Awww! Bless her heart!
Ill take a picture-she has the cutest toes too-haha not a breeder if a girl but she still might be used as a broody for my youngest DD eventually:-) I told her she can keep 1 chick for sure out of this batch-she's still deciding....lol...
my final silkie hatched out today..phew poor thing shes tiny and crusty looking-from being in that egg! poor thing-Ill wait a day or two to see if she fluffs more then give her a little warm bath and help her pretty up some:-)
Any guidelines?....................... Now 22 days 10 hours old?
right now Im on day 22 hour 5 and 22 minutes and still have an egg in bator.. give it a little longer...
I know Im sorry I have 1 silkie left in bator 1/4 out-shes been that way for 12 hours! still breathing and moving around so we'll see. If its not out by morning I getting her out!
Wow congrats everyone such cute cute babies!!!!
well mine is still staggering but my EE is still in bator and the silkie still in too-still breathing I can see it moving with every breath-must just be waiting until I go to bed LOL...
I've got 2 left in bator
1 large EE I had to help out because it was glued in and struggling to get out-the last is the one silkie that was a day behind to begin with-then I will be done. 3 didnt make it
so It looks like my final count is 20 hatched out of 23-if the silkie makes it out:-)
I got 17 hatched so far:-)
4 left in bator
1 olive egg just hatched
2 split lav silkies-which I think just quit:-(
and a big green EE egg which is pipping now
3 died after pipping-They had been like that since am and While I was removing chicks I grabbed and egg and opened it a little and it...
my humidity has been stable at 60% the whole time until another chick hatches then shoots to 70% for a short time. Its been a perfect hatch so far-some pips have been taking 12 hours to get out-not worrying though-they eventually have made it out patience:-)
Are you putting your chicks in the brooder as soon as they fluff out?
no-I leave them in for 6-8 hours-Enough to rest up and strengthen their legs and fluff some. The 3 that hatched by 6 am are still in there resting-the one chick was so big and its legs are massive(roo Im sure) its...
Holy crud 3 more are pipping! my silkies and I forgot I set 4 olive eggs and all 4 now are pipping-a frizzled polish is too!!!!!
SO now I'm up to
1 hatched out and 10 pipping!!!!
temp 100.6
hum 57% Ive been trying to bump it up but it wont go above 60%
I have a chick!!!! mom EE dad Favorelle! shes blonde and wet:-) I just got home from work and I have a chick and 7 pipping!!!! woo hoo--better get the brooder light on and warmed-pictures later tonight! All 3 of my olive eggs are pipping!!!!! silkie too:-) yeahhhh I am going out to...
awesome awesome awesome!!! I hope when I get home tonight I have babies waiting for me or at least more than 1 pip!!! 23 eggs made it to lockdown!!!