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  1. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    ...will eventually eat into the bone and travel to other parts of the body. This is a painful condition that can potentially be life endangering. * Cause of action: Antibiotic treatments as prescribed by the vet, and topical treatments, such as CEH ointment (Calendula, Echinacea, and...
  2. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    2x4s work fine. And the poop drops onto the poop board. Their feet stay clean... no wantum poopy feet.
  3. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    I did what dawg did for the roosts except for lowering them. I planed and smoothed all edges. There are no sharp or rough edges anywhere for them to have land on or leap from. Keeping the pressure on their feet as even as reasonably possible similar to a tree limb...only flatter obviously...
  4. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    I like the Tricide Neo for the early infections as well. It clears up in a matter of days. We increased the cushion, depth of shavings, and have not had another episode in a year now.
  5. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    Quote: We use ours for a week at a time with more than one bird. Rinsed the feet and brushed with a toothbrush before placing them in the solution each time. Rinse after brushing....seemed to make the solution more effective as we saw results more quickly than just placing them in the...
  6. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    I had one girl that the Tricide Neo cleared up the bubblefoot in a week. So I know that was a mild case of surface infection only. A second girl had small plugs that pulled away after a week or so. There was no deep infection. So caught whatever it was early. A third one we are going to...
  7. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    The Tricide-Neo is not nearly as fast as a surgical procedure. I am satisfied with how well it is working on ours with small bumblefoot but the larger case which I am now working with is going much slower, so far. I added the Prep H and Vet Wrap to this last girl. Interesting to see a day in...
  8. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    You can use a diluted solution for 1 - 2 weeks depending on it's degree of contamination. Presoaking feet and cleaning in a separate container (water, saline or epson salt solution) and rinse before immersing the feet in Tricide-Neo extends the solution life. Keep the dry product sealed and...
  9. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    Instructions for Tricide-Neo caution against applying to open wounds as I recall. A link to a video on how to make your own bandage for a chicken....
  10. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    That is what we saw happen with our second bird. The plugs (much larger on this girl than the other) started to pull away from the foot after a week or so on the Tricide-Neo and we got them out after a few more days. We are still soaking every other day.
  11. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    Expensive initially. However, use a small batch such as 1/2 gallon and the price falls to about $6 for a week of treatment and can do several birds each time. Thanks for the heads up on the product and concept. ETA: Wife informs me that we are using only a quart of solution at a time....$3 a...
  12. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    OK, we have used the Tricide-Neo for a consistent week with distilled water (which we didn't use the first time and results were poor). The bumblefoot has shrunk from at least pea sized to less than the head of a pin (barely see it). So far, so good. Going to go another week. We are doing a...
  13. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    The bumblefoot threads with illustrations on doing the operation have been pulled. They are history.
  14. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    Just starting back up again. Had an accident at home that changed everyones' lives for a week or so. I would not hesitate to apply oregano to the infected area. I use only North American herb and Spice Oregano products. More expensive but over the years, I have had it work where other...
  15. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    Used the Tricide-Neo for one week. Did not have distilled water as the instructions said so I used RO filtered water hoping for the best. Got virtually nothing in results. The Grapefruit Seed Extract (GSE) is moving along fine. Buying some distilled water today to use the Tricide-Neo again...
  16. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    No improvement with the Oregano, discontinued. Going to Tricide-Neo with that bird. Continued improvement with the GSE (grapefruit seed extract). Only applying it once a day, full strength. No bandages/vet wrap. Doing some research in looking for the now non-existent threads of bumble...
  17. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    I don't have goat's head weed but I have thorns everywhere in the acreage where they run (although not as bad as previous years). They ar the sort that are canes coming up out of the ground and will grow up into the trees if you let them. Slowly thinning them out. But the girls have been...
  18. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    I looked at your pics. Doesn't look like the bumblefoot I have seen but I have seen very little.
  19. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    OK, due to a winter storm, we got off track and quit the treatment after two applications. Coming back to it after missing 4-5 days. But we notice that the bumblefoot with the GSE application is lighter in color than the original black color. No noticeable change after the applications of...
  20. mdbokc

    Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

    High for the 1 gallon capacity; great price for the 5 gallon. Correction. Well, not bad at all for one gallon if shipping included. $25 with free shipping for the one gallon size...
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