Search results for query: heat+lamp

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  1. Susan Skylark

    Removing heat lamp?

    When can I safely remove the heat lamp from baby quail? I can’t move it further away or higher up, they still like the heat but don’t utilize half their floor space because it is too warm for long exposure. They are 10 days old, well feathered, and there are 19 of them in 3 square feeet. The...
  2. Crazy Chicken Boy

    Heat Lamp

    Howdy, again. I live on northern Iowa were it gets pretty cold so I have had a heat lamp in all winter. And I have had some trouble with this prior to this particular incident but it has happened 5 or 6 times now and I need answers. My heat lamp bulbs seem to keep breaking. And I don't mean the...
  3. FirstTimeChikens

    Heat lamp question! Help!

    My heat lamp in my brooder doesn't have a temperature on it, I read that every week you are supposed to turn it down 5 degrees. What should I do if I'm unable to turn it down? I guess I could try to buy another one, but that seems unnecessary, so I asked here first!
  4. L

    Heat lamp good height?

    So I’m moving my ducklings to my bathtub for somewhere bigger, however, we do not have a big enough extension cord to have the heat lamp at a good height (The outlets in the bathroom don’t work so we had to do one outside the bathroom and around the corner) two a two weeks old and one is one and...
  5. L

    Ducklings left without heat lamp for 2 hours, should I be worried?

    I have three call ducklings, two are nearly two weeks old and one is around one and half weeks old. I turned off their heat lamp for a few minutes earlier today, then forgot about it and went on my computer for nearly two hours. I just went downstairs and remembered about it and turned it on...
  6. Esrun

    Heat lamp for mailed chicks?

    We have chicks coming from Mt. Healthy. They’re our first mailed chicks and I got an email from them today saying heat lamps are better for shipped chicks. Is this true? I feel like they would know, right? I had planned on the MHP bc the lamp makes me nervous but we do have one.
  7. Esrun

    Heat lamp vs. broody hen?

    I have a broody hen, her name is Pickles (she is ALWAYS broody 🙃). We are scheduled for baby chicks 5/15. Is it even a reasonable thought to bring her inside to mama the babies if she’s still broody? They’ll be mailed to us. I can’t put them outside w her bc I don’t think our top hen will be...
  8. Daniel Grey

    Solar powered brooder lamps

    Hello, Could anyone help me with a little dilemma I have thought of: I am going to hatch out quail chicks under a Silkie hen, but I have been advised from a previous BYC post that that is possibly dangerous for the chicks as they could be squished! So, I am going to hatch out my chicks under a...
  9. lmadeline146

    Month Old Chicks Without A Heat Lamp?

    The weather today was 85 degrees and i turned the heat lamp off for the chicks since I noticed a few were breathing with their mouths open. They’re exactly a month old today and majority are almost fully feathered. Would it be okay to keep the heat lamp off all night? The lowest temp will be 66F.
  10. A

    Heating pad and heat lamp

    Hello! We've had quite the morning. I woke up to the power being out the day that my turkey poulets arrived at the post office due to a freak snow storm. I was able to get them from the USPS and get home and keep them by the fire until the power came back on. The issue is that I set up a...
  11. L

    Careful with your heat lamps.

    There has been 3 chicken coop fires in our area the past couple weeks with one taking a barn also.
  12. S

    Does a 4 week old gosling need a heating lamp?

    My 4 week old gosling hasn't had a heating lamp for about a week since the temps were so high and she's getting pin feathers. Our temps reach about 60-50 at night but she's still indoors. She seems fine without it? But I'm worried she might be getting cold. I tried a lamp tonight but she's...
  13. T

    Ways to reduce heat in brooder?

    Hello all, I've got 7 new chicks that I moved to their brooder a couple hours ago. After a few minutes, they were all clustered in one corner. I thought it was because the lamp I have was too hot for them, so I raised it a little bit. This continued a few times and now they are still pretty...
  14. Kimmyh51

    An alarm to let you know if a heat lamp, heat plate, etc is not getting power?

    Hey just womdering if anyone knows of any device that you can ourchase which would set off an alarm, or better still, an alarm and also a wifi/internet alert to a device in the following situations: Heat source is unplugged Heat source is not getting power (ie power outtage) Or a temperature...
  15. T

    Heat Lamp for Brooder

    Question about heat lamp. Can we use a ceramic heat lamp for the brooder. Also what is the difference of using a red heat lamp to a clear lamp or ceramic lamp. What would be the best to use
  16. A

    Heat lamp

    So I just bought some chicks from TSC & we live in Louisiana. The temperature is currently 83 outside tonight and that is where the chicks are(on my big carport) Do I need to leave the heat lamp on all night long or even at all ?
  17. S

    Please help me with recommendations for "heat lamps"

    First of all, I planned to do an indoor brooder box and it's about 32x22" inside. I wanted to do an Ohio brooder, but I planned on getting a couple 40w incandescent bulbs to help keep the chicks warm. But I read an article here that said they shouldn't have all that, and should only have a...
  18. S

    Question about heating lamp

    Ok, question, I have a 8x10 un-insilated fancy chicken coop, I have 7 chickens (variety) and 1 pot belly pig, the pig needs heat but the chickens don't, so should I put a heating lamp in there for the Baby pig or should I make her a bed to sleep in that will keep her warm at night ?
  19. C

    Do shipped chicks need a heat lamp or is a plate okay?

    I will be getting 4 buff orpingtons chicks shipped to me mid May. I'm in ND and the average high is around 70, lows around 45. I plan on keeping them in the garage (unheated, small) in a kids play pen or dog crate, not sure yet. Is a brooder plate sufficient? I really don't want to use a heat...
  20. LER23

    Heat lamp ?'s

    For how long should I keep a heat lamp on my little pullets? And how cold is to cold for chickens? I don't currently have power to the coop and don't want to have a heat lamp out there, so need to know how old a pullet needs to be in order to be ok without it.
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