It's covered as of Sunday. Unfortunately prior to Sunday it was not. I believe the pictures show two different birds. I believe it is the male and female and they came at separate times.
Roswell, you may want to look up the chicken meet-up group in your area. I think one meets in Roswell, or it used to. One meets in Canton. They meet once a month and talk chicken.

About free ranging chickens and growing a garden, forget it. Chickens will eat every last green thing they can find. Tractors on wheels the width of your rows are great. Just move the tractor a few feet every day and let the chickens eat all your weeds between the rows.

About breeds. I assume you want chickens for their eggs. Different breeds lay different colored eggs. It is great fun to get a basket full of green, blue, pink, white and different shades of brown eggs! My favorite chickens are Easter Eggers. They are the most hearty, friendly and best egg layers I have. Plus they come in every color and lay different colored eggs. I would suggest you get three or four different types of chickens for fun. Have fun! And beware! Having chickens can become an obsession and then the "chicken math" kicks in. Bet you can't have just three! Hahaha.

I'm exhausted from working on a shelter for the free rangers all day today. I hope to get them in the shelter tomorrow (ran out of time before the went to roost). All of our trees are bare so they've started crossing the road to the pine trees to roost at night. They've had close calls with cars and the school bus. IF I can get them in the shelter area I will try keeping them in for 2 weeks then let them out late afternoon and hope they come back to the shelter to roost. I sure hope this works.
Hey guys! Okay, I'm really going to make the effort to post more often. Here's a run down of what's been going on.
We finally closed on the new place, 3 br, 2 bath, 5 acres with a 3/4 acre pond.
in the meantime, my son's demon dog and my (idiot new) neighbor's dog have managed to kill all of my turkeys and almost all of my hens. However, all 9 roosters have managed to survive. What the crap. So, I'm having to pretty much start over. Kind of unhappy with that.

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