Okay kids. Got the turkeys home, they're hanging out in the quarantine coop. Thanks @jdduck for these rwo! The hen was chirping a storm when the dog came to see what I brought!
The girls are finally laying regularly and I'm setting as many eggs as I can tomorrow for the NYD hatchalong so...
What are PB chicks? The image in my head......
If you want some mutt flock eggs to hatch, I can spare a few for ya. I'm getting about 8 a day. I just need turkeys. I want more chickies though.
Hey guys! Okay, I'm really going to make the effort to post more often. Here's a run down of what's been going on.
We finally closed on the new place, 3 br, 2 bath, 5 acres with a 3/4 acre pond.
in the meantime, my son's demon dog and my (idiot new) neighbor's dog have managed to kill all of...