Vet suggestion for non-invasive bumblefoot cure

OK, we have used the Tricide-Neo for a consistent week with distilled water (which we didn't use the first time and results were poor). The bumblefoot has shrunk from at least pea sized to less than the head of a pin (barely see it). So far, so good. Going to go another week. We are doing a 7 minute foot dip once a day. We rinse their feet before the dip, clean with a paper towel if necessary. Rinse again after the 7 minute dip. No wrap or bandages.

We mix a small batch of one half gallon and use it for one week as directed in the instructions. Then we'll mix another batch for the second week.

ETA...although we had improvement using the Nutribiotic Grapefruit Seed Extract and I think it would have eventually handled it, I moved that girl to the Tricide-Neo also. 1) to get full money's worth out of the batch product and 2) Tricide-Neo is working faster.

The P73 Oregano did not have any noticeable effect on the bumblefoot.
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Thanks for keeping us updated. I originally posted this based on one person's experience therefore I am very pleased to see that you guys have given it a try and have been posting your experiences with it as well. This stuff is expensive in my book so I hope it does as well for you all as it did for my friend.
Expensive initially. However, use a small batch such as 1/2 gallon and the price falls to about $6 for a week of treatment and can do several birds each time.

Thanks for the heads up on the product and concept.

ETA: Wife informs me that we are using only a quart of solution at a time....$3 a batch.
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Thanks SO MUCH for the idea: thank your vet, too, ArizonaNessa! I hope this thread provides hope for others who have just been faced with the horrour of doing surgery on their animal without pain relief and with the potential of reinfection afterwards!

Today I was able to push out the infection from one of my hens with little pain to her and no blood. The infection was dead. I'll tell you how I did it!

I used Tricide Neo every other day ($20 a gallon or $55 dollars a gallon with FREE SHIPPING at with Nettie's chicken shoes all the time (, $9 a pair) with Neosporin and Prep H in the shoe. Because I was waiting for the shoes, they've been on this treatment for nine soaks, three with Nettie's shoes. The shoes were the key here, as I was able to place their wet feet in them and the Tricide Neo seems to keep working that way. Also, no dirt puts pressure on the infection or potentially reinfects the foot. Of course, follow the directions on the packet. I used distilled water from the get-go and had no problems.

I soak each chicken's feet (3 chickens total) for 5-7 minutes every other day or so. I bring the bucket in the coop and have treats on hand to make it easier. After the first few times, everyone chills out about it and pretty much stays in the bucket without resistance. I then flip them on their back in my lap and use a toothbrush pre-soaked with Tricide-Neo solution to scrub away dirt and as much scab as I can until I see what looks alive. I then apply Neosporin to the little dip this eventually creates and put on their shoes, which I've already pretreated with a good apmount of Neosporin and a pea-sized drop of Preperation H. The shoes do not interfere with any chicken behaviour, from roosting to scratching, and after the initial introduction, they seemed to forget they were on.

You can use very, very little for three chickens and not have to change it between them. I got ten soaks out of a gallon, and I could have gotten more if I hadn't overestimated how much it would take the first time I used it. The shoes could be expensive if you have a severely infected flock, but Nettie does offer discounts for these.

So with one hen I cured today, I noticed the infection was rather loose-- it just seemed like I could move it a little more each day with the toothbrush. I squeezed it after the soak and out it popped! She now has a lot of loose skin on her foot, so I filled the crevice that the cleared infection created with some Neosporin and put her shoe back on (she only had it on one foot). I can see that in a few more treatments, the others will have this happen, too. It's getting looser and deader every time.

I have three different cases of severity-- this hen with only one infection, another hen with two feet infected, and a rooster (featured earlier) with it probably in his bones-- it certainly made sores all over his toes. So I'll keep reporting in to tell you how it works with the rooster long-term, but I see success in my future! His are kind of loose now, and I wouldn't be surprised if I can get it out in a week.

A Silver-Spangled Hamburg hen, Celes. Golden-Spangled Hamburgs are featured in Chaucer's Nun's Priest's Tale (Chauntecleer and Pertelote). She's a light-weight, but she has layed almost everyday for coming up on three years.

Brabants thinks his shoes are nifty!
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That is what we saw happen with our second bird. The plugs (much larger on this girl than the other) started to pull away from the foot after a week or so on the Tricide-Neo and we got them out after a few more days. We are still soaking every other day.
phenomenal thread. of course, i just did my first ever bumblefoot surgery today!!!
i wonder if you can apply tricide neo to an open incision?
i think i gotta get some of that. if only i had seen this thread a few days ago. the thought of months of treatment is not pleasant. this ducks bumble was about the size of a dime. got a nice plug to pop out though. hopefully got it all. but i know i'll have to deal with this again, so i thinkg i'll have to get some tricide.

fantastic and hopefilled thread, this!

eta that it also seems insane to have to put a bird down just because it got something as common as bumblefoot!
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Just ordered this Tricide Neo for my favorite BCM girl. I'm having a problem finding the shoes though. I don't find them offered on the inside ducks site. I'm wondering if I were to use the sock with zip ties idea....maybe if I stitch something waterproof on the bottom of the sock?

I'm praying that this works. I love my little girl. She begs for me to pick her up and carry her around. I'd do whatever it takes to make her better.
Instructions for Tricide-Neo caution against applying to open wounds as I recall.

A link to a video on how to make your own bandage for a chicken....
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tx for that info. about the open wound thing.
def. getting some of this stuff. hey if a prof. avian vet says it is doing really well in the field, who can gaisay that!
several birds have this issue here.
would be nice if many could post results on this thread. i plan on it once i get the stuff

thank you all

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