Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

The best price I can find on the Tricide-Neo is 30.00 shipped.
Has anyone bought this anywhere online for less?
I need to see if my local aquarium / pond stores carry it, as well. I'll check around and see.

I'm willing to throw the kitchen sink at this bumblefoot. My cream brabanter is such a sweet, good guy...
Thanks for that, mdbokc.

I'm currently trying grapefruit oil and plan to do so for about a week. So far
Makes the whole coop smell delicious
Absorbs rather quickly for less rooster handling time
Relatively inexpensive when used as a medicine
No soaking or surgery...

Burns like crazy if you get it in your eyes or on a cut
On a related note, seems to hurt the chicken (this might be because it is effective...)

I'll update this post in a week to share my results. As someone who loves herbs and often reaches for them when I'm sick or injured, it is rather amusing that as soon as my chickens even start to seem sick I take stock of my antibiotics. I've been on antibiotics three times in my life-- this one flock of chickens is catching up with me.

If after five days I don't see any improvement, I'll be ordering Tricide-Neo.

Again, I bet the ichthammol would work if you could successfully vet wrap those feet. I saw a video linked here once that showed how to do that, and I need to review it again. The point I was going to make in one of my too long, didn't read posts was that because my Brabants is a professional self-picker; he's gotten really good at picking off vet wrap, too. Granted, it was human vet wrap by Johnson and Johnson, and not the good stuff by 3M. I might try the ichthammol in tandem if I can wrap those feet without him hurting me and then undoing the wrapping.
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I have tried many, many things. I am now trying the Tricide-Neo. I think that, Preparation H (alternating these 2 - Tricide-Neo every am & Prep H every night) is the best treatment I have found, and Nettie's duck shoes help keep poop out & meds. in and give them some soft cushioning to walk on. I also lined their wood floor w/heavy duty plastic. Check out my results:






What a difference, yes?
OK, due to a winter storm, we got off track and quit the treatment after two applications. Coming back to it after missing 4-5 days. But we notice that the bumblefoot with the GSE application is lighter in color than the original black color. No noticeable change after the applications of the Oregano. We have restarted the applications now.

All that said, I ordered the Tricide-Neo just in case. By the time it is all done, a good small set of data will be available. Ordered from They shipped the next day. Excellent service.

fattie ... Great info and pics. We all appreciate it!
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I ordered the 5 gallon pack from Koi Acres for $56 shipped. It arrived in 3 days and was easy to split into two containers so I could share with RevolutionMama.

Here is a pic of her treating one of her Coronation Sussex roosters for a small cut he received from a rock in the plantings. Look at the dedication of that ChickenMama! He's such a nice guy he loves the attention!


The breakdown is 5 teaspoons per gallon, and it's easy to work with!

I look forward to using it on my boy, but won't get to it for a couple of days. I'll take before and after shots.
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QUESTION... can a BSL chick have bumblefoot? I posted in Emergencies etc. titled "BSL chicks feet ?" I picked them up on Friday, noticed feet on Sat. night Posted pics on Sunday. Plese help. I would move the pics but don't know how and DS is @ school.
I would be so indebted

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