Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure


Joyfully Addicted
10 Years
Apr 7, 2009
A close friend of mine has been having horrible problems with her flock getting bumblefoot. I sent her many links and pictures from this forum to help her and had extensive conversations with her numerous times about preventing it and how to actually do the "surgery" for it. Unfortunately she has a VERY weak stomach and just couldn't go through with the procedure herself. I advised her that if she didn't do the "surgery" that the birds would surely continue to suffer and eventually die. I also talked to her quite a bit about her ground coverings and things that could be causing this to happen in her flock so often. Since this person volunteers at a raptor rescue I told her it might be wise (since she can't do this herself) to talk with the avian vet on call and see if she might do the procedure for her. She did take my advise and the vet did the procedure on the one bird that was extremely serious at that point. Then to my surprise she didn't want to do it on the other bird.

Instead she suggested soaking the foot for 5 minutes a day in Tricide-Neo powder for FISH. She warned my friend to be careful as to not get the solution on herself. I have no idea as to why. Anyway to make a long story short after about a week of soaks the bird no longer has bumblefoot and never had to be cut open. The vet mentioned that they had been using this for sometime and were having great results with it.

I just wanted to pass along this information for those that might be like my friend, needing a solution other than cutting into the foot itself.
Thanks for this info!! Because i would SO not want to cut open my bird
... This sounds much better!
I am very happy to hear about this. I had a problem from early summer until this winter, trying to get rid of bumblefoot in Maizie mae, my black copper Marans. It finally healed on it's own. I think the cold weather finally did it. I had done "surgery" numerous times to "pull the plug". Nothing seemed to help, and believe you me, I tried EVERYTHING!
That is, except what you just posted.

My birds haven't had bumblefoot yet, but I'm sure it's just a matter of time. I like the sound of this solution. I don't raise fish, so forgive me if this is a dumb question. Do you buy this powder at the pet store, and make a solution out of it?
ArizonaNessa, you mentioned that you and your friend had discussed the *causes* of bumblefoot. Did ya'll come to a conclusion as to what the primary cause of bumblefoot in her chickens' cases? I'm just curious because it sounds like she had/has a significant problem with the ground environment.

Thanks for sharing the info about Tricide-Neo powder. Is this an over-the-counter medication?

Best wishes,

ETA: Did a search and it comes up as a medication for Koi. 22 grams makes a gallon "dip", cost at the website I visited $27.99+sh. Sounds rather interesting. Here's a little snippet of the info there....

About five years ago, the Emerging Diseases Research Group at the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine began working on treatments for resistant bacteria, and developed an agent that makes otherwise resistant bacteria susceptible to safer and older antibiotics. The potentiator that has proven effective against the "super" bugs that infect human burns is also effective against the common bacteria associated with topical infections in ornamental koi and goldfish.

Here is a link to it: Tricide-Neo Powder at
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I do not raise fish nor have I ever actually used this powder myself. My friend was offered the powder through the vet that tended her bird so I am not sure if you have to get it from a vet or not. I am going to ASSUME that this is a powder that can be bought online or maybe in a serious fish store. She mixed up the "dip" as suggested on the packaging.

Yes we came to the conclusion that there were thorns/stickers spread through her rock landscape after removal and trimming of some cacti. Remember I am in Arizona so cacti and desert plants sometimes can be an issue for us in this part of the country. She has taken care of the situation but not before enduring some serious heartaches. She lost 2 last year and it wasn't until the second one that I even realized what was going on and was able to help her. Of the 2 recent hens, one was barely with us because it had gotten so bad and she had done everything that anyone of us would or could do for her bird short of cutting. This was the bird that the vet did the procedure on and injected with meds. The other bird was treated with the Tricide-Neo powder for fish with great results.

Thank you Intheswamp for posting the link. I started not to post this because it was not my personal flock but some other members here encouraged me to share since I did have all the facts on the situation. I realize that there are many out there that can't afford to take a chicken to the vet or they can't stomach the surgical things. I do hope that it helps others.

Edited to add: The causes of it in Arizona can be from a wide range of things but it is my experience that it is most common in areas with a lot of cacti and this weed that we have here that I call goat-head weeds. Sorry I am not big into plants so I don't know the proper name but when it runs through it's little cycle of life, at the end it puts off these HORRENDOUS awful hard things that look like miniature goat skulls. The dang things will give a human bumblefoot in my opinion and they are awful hard to get rid of. It looks like soft fluffy stuff but step on it and it will make you a believer in a hurry
Also rocks and gravel. The birds jumping down from high places into gravel areas will bruise their feet after time.. Or I should say it can. Anything that breaks the skin of the foot can cause it because then it makes a place for bacteria to enter and infection to set in. In her case it was cholla cactus thorns. They are barbed and in humans usually have to be removed with pliers. I know because the one we had in the front yard shot me when I was pregnant and hubby had to hold me down to pull it out. Yes cholla cactus is known as jumping cactus because it kinda throws it's needles. I know scary huh. Well we don't have one no more. I had my baby and took a shovel to that thing with a vengeance!!!!
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