

The Polish or Poland breed is best known for its elaborate crest of feathers that nearly cover the entirety of the head.
Pros: They are cool looking
Cons: have bad eye sight due to head feathers
I have Silver laced and white polish. I enjoy watching my Polish in the evenings. Recently my Female Polish her name is Edwina hatched out six baby chicks and she is an awsome mother.
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Pros: Fun to look at
Cons: Not a very smart bird
Our Polish was my daughter's pick at the farm store and she named her Stuart Little because the poor thing liked to never grow. Stuart is now growing and resemble Phyllis Diller. This hen is always good for a laugh, but just not very smart. Thankful we have her to look at!
My kids picked them out for easter this year and they love them to pieces! We bought 2 a buff pullet and a blakc and white cockrel the boy is cookie and the girl is nugget. All or most of our starter flock is named after food.... lol to keep from getting attached. THAT DID NOT WORK! Now I'm ATTACHED! Cookie will come to me on his own but nugget stays away from me.... I think its cuz I named her chicken nugget? Either way they are fun to have!
My neighbor had one of these guys back in the day. That bird began my fascination with chickens & I swore I would eventually have one. On my plan for next year & I can't wait!
I purchased both pullets with a chicken coop that is 5ft. x 5ft., watering can and a laying box. When we try to catch them to go back into the coop, it's quite a workout, but once they are in my arms, they calm down very quickly, almost instantly. It's only been a few days and they are warming up to us quite quickly. They let my son pet them too. They don't spook as easily as thought. We are waiting a few more weeks until they start laying,...in 3 weeks.
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Pros: friendly, intelligent, good bug eatters
Cons: Can have feathers that block sight
My babies have kept me and my family very entertained. My daughter even has 2 trained to sit on her arms and shoulder.
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Pros: VERY eye-catching, white eggs
Cons: flighty, skittish, OK egg layers, fast
I have 1 gold-laced and 1 silver-laced Polish hens. These are ALWAYS the first chickens people notice. They are also the first to bolt if someone gets near and they are fast. Mine are definitely not friendly, they are really just ornamental. I get about 3 eggs per week per bird.
Pros: Calm,quite, tame, docile, lays a lo of med. eggs
Cons: If you put with other chickens they will pull out the top-hat
So cute, parents are egg laying machines. They do not like to lay on their eggs though. I have th e cutest black one with black and yellow fro.
awsome chickens i would like all chicken lovers to get one
This is Fluff. He is like having a best friend. He will do anything with me talk to me, even play hide and seek... I cant go out in the yard without him right beside me. He gets along with everybody and his mate is sitting on eggs :) Im so excited!
Pros: Great with kids, friendly, entertaining, humorous, outlandish
Cons: Easily frightened if crest not maintained, crest care, small eggs
I've had Polish for years now and have loved every minute of it. I enjoy these birds to the point they are the only ones I raise. It's so many aspects of them I just fall in love with every time, their personality, look, friendliness etc. They do need proper care though, especially with their large crests. You must keep an extra eye out for them because they can and will get mites or other problems in their crests if not checked regularly. Although it may sound like alot of extra work, spraying and looking after them it isn't time consuming and if you truly enjoy being with the girls it can be fun. I don't have a long list of cons about them yet many of my friends complain about their eggs I am perfectly fine with them since I'm not an egg person so their small eggs do our family good. In a small summary, great friendly birds that if you don't mind putting in a little extra for their beauty they are a great bird.
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Pros: Friendly, oblivous to her place in the flock
Cons: Can't see preditors approaching, smallish egg
Good, friendly bird. Trusting after a little preferential treatment. Mine is my favorite hen in my flock.
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I own a silver Polish, It is the funniest looking bird I have ever owned. These are really sweet and pretty birds just to own and to show.
love it
I love my polish! They have the best attitudes and personalities. Always ready for love and attention, the first to run up to people, they love to be held.
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Pros: Sweet, ADORABLE, Reasonable egg production
Cons: A little bit flighty
Great for people looking for a unique exotic looking chicken with a great personality! I love my girls I got from Smith's Wonderful Poultry!
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Pros: sweet hens, good layers, humorous, don't get too broody
Cons: not good moms, have bad peripheral vision and are good target for predators.
I love my Polish roosters and hens. They are so much fun. The roosters tend to be a bit more high strung than the hens, although when I get a hold of them, they are very sweet. I have Elvis and Elvis Jr. at the moment and I do believe Elvis III just arrived. I have a splash hen and thats her name. She is white with black speckals. I have her and Elvis' offspring and one hen is completely white with just a few spots of black and then the other one is black with white and black tossel. All the roosters have been gray. The hens are very personable and easy going. The roosters act like they are on speed most of the time, very fast and hard to catch. They are very clever and generally survive better than the hens. Because of their "hair do" they are an easier target for air attacks and ground predators alike because they don't have as good of side vision as other chickens
This was bubbles, my first Polish love.
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Pros: sweet temperment / good layers
Cons: eggs are a bit smaller/ prone to sickness(at least one of mine was)
cute funny little guys. we had to that we bought together full grown and they were just so fun to watch and not bad layers either!
Pros: cool looking
Cons: Flighty, easily picked on
I've tried several times with this breed, and really don't like them. While they are probably one of the coolest looking chickens that's out there, every one I have every owned has been really flighty, freaks out easily, and not very smart (and endangers themselves easily). I also found that until I seperated, they were always badly picked on by all my other chickens.
Super sweet little chicks
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