker). Maia is the leader of the flock and snidely is the lowest on the pecking order. Maia doesn't like me holding her but is very curious of what I'm doing and will usually check it out, while snidely is extremely skiddish. They have very different personalities but I would highly Reccomend an easter Egger for everyone's flocks! People get so excited when they see a blue egg nestled in their dozen eggs. I will be getting more.
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