
Perma-Guard Diatomaceous Earth DE Food Grade

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth (Fossil Shell Flour) has many uses: in the household, with pets, on...
Pros: Cheap, right to your door.
Cons: None unless you can get it cheaper locally.
I use DE as part of my bedding mix for my ducks. It keeps their house dry and nearly odor free and clumps up the liquid wastes so they can be easily removed. It may help with worms and mites - don't really know since I haven't had a problem with either.

The only way I can get DE locally is in a 2 lb bag. Buying it that way costs $6-7/lb. I can regularly get this 50lb bag from Amazon delivered for a little over $1/lb. As you can see my last bag worked out to $1.14/lb. This is quite a big savings and I don't have to go get it. A 50lb bag lasts me about 8 months so it isn't an unreasonable amount to buy at one time for me.

Don't let the automatic price fool you. Depending on the seller, more than half the price can be shipping but the "to the door" price has held steady for at least the last two years at $50-$60.
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Pros: No stink in my coop, less flies
Cons: Works only while dry - 'disappears' when wet
I bought this 50 lb bag on Amazon last July and I'm still using it!

I sprinkle it in the coop, before I lay my straw. I sprinkle it in the chickens' dust bath. I also dust my goats and chickens with it for lice/mite prevention... I haven't had problems with of those (as a result?)
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Pros: Zero
Cons: Will NOT work for getting rid of worms.
I believe it is impossible for DE to work if it gets wet.
If would be impossible to kill/rid worms in a WET gut.
Save your money if you are buying this to get rid of internal worms.
Pros: Plenty of valid information available to those who seek it.
Cons: Over rated, over used, often ineffective as pest control, strip mined.
It works for some things... like droppings desiccant. But it provides a false sense of security about pests on poultry and is proven ineffective in humid environments like mine. I consider it harmful to breath and to the environment in it's processed form.
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