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  1. L

    cracked egg

    I have a hen sitting on 10 eggs and i noticed yesterday that one of the eggs was cracked but the inner liner of the egg was still intacked. I know that the egg was fertile i did a candling a couple days before and you could very plainly see a moving baby in there. Should i discard this egg or is...
  2. A

    Cracked egg

    My broody hen or another hen knocked out an egg she is sitting on and it is due to hatch in the next 3 or 4 days and it is now cracked. Will it survive? Should I bring it in and put under a heat lamp as I do not have an incubator please any help would be great. Thank you
  3. HaiHaiHens

    Cracked egg

    Peafowl eggs. I just accidently dropped a egg while taking out the turner try. Its day 25 of 28. I put some clear tape over the crack which is very small. It cracked on the pointer side end. I see or nor feel anything coming out.its smaller then a dime. Is there anything I should try different...
  4. L

    Cracked fertile egg

    I have a fertile egg that is about 4 days developed. It has been cracked on the side but no leakage. What should I do with it?
  5. J

    Crack in hatching egg?

    I set 18 serama hatching eggs yesterday. I inspected them and didn’t see any cracks but this morning when checking them out in the incubator, I noticed one egg had a teeny tiny crack and had some dried liquid (very minimal). I took non scented candle wax and sealed it like I’ve seen some suggest...
  6. LilHitzel

    Eggs Cracking Easily

    My hens have constant access to oyster shells, high quality Kalmbach feed, and only a small amount of treats, like soldier fly larvae or veggie scraps. They even have calcium deposits on some of their eggs…so why are their eggshells brittle and cracking easily? Hens are 12 months old btw.
  7. R

    Preparing eggs for incubator.... 'healed' cracks?

    When preparing eggs for the incubator, I ran into several eggs that appear to have been 'healed cracks' from somewhere in the hens reproductive tract. I soaked them in Manna Pro Egg Cleanser because they were pretty messy from the rain. Would you set these or should I pass? I have some older...
  8. mydaisy

    Broody accidentally cracked an egg

    I have a hen who cracked an egg, I believe it fell from under her wing and hit the wood of the nesting box. It’s 4 days old and does have growth. Do I have to throw this out? I searched other posts and someone on an old thread said that her chick hatched fine without repairing it or doing...
  9. Poultry Kitten

    Eggs cracking

    My hens are pretty much consistently laying and I do give them eggshells for calcium. Their eggs are cracking though, one of the hens could just be stepping on all of them but I am not sure. If you have any recommendations that would be awesome thanks!
  10. P2PFarmstead

    Fresh laid egg has surface cracks?

    Picked fresh eggs (<1 day old) out of the coop today and this little egg looks to have some cracking on the surface. Cracks don't go all the way through and the shell itself feels sturdy. Wondering if there is a disease or potential malnutrition happening with this particular hen that she might...
  11. UrbanHomesteadTX

    Cracked Incubating Egg, Embryo Still Alive!

    ...light), but went with what I had in order to get a pic of the crack) Now, I know I've seen other people have been able to still hatch cracked eggs. Is there any advice on what I can do to give this egg the best possibility of survival? How likely is it that it will survive in an egg that's...
  12. N

    I cracked an egg with an embryo! Day 4

    I was candling it for my husband when it rolled and cracked! Any advice? Do I need to let it go?
  13. CigarMan

    water glass egg crack

    Good evening everyone, Tonight I got into my water glassed eggs (from 3/17/23) and I had 3 eggs that only the shell was cracked, the membrane was intact. I have read in a number of places that if an egg is cracked, it ruins the whole batch. The water looked good, there was no "fowl" odor, I...
  14. Susan Skylark

    Hairline cracks in locked down quail eggs prior to pipping?

    We just started raising coturnix quail, today is day 19 (day 0 is the day eggs went in the incubator) and it has been sort of a strange journey. I borrowed an incubator and ordered a dozen hatching eggs. They spent 8 days in the mail, 5 of 15 got crushed, 2 others had ruptured yolks (and one...
  15. M

    Cracked eggs, but no zip after 30hrs (30 plus eggs)

    Hello, I am new to incubating eggs, my chukar patridge over almost 3 months has laid close to 60 eggs. Initially I had made a incubator out of a cardboard box and tried my best to maintain the temp at 37 to 38 degrees. The first egg made a crack on its shell on the 24th day and was out by the...
  16. HuffstutlerHens

    Help! I cracked an egg on day 10 and it has blood on the crack now.

    Help! I was candling my eggs. It’s day 10. One of them slipped and fell when putting it back in incubator. It has a small crack and has some blood on it. I’m so worried now. What should I do? Do I keep it going?
  17. N

    Hatching cracked egg 2 of incubation, the crack looked sunken in.I immediately put melted candle wax all over the crack.Today is beginning of day four of incubation and i candled the eggs and the cracked egg has a developing embrio.Is there a chance that it cand survive all 21 days of incubation and hatch safely?
  18. C

    Cracked egg

    My hen cracked this egg? Could it be saved? It’s about 9 days in
  19. The crazy Poultry hoarder

    I accidentally cracked an egg while candling its on day 17 or 18

    The title pretty much says it its a really bad crack it partially crushed I don't think it broke the membrane I will try to get some photos
  20. The crazy Poultry hoarder

    I accidentally cracked an egg while candling its on day 17 or 18

    The title pretty much says it its a really bad crack it partially crushed I don't think it broke the membrane I will try to get some photos
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