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  1. S

    Are my chicks sick? Should I be worried?

    Im not sure of the exact temp but they’re inside with us in our home in a room with a fire place, the other chicks seem to handle the temp fine as they aren't bundling up nor panting, but the isas do sometimes bundle? Not always but i have noticed that at times they bundle together while the...
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    Are my chicks sick? Should I be worried?

    We got 6 day-old chicks about a month ago, 3 Isa browns and 3 Cinnamon queens. A couple days ago I’ve noticed that all 3 of my Isa browns have been acting a little bit off. They aren’t as active as before or as my C queens, they’re a bit slow and seem to sometimes lose their balance a little...
  3. S

    My chicken got attacked and now hes acting weird!!

    About 3 days ago my chickens got attacked by, I’m presuming, a group of coyotes while free ranging. 2 hens and 5 pullets are now missing and one of my pullets (assuming its a male but not 100%) survived and escaped and is now acting pretty sick/strange. He sleeps most of the day, but will only...
  4. S

    Is this gape worm?

    yeah ive known they adjust their crops it just seemed a bit weirder to me this time although i am quite an overthinker so it could just be that lol , but I will try and check her crop tomorrow morning, hopefully its just as u say and i have nothing to worry about, thank you for the help :)
  5. S

    Is this gape worm?

    ...then i would catch her opening her beak and jerking her head up, sort of like when they take a drink except it looks like shes trying to get air. I looked it up and came across gape worm but im not sure can someone help please? *she doesnt do this all the time, ive noticed it only two times...
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    Very sick chicken unknown issue

    yes please take a picture it would be very helpful although i am conflicted on what I should do, because I am still not exactly sure what she has and on one hand, if she does have a deficiency then vitamin B would be helpful however, if she has coccidiosis which some people have told me might be...
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    Very sick chicken unknown issue

    she is about 3 years old, she stopped laying a while back, she is very light and very skinny, i checked her crop and its fairly empty and mushy and i can feel bone, she does eat but only really attempts to eat if i hand feed her otherwise she falls over and gets discouraged but i havent seen...
  8. S

    Very sick chicken unknown issue

    My 2 year old silver laced hen started acting sick about a week ago. It started off as standing in place puffed up, looking weak until recently, i’ve noticed she is struggling with balancing. I isolated her in a cage in my basement today. I have looked at mareks disease although im not sure if...
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    Why is my hen acting tipsy?

    i dont know how to attach videos on here, and i dont think a photo will do much
  10. S

    Why is my hen acting tipsy?

    I’m not sure about the molting, the first time she’s ever molted her feathers grew back really ragged and messed up which i linked to why she doesn’t like being touched, I made a post about it before and still don’t know why that is but she has never really had a problem with it she is a very...
  11. S

    Why is my hen acting tipsy?

    she hasn’t been laying eggs for a while now, and she wont let me pet/touch or pick her up so i wouldn’t know how her crop feels, it seems to be both legs its not like shes limping its just that she kinda sways when shes standing straight and she uses her wings to try and balance herself and as...
  12. S

    Why is my hen acting tipsy?

    i havent noticed her to be staring upwards, she acts and looks fine other than the puffiness and the stumbling, shes about 2 years old and shes a silver lace im pretty sure
  13. S

    Why is my hen acting tipsy?

    Recently ive noticed my hens been kind of standing in place all puffed up, other than that shes been eating and drinking fine its just that shes been acting kinda sick. Shes done this before as well as my other chickens and usually it passes and soon they’re back to normal so I thought that...
  14. S

    Why is my rooster acting so weird all of a sudden?

    I have a rooster named lolek and ever since he has been a chick he’s always been a sweet cuddle bug. He was so friendly, me and my family joked about how he acts more like a hen than he does a roo. About 2-3 weeks ago when he first started molting, i noticed he started acting weird. He wouldn’t...
  15. S

    My chickens feathers are all messed up

    Omg yes she kind of does look like that, theyre even the same breed im pretty sure. Was the cause of death related to the feather situation or was it just something she contracted/ got out of the blue and caused her passing ? I dont have any good pictures of her, maybe ill take some tomorrow...
  16. S

    My chickens feathers are all messed up

    So a few months ago , during molting season one of my chickens molted but once her feathers grew back they were all stiff, and messed up and kind of ugly. Before she molted they were fine; she even had one of the prettiest feathers of the flock, so i guess what im asking is if this is fixable ...
  17. My guinea Keet is acting weird!

    My guinea Keet is acting weird!

    i have 5 guinea keets which are only 3 days old. Today I realized that one of them was acting a bit strange (I attached 2 photos , it’s the one with the big black mark in its head) , they stand in one spot and look as if there is something it’s trying to get out of its throat, I don’t know...
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    My Chicken Got A Tick!

    yes she is fine! it doent seem to bother her other than the fact that she cant see well in one eye due to the swelling
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    My Chicken Got A Tick!

    Theres no way i left the head. When I pulled it out i made sure the tick was intact!
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    My Chicken Got A Tick!

    HELP!! my chicken got a tick near her eye a couple days ago, we took it out and thought thatd be it. today She went missing for most of the day and when we finally found her, her eye was all swollen!! What do I do? Can she get a disease? Will she die? someone please help... I dont want to loose...
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