Search results for query: Electric fencing

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  1. chicken opey

    Electric fence

    We will have 2 runs w one an electric fence. Do the chickens pass out when they touch, get shocked? 😬
  2. CastielH

    Electric Fencing for Bantams

    I'm hoping to set up a fenced in area for my flock to forage a bit this summer, due to our predator load here in Vermont and my birds being so small I plan to use electric poultry fencing but I was wondering if anyone with small bantams has had problems with average poultry fencing? Most of the...
  3. MasAhora

    Do electrics including electric fence chargers affect egg laying?

    In my family there are people genuinely made ill by EMF smog from wifi, electric meters etc. So I've no doubt they cause harm when in close proximity. A couple of years ago we placed an electric fence charger in our hen house to manage the electric fence for our cattle. It is a convenient...
  4. C

    Run extension - electric fence?

    We have 6 chickens (would like to get 3 more). We have a coop that is 6' x 8'. The run is 6' x 13'. We will be extending the run by another 8 feet this summer. In the meantime, I'd like to give the girls more free-range room if possible. Has anyone done this for day use with an electric...
  5. C

    Stark line electric fence sound

    I just installed the stark line electric poultry netting. I noticed it is making a snapping sound. The coop is along the woods line so there is some areas that the netting is touching a tree. Would that cause it to make that noise? And if so how should i fix this? I know they sell the posts for...
  6. T

    Budget, eight-foot electric fence setup recommendations?

    Hello. We recently lost two of our flock to a bobcat. I'm planning on creating a fenced in area of our backyard with an electric fence so that my girls can still roam. We're going to do what we did with our goats, but eight feet of fence instead of four, and it will be electrified. We are...
  7. Ted Brown

    Electrical fence - What non flying predators will it deter?

    I am extending my run & coop to include a pole shed to host cages including a bachelor grow out pen. I am thinking about providing access to an area that is only protected by electrical netting? Mostly concerned about foot based predators... How effective is electrical netting? Thank you.
  8. L Home Farm

    Electric fence

    Has anyone had success with an electric net fence for chickens? Does it keep out predators, in chickens, etc. Thanks!!
  9. McChooky

    All Hens killed by Dog

    I built a 4 foot fence for my dogs and chickens and put an electric fence around but my cousins damaged the electric fence twice with a weed eater.Predators have killed 2 of my chickens since the electric fence was cut.The first time it happened I bought 3 new strands of wire and hadn't even got...
  10. C

    Raccoons and Electric Fencing a Fire Escape Only.

    My house has a fire escape that sits on the ground and goes to the 3rd floor. This allows raccoons access to my roof and attic. Does anyone know if it is possible to use an electric fence on the fire escape alone, instead of electrifying the perimeter fence which is a wooden stockade fence...
  11. McChooky

    Can I get some help from someone with careless neighbours who own dogs.

    A prey driven dog needs a physical fence and electric fence to be deterred. A below ground electric fence won't work on a dog with thick hair unless its neck stays shaven.
  12. BigBlueHen53

    Stark line electric fence sound

    The electric fencing should not touch anything. If it touches anything flammable like tree bark or dry grass, it might could start a fire. Maybe, possibly. Use plastic insulators to keep the electric fencing from touching anything, and keep grass trimmed away from it.
  13. P

    Electric fence

    An electric fence for poultry has a low voltage. It's not like a cattle fence.
  14. LazyOakes

    Hawk prevention for electric netting

    I have been using electric net fencing (100') successfully for many years and would rarely lose chickens to hawks, but in the last year, a pair of red shouldered hawks moved in and they are causing a major problem. I had too many attacks last season and ended up keeping the chickens inside for...
  15. P

    "Docking Station" for Mobile Hoop Coop

    You could omit the docking station and just have the mobile run. If you are worried about predators you can use portable electric fencing. Move the mobile around the area that is fenced, then move the fencing to a new area along with the mobile. The electric netting will keep out most...
  16. Awaytome

    Coyote in broad daylight!

    You can get a solar energizer for electric fencing.
  17. BigBlueHen53

    Can I get some help from someone with careless neighbours who own dogs.

    This may now be moot but it might be helpful for future situations: You install underground electric fencing to keep your OWN dog(s) confined, not your neighbor's. Once installed, YOUR dog wears the collar that administers a mild electric shock if he crosses the boundary. So it's not applicable...
  18. NatJ

    Can I get some help from someone with careless neighbours who own dogs.

    I thought the "electric fence" discussions were about the kind with exposed wires, that zaps every dog and person who touches it. That provides some protection against all other dogs and predators too. Too many kinds of "electric fence" get confusing!
  19. Berd Man

    Turkeys and Electric Netting

    Does anyone range heritage turkeys using electric netting? I am new to keeping turkeys, I hatched 10 Narragansett poults about a week ago now and will have a few weeks before they go out to pasture. My plan is to grow them out and retain a tom and 3, maybe 4 hens… But my plan may be foiled...
  20. S

    Electric Fencing for Bantams

    Hi! for what it's worth, Most people use electric fencing w/poultry to keep OUT predators... You can always put up good fencing for your fowl then set up electric anti-predator fencing (strands of electric wire) around the outside.
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