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  1. A

    Review by 'Anonymous' in article 'Why You Should Stop Feeding Layer Feed NOW'

    spreading false information. bigger chickens doesn’t necessarily mean bigger eggs. i’ve contacted multiple avian vets who all say it is perfectly safe to feed roosters layer pellets
  2. kk+chickens

    Rooster Rescue! (and other chichens)

    this is awesome that you are doing this! a recommendation from my experience: mine have a small run that has the wire mesh (i think it’s called hardware cloth) that’s like 1cm by 1cm squares all the way under the run and on all sides so raccoons can dig, but they still can’t get in, buried...
  3. kk+chickens

    Comment by 'kk+chickens' in item 'Brahma - Bantam'

    are all brahmas bantams or are there brahmas and then bantam brahmas?
  4. kk+chickens

    Chicken Cam

  5. kk+chickens

    Chicken Cam

    also, great pics!
  6. kk+chickens

    Chicken Cam

    is that snow? it looks like sugar 😂
  7. kk+chickens

    Chicken Cam

    i had some trouble finding a booster that works. which one do you use?
  8. kk+chickens

    Chicken Cam

    so this works if your *wifi doesn’t reach all the way out at your coop?
  9. kk+chickens

    Fluffy Butt Acres: Stories of our flock

    it’s really cool that you’re posting this cuz i’ve been having a hard time finding pics of what my little guy is gonna look like (he’s got the same coloring, easter egger, but only about 16 weeks old)
  10. kk+chickens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

  11. kk+chickens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    and when you’re done, if they’re still good, you can put them back up for someone else. it’s nice to reuse them and then it doesn’t fill your recycle bin.
  12. kk+chickens

    My little dude doesn’t like when the girls fly around and spaz

    he’s doing fine behavior-wise. i was just curious what that’s about. he’s not mean, just seems to be training them or something. he’s really sweet and now he can’t be eaten anyway because of the implant
  13. kk+chickens

    My little dude doesn’t like when the girls fly around and spaz

    we aren’t allowed to have roosters where we live and he was thought to be a girl, but im sure you know that’s not always accurate. of course, i had already fallen in love and the rooster rescue is no longer taking more
  14. kk+chickens

    My little dude doesn’t like when the girls fly around and spaz

    ...almost 16 weeks old. 3 girls and 1 boy and they will be introduced to the others. my little dude has a hormone implant so he almost never crows and *knock on wood* hasn’t mounted any of them. they live in a giant box in the house and they have a tractor type thing for backyard time during the...
  15. kk+chickens

    LGBTQ+ Poultry Keepers

    im not gonna read the 4 hundred and something pages of people being ignorant, but fyi LGBT friend here :) Love isn’t the same thing as sex. When people see a straight couple holding hands, they don’t automatically jump to their sex life so why do people do that when they see non-straight couples?
  16. kk+chickens

    Official BYC Poll: How Did You Get Into Chickens?

    yeah i think it’s the casualty now and then. if you’re ok with that, it’s a lot easier, but i’m not.
  17. kk+chickens

    Official BYC Poll: How do you name your pet chickens?

    a lot of ours are based on their looks/colors (which often backfires because they tend to change coloring a lot between chick years and adult years), some personality-based names, some that just popped into our heads
  18. kk+chickens

    Official BYC Poll: How Did You Get Into Chickens?

    i am going to have to disagree that they are the simplest animals to rear. there are almost no vets in our area that see them. there aren’t a whole lot of studies done on them because nobody wants to pay for chicken studies (most people just eat them when there’s a problem) and they have a lot...
  19. kk+chickens

    A small hawk or falcon looking for lunch

    we used to free range in our backyard and finally had to build a really big second run for the daytime so they are safe from hawks, etc… it seems like the only way to be sure they won’t get your babies and it will help you have peace of mind
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