Here's some of mine. I need to get some new ones now they were a little camera shy lol. I ended up with 4 blue marans and 3 black marans (from the BBS Marans) and all 6 of my BBS Ameracaunas are blue. I was hoping for a black Ameracauna roo and a splash Marans roo. I guess I will just have to...
I got brave enough to open the eggs that were left. 4 of the eggs only had a yolk so I guess I really started with 17, not 21. They were kind of dark to candle and I had a hard time seeing them so didn't candle except once on day 10. So out of the 17 viable ones I got 13 chicks. (7 B/B/S...
I had one more blue marans hatch out this morning. This is day 23 for me. Still some more eggs left. Hope they are just late. I pretty happy with what I got so far for shipped eggs in the dead of winter though.
I have 4 blue marans, 1 black marans, 4 blue ameracaunas, and 1 black ameracauna out so far. 2 more are zipping now one marans and 1 ameracauna. Still a few eggs left that haven't pipped yet as well.
I had one ameracauna that was half zipped out since last night and I left it per everyone's...
OMG I got one..yeah! He is a blue marans and looks blueish. He came out of the biggest egg and is huge. There is an ameracauna egg half zipped now yeah! 2 more pipped
We've got cuteness overload...babies galore here. I have 3 pips now. 1 blue americana, 2 blue marans. The americana is the most recent pip and it is making progress wants out now! lol. The other two just made outer pips and the membrane is still around them. I don't hear anything else...
Okay. Are other people's pips going all the ways through the membrane and the outer shell?? Just curious as to if I have some problem with humidity or something?
Loving everyone's baby pics. I got one pip at 10am (this morning) It looks like it broke the outer shell but the white membrane is still intact. I can see the veins in the membrane. I can still hear it faintly peeping. I can see the egg move every once in awhile but it doesn't break through...
I have nada, zilch, nothing!! I want pips!! Today is day 20 come on already LOL! Mine are gonna get names like dopey, sleepy, and slowpoke;p
Congrats to everyone on thier babies We need pics!!!
Congrats on the new baby!! Maybe the one that is zipping is just resting. Sometimes they rest for a while before continuing, being born is hard work :p Today is day 19 for me and I don't see anything. I caught the cats both standing next to the hatcher staring in though, real interested, like...
Mine is locked down a few hours late too. I calibrated my hygrometers last night. I found one was off by 8, one off by 5, and the new one that I just got a few days ago was off by 19 !!! That one is going back to the store lol.