

Sir John Saunders Sebright created this tiny ornamental bantam in the early 1800's having the...
Independent, strong, well adjusted, absolutely beautiful feather patterns!
Pros: They eat very little feed and will forage for days before hitting the feeder
Cons: Not prolific layers but mine laid better than I expected and the eggs are decent sized for the size of the bird.
Very attractive birds, very friendly too, pet quality friendly. They lay close to every other day, sometimes 2 days in a row. Rarely were mine at the feeders. The one I currently have will scratch out her pen before she goes to the feeder, and since I constantly add leaves, grass clippings, hay, straw everyday, I never see her at the feeder even when confined. She is sharing a pen with one D'uccle currently and the sea bright complete out lays the D'uccle. They tend to be do better free ranging and never leave the yard even though they are more than capable of flying out, or even walking under the Holly hedges. They will lay eggs in hiding spots when free ranging.
Pros: Intelligent, Affectionate, Loves Attention, Comes when Called, and is comfortable with Showmanship.
Cons: She get's a little loud if I leave her alone for too long, also a bit skittish when frightened.
I have two sebrights now and they are definitely my favorite breed. Jewel, my favorite of the two, will come to the gate whenever she she's me and will come running if I say her name or are carrying some bread of any kind (she hates meal-worms but loves bread, whats with that?). She will get a little skittish if I scare her and has gone a little crazy when under extreme stress (in a hot, crowded building during fair week, for example), and she can fly really far (over 30 ft away from me at one point) but I raised her in a short cage and so she doesn't seem to know that she can fly that well. She's only an escape-artist if she sees me with bread. She absolutely loves to snuggle or just follow me around. She is also a part-time house chicken which can get pretty exciting at times (if she sees the cat). She also does not like being left alone and she will let out long screeches if she cannot see me or another chicken. But other than that she is my favorite of any chicken I have ever raised and she's defiantly not going to be the last sebright I ever own. The other one I didn't spend much time with as a chick and she's a bit more wild but she will let me hold her and can be as affectionate if I calm her down a bit before holding her.
Pros: Laid well
Cons: Flighty, wild
Virtually impossible to contain
Attacked other chickens
I had five sebrights.

They were so wild and flighty I couldn't contain them, they could fly over 9 foot high trees, never mind fences!

They attacked other hens, quite viciously ... but they loved the roosters.

They did forage for their own food so well they cost almost nothing to keep. They laid quite well. Tiny eggs, but pretty good proportionally to the bird.

They did occasionally go broody, and were staunch defenders of their nests. I wore leather gloves. However, they were so nervous they would often leave the nest for too long at a time and let the eggs cool.

In the end I relocated them to the forest edge back of my farm, where they live the wild jungle fowl life and leave me and my nice tame chickens alone. They're happy there, and even hatched chicks.
Pros: Beautiful chicken
Cons: Very flighty
I have a Sebright rooster who is very cocky and likes to come off as the leader of the flock! xD He does not like to be caught and is probably one of the least well behaved chickens that we have, lol. But, all of that aside, he can be nice once you catch him and he is gorgeous. I obviously don't know much about egg laying because I don't have a sebright hen. I still think that he is a nice breed, but not always the best if you are looking for a chicken to be your cuddle buddy! xD
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Pros: GORGEOUS!!!! Pretty good mothers, and okay layers
Cons: extremely flighty, the only way I can touch one of my hens is when they're broody
I had one of my hens hatch out her own chicks, and she's been a really good mother so far. I tried to get my other hen to adopt chicks, but she didn't accept them. She's still broody, and is putting up a fight to stay that way. I'm not sure why people say Sebrights aren't broody, because 2/2 of my hens went broody:hmm
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Pros: Pretty, great personalities
Cons: Little jumpy, hard to determine sex, hard to hatch
I got some golden sebrights from Purely Poultry for my 4-H project and I
them! They are a bit jumpy and don't like to be caught, but once calmed down they will happily sit in the palm of your hand while you read. It is hard to determine their sex when they are young, but once they start getting their combs it gets easier. ;) So all in all, sebrights are a great breed for showmans and farmers. :yiipchick
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Pros: Showy, tiny
Cons: rooster is aggressive, hen is skiddish
I got a golden male and female day olds along with other bantam day olds. They are gorgeous for sure! I gave the rooster away at 12 weeks. He was very aggressive with the other bantams and any human that got too near him or her. He would hesitantly eat from my hand, but would bite me hard at the same time. He got my face a couple times too! He would not let anyone or other bantams around the female at all. Now that he is gone, the female is doing better with the other bantams, but still very skiddish and untouchable to humans. Hopefully she will lighten up over time. I got a female silver sebright to replace him. She is same age as my others. She is nicer, calmer, will eat from my hand gently, but is not too keen to being held or touched either. They have a loud high pitch screech, but they aren't very noisy/talkative....yet. Does an intermittent screech for as long as I hold them ( when I can catch them). Of the two, my personal preference is the silver. Although I probably wouldn't get either one again. Hopefully adulthood will calm them down and change my view. My daughter got 2 female goldens the same day and from the same batch as mine. She has rehomed both of hers due to their undesirable disposition towards her and the rest of the flock as well. Maybe we just got from a bad batch...
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Pros: Fun to watch and admire
Cons: skittish
Wonderful little birds to add a unique look to your flock. Mine are a bit skittish and only come close when I have food but I love having them.
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Pros: Small, attractive, great for urban ornamental purpose
Cons: flighty
This breed is very striking. Beautifull silver lace pattern and gorgeous rose comb. They make an stunning feature to suburban backyard. And they are small, so don't require much room. But I find my former pair to be flighty-mainly to the female. My former Male was a bold chicken, and downright mean to any people. The rooster would always peck at my feet hard everyday when I open the coop to let them roam in the backyard. Plus would not hesitate to attack if you attemp to go near him. But overall, if I can retrun back to keeping chickens, I would not hesitate to keep these breed again.
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Pros: Interesting Feathers
Cons: Mean, Flighty, No Eggs, Loud
I had a rooster and now have a chick from TSC. The combs are ugly in my opinion. The rooster I had was hard to catch, and pecked sometimes. The chick I have is 3 weeks and already mean. Don't think I will ever like them.
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Pros: Quirky, protective of hens, personable
Cons: Likes to crow & that might bother some
My little Silver Laced Sebright rooster, Odysseus, was a surprise adoption. He showed up on my grandparents' front porch one weekend, no injuries, well fed, well groomed. We looked around their neighborhood for a week trying to find out who he belonged to, but no one claimed him. So, I ended up taking him home and thus began my foray into the world of chickens.

I don't have any previous experience with chickens, let alone roosters, so I'm surprised to read about people having negative experiences with Sebrights. I just had him for about 2 weeks or so, and in that time he was very personable with my family and protective of me. He would perch in the hood of my hoodie and try to preen my hair. I got him 4 Golden Laced Polish hens so that he'd have a flock to hang out with while I was at work, and he's been the same with them. He is very protective of his ladies, regularly putting himself between them and the dogs looking at them through he fence of their pen. He does have a very quirky little personality that reminds me of my Shiba Inu/German Shepard mix, so that might be why I adore this little guy as much as I do. If he doesn't want to be handled, he won't be handled. If he wants to be on his own for a little bit, that's what he'll do. I haven't come across any negatives in the past 2 months that I've had him. He does like to crow and that might bother some people (I live in a rural area, so if it bothers our horses they haven't complained yet). Hopefully, he'll be just as happy with the 8 new additions next summer that he'll have added to his flock!
Pros: Very good ranger, agile, clean, cute
Cons: Flighty, small eggs, nitpicky on smaller birds
We have a Silver Sebright hen whom my daughter claims as hers, and has named her 'Roofy'- can you guess why? She loved flying onto the coop roof!
Sebrights are very agile and flighty- very fast and small birds. They are really good ranger feeders and love worms, insects, and scratching in the brush. If you handle them as chicks they will be easier to handle and friendly. Roofy will let you pick her up!

They are the size of mourning doves and look nothing like a chicken. It's hard to imagine they are chickens at all! They lay small eggs, and although it's written they are poor layers, she has been laying every single day. We are about ready to hatch one of her eggs any time now! They have fanned tails and their eyes are so dark brown it almost looks like they have one huge pupil.

We got her as a chick from WIlco discounted because she was already trying to fly the brooder. We live in Oregon and have been having freezing temperatures and have not noticed any issues yet.

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Pros: Loves people, easy to handle, deals well with confinement
Cons: Can be a bit noisy
I was a bit nervous about getting a Sebright because I read so many mixed reviews. I wanted a hen to live with my Serama rooster, and both are house chickens, so I wanted a friendly bird. Dora the Sebright came home in August, and within days, she was very happy to be handled by people. Before she started to molt, she was laying a little pinkish egg every other day. I was pleasantly surprised by this little bird, and I will not hesitate to get more Sebrights in the future.
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Pros: Roster was Great Protecter, Hens layed tiny eggs Daily.
Cons: FLIGHTY, 4 out of 4 could not be Calmed down.
for my Family Useless as egg, providers .

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Pros: Sweet, friendly, very smart.
Cons: None.
I have one Buff-Laced Sebright pullet named Dove. She is my favorite chicken. I love her quirky curiosity, her tiny frame, her loud noises, the funny faces she makes, and her strong personality. If I say "Lovey Dovey, can you scream?" She starts squalling louder and louder over my laughing. She tries to crow, and it is hilarious. I know she is a girl because of the egg I get from her every day. She either loves another chicken or she hates them it just depends with her.She comes to her name and like to be held. I save her from the bigger hens when they pick on her for being so odd and little. Even other bantams pick on her. I would love more. I recommend them to anyone who loves a personable chicken.
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Pros: Goofey, sweet, friendly!
Cons: not very good layers

I absolutely love my two boys. Got them for their beautiful markings, and now I'm hooked. Didn't expect both to turn out roos but I'm okay with it. People that don't even like chickens think these two are beautiful! I love them!
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Pros: cute, beautiful, small, great aditions, roosters are lover boys
Cons: sometimes aggresive to newbies.
I love my silver laced seabright cockrel. he is sweet to everyone but lilly my new hen
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Pros: Absolutely gorgeous and tiny, good forager
Cons: Flighty,doesn't accept new members to flock
I had two seabright, gave one to my neighbor cause the "boss" in the coop was beating it up pretty bad (they had been together the whole time growing up) Now he is flighty an gets my two little cochin running around like crazy everytime i come near the pen..very frustrating. I love his coloring an his size He really is beautiful but i dont like his personality much haha. I eventually will give him to my friend so i can have just cochin who are less flighty for me an still little.
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Pros: small,cute,sweet.
Cons: very very bad mothers
Have a hen on 5 eggs first baby to hatch she threw out of the nest.
Second baby she pecked the skin from around the ear.
the other three haven't hatched yet
bad! bad!! BAD!!!! mothers.
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