Search results for query: show+me+coop

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  1. Witchychickens

    Show me your coop exterior landscaping over HWC

    Show me all your hard work! I’m trying to cover the HWC without rocks so something can dig and figure out they can’t get in. So far I’ve covered with topsoil and added some pine mulch. I think I’m going to make exterior skirts with pressed decorative tin. The area doesn’t get much sun and...
  2. C

    Show me your turkey coops and runs please!

    Title says it all :) I have an idea of what I want to build but wanted to see other ideas too. This will be for sweetgrass turkeys and not for short-term meat birds.
  3. C

    Making the coop/run area pretty - show me what you’ve done

    These areas start out cute when they’re first built, but it doesn’t take long for all the poop, dirt, dust, rain, etc. to take effect and it starts to look not so pretty. Show me what you’ve done to make the OUTSIDE of your coop/run area pretty. Rocks, pavers, flowers, borders. etc. Anything!
  4. C

    Show me your DIY Chicken Coops/Runs/Etc. (Please!)

    We are beginning construction of a better/larger/more quality coop for our flock and would love to see what you fine folks have built so we may pull ideas from your builds, if we may! Show off your work, please! Tell me why you built it the way you did, if it’s predator proof, what material was...
  5. Feathyr

    Show me your windy weather coops / tractors / runs!

    As the title states - I'd like to see coops designed for windy / stormy areas. Bonus points if you have high gusts! We live in an valley with frequent (if not daily) wind - anywhere from 5 to 20MPH, 25 or more on bad days. My flock is expanding next month and while I'm set for the current time...
  6. SnootyHen

    Show me your temporary in-coop box for mom and chicks

    Can I see pictures of your temporary housing for mama-brooded chicks? I want to keep them inside the coop but I also prefer not to have food or water in the coop so they need to be able to come and go from it to get to the attached run where the food and water are. I considered a dog crate so...
  7. TheStooges

    Geese & chickens - show me your coops?

    I have geese and chickens (and ducks) and my husband is building a large coop for all of them. I know geese should have their own space (they are already getting nippy at the chickens and aren’t even full mature yet) so I am thinking of putting two separate rooms in it. If you have a mixed...
  8. C

    Show me your isolation/hospital pen inside your coop

    We have a large walk in coop house, and I would like to build an isolation/hospital pen inside (that I could also use for a brooder). I have some ideas, but would love to see pictures of yours for inspiration.
  9. P

    Show me your Coop!! We need ideas

    Hey! Our chicks are 4 weeks old and have outgrown their crate! Due to picking we need to get them out fast! Show me your quick set ups! Dog Proof also!!
  10. CHlCKEN

    Show me your coop signs!

    I do sign math like some people do chicken math. I cannot stop myself when I walk into TSC! I’d like to see some of your signs, and show of my own. And I have a bunch more that I haven’t put up yet!
  11. C

    quail feeder that's low waste and fills outside the coop. Show me your pictures!

    Looking for something that I won't have to open the coop every day to fill and something that they won't kick out all the food. I'll add a picture of our coop and the systems I have been thinking about. I just don't knowwwww lol.. I am a visual learner so please show me what you got :clap...
  12. black_cat

    Show me your SMALL coops!

    I am going to be writing an article about small, suburban flocks and I am looking for coop pictures that showcase several styles of coop. I'm looking for: Homemade Coop (anything that you built yourself, completely) Playhouse Coop (anyone that converted a playhouse Over-EZ coop Shed Coop (coop...
  13. Hidden Creek Homestead

    Show me your turkey coop!!!

    My husband and I are about to build our turkeys their own coop. Show me your turkey coop for inspiration!!! Thanks!
  14. DucksNchickenss

    Show me the coops!!!

    Hi! Can some of you show me some pictures of your coops for your birds pleeeeaaaasssseeee?
  15. M

    Show me your dream coop!

    Well with Coronageddon in full swing we are looking for ways to keep busy on our 5 acres over the next (hopefully very few) weeks. I am a business owner who got closed down just yesterday. We don't want to start anything massive (like the remodel we had planned starting next month that may not...
  16. Tooshay89

    Show me your duck coops!

    I want to see your duck coops! I've been researching for weeks, and I'm trying to see what works best for ducks as far as housing. Google isn't helping much. I've been raising chickens for a few years, and I'm planning on setting some Welsh Harlequin and Saxony duck eggs in March. My chickens...
  17. connieconnie

    Show me your coops!

    Hi, I'm building a chicken house to go in our fenced run in our back garden. However I would love to get some ideas and inspiration from those who have had chickens before (And knows what works and what you like or need). Please show me a photo or drawing of your coop and any reasons you like...
  18. Studabird

    I inherited 5 ducks! Can someone show me pictures of duck run coop

    I now have five ducks due to a storm and the owner/s can’t keep them can you all show me a good duck run and coop? Than you all in advance.
  19. J

    Coop Made From Pallets, please show me yours! I need ideas!

    If you have a coop made from pallets please show me them I'm look for ideas! Thank you. 😊
  20. K

    Show me your brooders in your coop!

    So I'm planning to convert storage space in my barn (horse barn, a stall sized area) into a coop and build a brooder within this space so that I can raise chicks outside (with a heat plate) instead of in my house. For those who brood chicks in your coops, can you show me pix of your setups...
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