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  1. Dragonfly Ranch

    My hen is getting bald - other hen pecking her

    I know what you are thinking its just pecking order - but the one that is doing it is not the top hen. Last night I picked up my favorite Red Star and noticed that her head is almost bald and her neck feathers have been pecked on as well. Is there anything that I can put on her that will help...
  2. Dragonfly Ranch

    Storage of Duck eggs

    I don't have any experience with duck eggs. A local farmer friend gave me 4 three weeks ago. Been in the refrigerator and I have two questions: 1) After 3 weeks are they still OK to eat 2) I want to hard boil - how many minutes? Thanks Sandee
  3. Dragonfly Ranch

    How many times do you hit the snooze bar?

    Me only once for that extra 10 minutes to get final wake up and plan agenda for the day. How about you?
  4. Dragonfly Ranch

    Hens pulling out roos tail feathers - WHY?

    I have noticed some of my Lakenvalder tail feathers laying around in the run but didn't pay much attention to it. Then last night I observed a Silver Lace pecking at his tail and trying to pull them out. When I looked closer at the roo sure enough his tail in getting a lot thinner. Why do...
  5. Dragonfly Ranch

    Take a peek at our "My BYC Page" updated the pictures

    Finally got some more pictures of our ranch posted. Click on the "our pictures" tab. Let us know what you think!
  6. Dragonfly Ranch

    Those sneeky little hens!

    So I'm thinking the hens were taking Labor Day holiday seriously since I only got three eggs that day and usually get 8-9 from the 10 hens. Last night 4 eggs in nesting box. OK they are getting back in the groove. Change the water and as I turn around I look in the wine barrel cooler that we...
  7. Dragonfly Ranch

    Anyone have "Supermarket Super Gardens" Book?

    Got an advertisment for this book and wondering if anyone has it? Is it worth the $25 bucks?
  8. Dragonfly Ranch

    Can a 7 month old hen be barren?

    We track the eggs from our ten hens each day. We get 9 eggs quite often but we never get two green eggs from our two Amerucanas who are 7 months old. Could it be that one is barren? Is there a way to tell. Sandee
  9. Dragonfly Ranch

    How to feed layers and non-layers in winter months

    We have 2 each of the following breeds: Silver Lace Red Stars Light Brahmas Amerucanas Single Comb Leghorns We ordered from McMurray and their catalog indicates that the first three breeds lay throughout the winter. The last two they did not say either way. We live in Northern California and...
  10. Dragonfly Ranch

    We were LUCKY this time tore a big hole in run *pics*

    It was so strange I just said to my husband last night that we needed to come up with a fix for the pop out door. We use the deep litter process and it's getting high enough now that some was in slide down tracks and starting to prevent the door from closing all the way. Didn't want coon...
  11. Dragonfly Ranch

    How often do you pump your septic tank?

    There only the 2 of us here on the property and it has been 4 years since we moved in and the septic tank was pumped then. How often do you do yours? Or any other advise that you may have to offer. Sorry about the poopy subject matter, but everyone is so helpful here.
  12. Dragonfly Ranch

    Hey get out it's my turn to lay an eggg

    We have three smaller nesting boxes and one large box. Lately there have been two hens crowding into the same nesting box and laying at the same time. Should I worry about it? If so, any suggestions on how to cure the problem. Sandee
  13. Dragonfly Ranch

    I'll have that to go with some grubs on the side **pics**

    Gross but tasty! We got these from one of our raised beds. Japanese Beetle grubs and guess who was the happy recipients!
  14. Dragonfly Ranch

    Will they seek out water?

    We have two one gallon water stations - one in the run and the other in the coop. On occasion the one in the run has emptied throughout the day. When we re-fill they drink like they have not had water all day - when there is water in the coop. So the question will they seek out a water...
  15. Dragonfly Ranch

    So :( Husband leaving for 3 mths to work out of town

    Four years ago my husband and I made the decision to slow life down a bit and move from the Napa Valley so we could have some land and become more self-sufficient. So we sold our two homes, a piece of land and ended up in Happy Valley, CA. We both worked for Charles Krug winery owned by the...
  16. Dragonfly Ranch

    Can I feed figs?

    Checked the "Treat Chart" and don't see figs. I'm making fig bread and figs need to be peeled. Is it OK to feed the skins and tops/bottoms to my girls Sandee
  17. Dragonfly Ranch

    HELP! - Way too much basil - Need Suggestions

    Went out last night and pinched back the basil and this is what I got. And the basil is still going strong so will get this much again in a week. I already have enough pesto for what seems like the next two years - so I'm looking for some suggestions of what can be done with it besides pesto...
  18. Dragonfly Ranch

    Keep finding egg on the ground

    Our hens have been laying for almost 2 months now and with the exception of finding a couple in the beginning out in run everyone seems to be using the nesting boxes until the last few days. We keep finding one in the same spot to the side of roost each morning. It is there before we let them...
  19. Dragonfly Ranch

    Havahart Electric Fence - Good choice?

    We considering purchasing a battery operated Havahart fence to help with ensuring that raccoons, foxes etc. do not enter the outside pen the only access to the coop is pop out door. Does anyone have any opinion positive/negative about this type of electric fence. Thanks for your advice. Sandee
  20. Dragonfly Ranch

    Bow Tie Pasta with Brie Cheese

    When driving home from work last night and trying to think of something for dinner I remembered this one. It is so easy, fast, rich and yummy. If you try let me know what you think. Happy Cooking - Sandee Bow Tie Pasta with Brie 3 cups cooked Bow Tie Pasta, drained and set aside 1 Tsp fresh...
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