

The original Orpington, the Black, was developed in England in 1886 and brought to the US in...
Pros: Very good layer, even when old
Settles fights and usually becomes top hen without much aggression
Lives long without any diseases or such
Great dual purpose
Cons: Slow and lazy
sometimes flighty
My Yellow was always the grumpy (yet humorous) old girl in our flock. When she was younger she greatly produced eggs. She went broody sometimes, but way less than our EE hen. Settles pecking order and tries to be on top. I think Yellow kinda intimidated the other chickens, as she could be on top without much aggression.
Pros: Love to be around you and follow you thought the yard
Cons: Will follow you thought the yard.
I'm happy I have a buff Orpington in my flock. She is so sweet and sings a beautiful song. A very gentle bird. I can see myself getting another in the future.
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August 2018


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Pros: Friendly, friendly and more friendly. Also, good layers.
Cons: Spoil very easily and can become a pest.
I have 2 Buffs. Both are great family pets and easily handled. One of my girls is so spoiled, she boarders on being a pest. When working in the garden, she gets right into my business, and when standing, she will get between my feet. I often have to pick her up and walk through the yard and garden with her to keep her from under foot. When I sit down, she gets right up into my lap. However, I would never replace her. Not for the world!
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I just learned a whole lot of new facts about my favorite (so far) chicken breed.
The information given about Orpington chickens here was a good introduction with facts about the breed's history, physical characteristics, and personality of these birds.
Nice photos, too!
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Pros: Are super friendly, get along well with other chickens, are great at dealing with cold
Cons: They seek a little less disease resistant than other breeds.
My one Buff Orpington hen is the sweetest chicken ever. She runs to say hi to me and is pretty happy not fighting with the other hens. She makes a great pet since she doesn't lay eggs anymore. She gave eggs every day and is a great chicken. If someone was looking for an easier to take care of bird, it would be an Orpington.


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Pros: Friendliest chickens I own, good brooders, talkative, hardy, good layers
Cons: Take a long time to begin to lay (25-30 weeks), very loud for hens, broody
I love my orpingtons. Started with 2 buffs when I started but have a black and a splash as well now. Hoping to add at least one blue, (was hoping for one when I ordered but only got the black and splash). They are friendlier than my easter eggers, and healthier/better layers than my Australorps. If I could only have one breed it would be orps.


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Pros: Friendly to everyone
Cons: None
I love orpingtons! I have 3 bluffs and a lavender. They are all friendly and the first to run to me when I go out into their yard or run. They are excellent Iayers and get along with all the other chicken breeds that I keep. I will add orpingtons every time I buy chicks.
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Pros: Gentle, friendly, great layers, good with children
Cons: See "pros" these qualities make them very susceptible to predators, especially dogs, as they are too friendly! They are affected by high temperatures.
Everyone should have a couple of Orpingtons in their flock! My beautiful lavender Orp rooster was very gentle but a great protector for his flock. The hens are easily trained to come when called for a few mealy worms! This makes them excellent for a child's first chicken. They love gentle handling and will sit in your lap quietly. Great for teaching smaller children patience and kindness when handling small animals. They are fairly consistent layers of large brown eggs and start laying around 22-24 weeks or so.
Pros: All of my favorite chickens have been Buff Orpingtons. They are the best!
Pros: Very friendly, easy to manage.
Cons: Don't always lay daily especially depending on the type of layer feed they receive.
I love my girls- have both Lavender Orpingtons and Chocolate Orpingtons.
Pros: Good layers, especially in winter. Large brown eggs, Good mothers. Friendly, tame, calm, stand confinement well, good with small children, pretty golden buff!
Cons: None!
This is my favorite breed. I have had several different breeds over the years. We had to start over, so after re-working the coop to keep out predators, I ordered buff Orpingtons. They are the most pleasant birds I have had, in terms of personality. They are good layers of big brown eggs, and they are good mothers.
Pros: The portion on Orpingtons was very helpful and accurate.
Cons: None
Pros: Even tempered, sociable, good broody, pretty, good layers
Cons: None
Beautiful and friendly, they were one of my first favorite breeds (you can tell I have multiple now :p). I've had one that was an absolutely fantastic broody and was so excited to get another this past year.
Pros: So pretty! I love to watch them waddle around. They are my biggest girls right now, but they're very friendly with me.
Cons: They're pretty pushy with the other hens, my RIR's keep them in check, but they pick on some of the others.
I really love my Buff Orpington pullets! They're about 25ish weeks right now, and they act like they're ready to lay any day! They are very friendly and curious, but can be a bit pushy with more docile hens.
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Pros: Friendly
Cons: Too Friendly!
If you love being followed around the yard while gardening, then this is the chicken for you! Very friendly, curious and bold. :)
Pros: Orpingtons are awesome, friendly, and lay a ton of eggs
Cons: No cons
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Pros: Friendly
GREAT with children
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