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  1. C

    Dust baths and deep litter method

    I want to use the deep litter method for bedding and then eventually transfer it to my compost bin or garden But I also want to make a dust bath and maybe leave it outside the coop. I heard this is good for mites etc. This includes using garden lime. But I heard this was not good to use I if...
  2. GingerGremlin

    Deep litter method and freezing temps's -14 right now with a real feel of -29. I've been super worried about the girls but they seem to be hanging in there ok. We use deep litter method and I heard it adds a little warmth in the winter but the bedding is frozen solid, does that mean it isn't working or I should do something...
  3. RebinNH

    Will deep litter work with azomite?

    Wondering if any of you hav tried using azomite with the deep litter method? Will it likely kill the bacteria that needs to be happening below?
  4. emyancey

    Deep litter method in shed coop/poop boards?

    ...portion), but want to account for chicken math. They will have an attached run. I live in Northern New York. I want to do the deep litter method with hemp bedding in the henhouse. Is that something that is possible with a large, walk-in henhouse? I see people do deep litter with other...
  5. Ronnie_

    Deep Litter Method with Ducks?

    Hi all, Getting ready for winter and was wondering if anyone does the deep litter method for their duck house? I’m looking on doing a modified one for 3-4 months (through winter) to get a bit more warmth in the duck’s house. But they produce more moisture than chickens so the ammonia smell can...
  6. Buddys mom

    Small coops and deep litter method

    Hi all, I want to do the deep litter method on my 2 coops but they are both very small. I bought them from OverEZ coop makers an didn't realize what I was getting into as a first time chicken owner. Anyways, one coop is 4 ft long, 4 ft wide and 5 ft tall. I have 5 chickens in that coop...
  7. QuailMan6666

    Flesh eating bacteria from chicken coop deep litter?

    Can you get infected with some kind of flesh eating bacteria from a deep litter bedding in a chicken coop? I was watching an episode from the "Ripley's believe it or not" tv show and a person ended up getting their hands and legs amputated due to flesh eating bacteria. This gave me the creeps.
  8. rosemarythyme

    Prepping deep litter for fall

    Hoping this helps any folks who are new/newer to deep litter and wonder about when/how cleanouts would be done. We get a lot of rain in fall and spring. Summers are fairly dry (which makes sifting out broken down deep litter fairly easy), so end of summer is the optimal time for me to scrape...
  9. A

    Deep Litter Method/Winter Time upon us, and this is our first winter with ducks. We want them to stay as warm as possible and want to know how to correctly do the deep litter method. also, how do you help keep the ammonia smell down? also, do you have the entire grass area in the run covered with straw or something so...
  10. Lillith37

    Best kind of deep litter materials?

    ...areas by: 1. Laying geotextile to separate the soil. 2. Laying shadecloth to protect the geotextile from chicken claws. 3. Building deep litter on top. The soil contains a lot of clay. Some parts of the yard turn into a marsh when it rains a lot and then it all dries out and cracks. The...
  11. ananova

    Deep litter advice for small run

    ...extra shade. I will eventually secure it with farm mesh or something and use something better than a cheap tarp. I like the idea of the deep litter method, but I am wondering what would be the minimum area for that to work? This run is 84cm x 103cm. Is it possible to do deep litter? For now...
  12. awkwardkale

    Deep litter too damp?

    Hi there! How do I know if I’m doing the deep litter method correctly? By deep litter, I mean the one where the bedding is actively compositing in the run. I’m concerned because it just seems kinda wet. I have straw for bedding. Im just concerned about whether or not I need to start over again...
  13. C

    Floor options for deep litter method

    I am going to be implementing a deep litter method for our coop. I converted an old shed with plywood flooring. I don’t want to put the bedding on that directly since the deep litter method will cause it to rot more quickly. Also, it’s too complicated to cut out the floor of the shed (it’s...
  14. K

    Laying in bedding- deep litter method? share to get them to lay in the right place! Should I mention that it's just the salmon faverolles that are doing this? I've done deep litter for the past year, but I struggle with a few of my girls nesting down into it and making themselves too comfortable. I have a roll out box that 7...
  15. M

    Deep Litter Q, Grit Q, and a few others I''m considering attaching a plastic container to the edge of the run on a board (saw that on a post here). 2. We are using the deep litter method for our coop. Does anyone have a certain tool they recommend for shifting the shavings around occasionally? I know the camp is pretty...
  16. O

    Buy coop for deep litter method

    Planning to get chicks next Spring, have never had them before. I am NOT at all handy and would like to buy a coop/run suitable for the deep litter method. Researching and all I'm finding is Carolina Coops, which look fantastic but really expensive (not to mention on the other coast clear across...
  17. Ragfrey

    Sand vs deep litter method??

    Louisiana 8x8 coop 16x24 run 12 pullets coming already have river silt (sandy) floor. I am new, finishing up the build of my coop/run. Been doing a lot of research trying to figure it all out and what’s the best. Read a lot about DLM and using sand as the floor. I wonder what the...
  18. tori729

    How to Keep this Coop Clean - Is Deep Litter Bedding Possible?

    My coop is 6x6 and about 1" deep. I'm using wood mulch chips in the bottom. The roosts are on the far side of the coop away from the door and the poop pretty much stays over there. I've been just mixing it around every few days to keep it from collecting together and I did add another load of...
  19. themidnightmama

    Coop litter on concrete floor

    Hello! We purchased a home that has three large sheds, previously used for housing chihuahuas, which the past owners bred and raised. I am converting one shed into a chicken coop. My question is about litter options. The shed has a concrete floor. I would like to use the deep littler method but...
  20. Fuhoo

    Deep Litter/Bedding in the brooder?

    ...large ventilation. Hot, dry climate. I've put them on very coarse wood shavings (dust-free, sold as "horse bedding") and heard about the deep litter/bedding systems people have been using for their chickens. Would this sort of setup work for brooding chickens? I've got a few bags of the...
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