
Plymouth Rock

The Plymouth Rock originated in New England in the 19th Century & were created by using breeds such as Dominique, Dorkings Cochins, etc.
Pros: Very smart, good layer!
Cons: None that I can see
I have 1 WPR and absolutely adore her! EXCELLENT layer! Lays everyday! My best layer! Very smart! Doesn't mind being held. Very good around small kids and baby chicks. Even when the baby chicks pull on her comb and wattles she doesn't hurt them at all!
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Pros: Extremely Friendly
BR's were my first hens to start with. I got them as day olds in the mail and have had a wonderful experience since. They are extremely friendly and calm. They let me pick them up and love when my 4 yr old sons yells "treats!" They are so gentle with him and wait for him to toss whatever goodies he has brought for them. They are great layers of large brown eggs, and lay just about every day.
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Pros: very friendly and calm
they come running to my when i open the coop. all but 1 are ok with being pet or picked up. Great egg layers too they lay just about daily even now in January

Bought as 19 week old so were $20 each rather than the $3 for chicks
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Pros: Eggcellent egg layer
Cons: Won't go in the snow
An excellent breed for first time chicken owners. I have 6 chickens and they began laying at 5 months. I am averaging 5 - 6 eggs per day.
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Pros: Docile, good with kids, big
Cons: None :)
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Pros: Symphony is SO sweet and cute!
Cons: Mean sometimes, very dependant and bratty if spoiled to much.
Symphony, my Plymouth Rock, is so sweet! What else can I say? Sweet, lazy, and dependant.
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I ordered some Cornish Crosses online and was surprised when I opened the box to find I had 10 Barred Rocks. The note on my order said they added ten MALES for extra warmth. Thats all fine and dandy but I live in the city and cant have Roo's. I know Barred Rocks are duel purpose breeds although I have never had this breed before... This is only my second year owning chickens. I currently have 5 laying hens, 1 Rhode Island Red, 1 Americana, and 3 Buff Orpingtons... My question is... Does anyone know how long it takes for the cockerels to get full size (or starts to crow)? And how big should I expect them to be? Thanks so much.
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Pros: Lots of feathers, warm in winter!
Raised my three from day old chicks. They are very bright and hardy birds. They winter well in Eastern Ontario and lay about six eggs a week. What more could you ask for?
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Pros: excellent layer, docile, good forager, good winter layer
Cons: none
Ours is a 325 egg layer in a free-range setting in her first year of laying. She laid earlier than other birds in our flock, including older birds. She has continued laying through a pretty dark Oregon winter when Orpingtons and others have shut down. Docile. friendly. Good forager. Tolerant of cold. Good non-commercial dual purpose bird. Ideal for BYC setting.
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While I love a lot of breeds, and say that a lot of them are some of the best, Plymouth Rocks (barred variety) rank #1 in my book, forever. Excellent laying life, very hardy and excellent at foraging, friendliest personalities, etc. It's all in their favor. =) I will never be without Barred Rocks.
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Pros: beautiful, friendly
Cons: too loving to eat
P. Allen Smith's pet hen is a Plymouth Rock

I want to have a few Plymouth Rock hens for the sole reason that she looks like love itself.
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Pros: Calm disposition, dual purpose
Cons: Very loud and enthusiastic rooster if you are worried about crowing
Although the hens are not as productive as our Rhode Island Reds they have a much nicer disposition. Both hens and roosters grow faster and larger then our Reds or Sussix. We have found them to be an excellent dual purpose bird that would also make a good pet if that is what you are after.
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Pros: Cute little girls, assertive personalities
Cons: None
I have 2 cute little barred rock banty girls, they stick up for themselves with all the standard chickens.
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Pros: curious, intelligent, alert to predators, friendly, fast growing
Cons: can be bullies
Last summer, I purchased two white rock hens and one barred rock rooster as day old chicks. The barred rock roo was the most entertaining chicken I have ever owned! He had an unnatural interest in joining the human "flock" from young on. He often jumped into laps, begged for attention, ate greedily out of the hands of even strangers, and even learned a few tricks! The hens were not outgoing, but were relatively docile. I have to say that I preferred the company of my barred rock rooster over the white rock hens;-)

My plymouth rocks seemed to be more alert and response to threats of predation. I was very impressed when watching my rooster protect "his" hens... we have a healthy hawk population, and "Dime" was always alert for their presence and quick to respond.

The chicks grow at a remarkable rate. While I cannot speak for their egg laying abilities, I will say that they serve their other purpose very well! We have an urban flock, so unfortunately, my friendly rooster was not allowed to stay once the crowing commenced.
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Pros: Some of them love to be picked up and the havn't started laying yet but will be soon I think!
Cons: flighty every once in a while
I have 3 pullets and just love them! The should start laying just about anytime now and I can't wait these guys used to be really scared and now two of them just love being picked up!
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Pros: Good Eggs and friendly with other animals
Lays good quality sized eggs but dark brown eggs with spots and she is Plymouth rock and her eggs are nothing like in the picture...

She calm but sometimes can get grumpy really quick
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Pros: calm and pretty
Cons: none
this awesome breed is very calm and pretty.
I Highly recommend this breed
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Pros: Calm, friendly, and a great layer
Cons: none
I love the Barred Plymouth Rock!!! They are very calm and friendly!!! They also are great layers. Mine lay 5-6 big, brown eggs a week! I highly recommend this breed!
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Pros: Sweet, cuddly, and wonderfully behaved. My Cockerel is the sweetest Chicken ever. I would definitely recommend them to anyone!
Cons: Mine crowed VERY often. (I don't know if it's the Chicken itself, or the breed. Just warning you.)
I got my Barred Plymouth Rock unexpectedly from an assortment of Eggs. I immediately fell in love with mine. They are very calm birds as Chicks. Very social and very cuddly. Mine was definitely a favorite breed. My only concern is that the really quiet ones seem to turn out incredibly LOUD! This is probably just Chickens in general, so don't let this effect your love for these. I would highly recommend this for any Chicken lover, whether they want a loving, lap-raised Chicken or an outdoor one, if you're considering it- Get it!
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Pros: Friendly, curious, pretty and excellent, reliable layer of large eggs. Our girl is even affectionate and coos when picked up.
Cons: None.
We adore our Barred Plymouth Rock, Beatrice. She is not heavy "beaked" toward other hens as number 2 in our flock's pecking order. She lays 5-6 large eggs a week all year except when molting. She is a beautiful bird and loves to be with her people. She is an active bird and quite smart too! I would get another one in an instant if I wanted to increase our flock.
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