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  1. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    The fact that they kicked up the DEFCON status based upon the election is really scary! I was in the chow hall years ago, and that thing went almost to the top. It scared the bejesus out of us. It was that JFK was shot. We didn't know it, but we ran to our duty stations. We were pretty sure...
  2. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    But, as I understand it, those not filing and paying income tax don't have to pay the $750 penalty. Am I wrong? Want good health care? Get yourself arrested. You can have a state paid sex change, get your teeth fixed and look great for the rest of your life sentence. The kid that lived...
  3. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    But we were supposed to get free insurance that someone else was going to pay for! Durn it, and I didn't even get a free Obama phone. My wife's insurance went up so much a couple of years ago, that I couldn't afford my insurance. I was paying $700 a month plus my former employer was paying a...
  4. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Yes, the "George Soros" memorial showers. I asked the girl that was the janitor of death row at the Florence prison just how the inmates passed their time. She said they practiced holding their breath. Maybe we should do likewise.
  5. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Yes, as they march us into the gas chamber.
  6. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Don't you mean "Us?"
  7. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Democrats are afraid a national data base with information will cause problems when they try to vote for dead people. Also, they might get caught and have to pay some child support. Their finger prints and DNA data on file could cause them problems. Let's see what the next couple of months...
  8. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    I don't see any problem having a national ID card. Cher would look terrible her picture. But the would be her problem.
  9. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Dennis was a sort of troll that kept the thing alive. He is probably still weeping about the election result.
  10. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    I see some people are unhappy with the results of the election. I wish they would listen to what Mr. Trump says rather than what CNN and MSNBC say he said. They lie! Can we ever trust the news media? I don't think so.
  11. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    If you do get sent to the FEMA camp, look for Dennis. He has been missing for quite a while now. You will know him because he will contradict every thing you say.
  12. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    She may still come out ahead in this. So many say "But she is a woman." If she manages to pull it off by hook or crook, I don't thing the military will allow her to take office. It may be a good time to be in southern Chile or the Australian out back.
  13. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    If Comey does not indict Hillary, and Trump wins, Obama cannot pardon someone that was not charged. Then, the other shoe will drop after January 20th. Let's see how this plays out.
  14. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Sorry Donna, it wasn't Russians, but the NSA.
  15. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    ...the truth will set you free." Later in life, I found that the truth will send you to jail. Hillary said when she got mad after the interview with Matt Lauer where he asked and unscripted question, she yelled "If that ******* gets in, we will all hang in nooses." Not a bad idea in my mind.
  16. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    It looks like the globalist want to bring the US down. Globalism looks good if you are working in rice paddy and making a dollar a day, but it would bring the whole western world down to that level. I am sorry, I have seen poverty on a massive scale, and I do not want it again. Those who...
  17. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    This has yet to play out. If Hillary wins the presidency, she could conceivable pardon herself and Bill. I suspect that will not happen. If she is indicted before the election, what would be the course of history? Would Kaine replace her on the ballot? Will the election be postponed? If...
  18. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    move it back to start and let the whole thing play.
  19. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    Muy interesante! So it was the NSA that was the source of the e mails leaked to Wikileaks. Julian Assange was just their front man. The intelligence agencies of the US government were so appalled at the corruption of the Clinton crime family that they had to act. They acted after the...
  20. rufus

    Great Depression of 2016

    I see the FBI finally got a search warrant to allow them to read the e mails on Huma's lap top computer. It is the same machine she shared with her pervert husband. There appears to be about 650,000 items there. It is all filed under a file labeled "Life Insurance." The Democrats want...
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