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  1. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Fine - There are Gov't Conspiracies, but H5N1 is not among them. Anahmeim Stadium and the Angels, as but one example of many many many. FIFY.
  2. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Mercola? I'd rather troll Twitter or Youtube looking for experts on any given subject. At least after a few youtube videos I could probably successfully plumb a toilet.
  3. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    The difference between LPAI and HPAI is definitional, based on observation. Death rates above 75%, HPAI. Death rates below 75%, LPAI. Here's an "injected" study using the Chinese variants from a few years back. Injection, of course, is good science - it allows one to control the dosing. The...
  4. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Yes, when I desire to respond with rudeness, I try to be rude with style. Not always successfully, sadly. Still, a more informative read than a dive straight to name calling and muck slinging. A small concession to my adoring public. :lau
  5. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Speaking only for myself, I do not strive for kindness, only accuracy. /edit Except in my spelling, about which I don't care.
  6. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Glad it wasn't your flock.
  7. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    "Oxygen" Outside is an Oxygen rich environment. Inside the cell walls, much less so.
  8. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Yes, I just don't feel for some unnamed someone... I'm not wired for emotional connections to the nameless/faceless with whom I have no relationship. As I said, I'm bad at being a decent human.
  9. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    I thought that was Sarah repeating the post of an unnamed someone known to her, not Sarah speaking for herself??? I may be a bad copy of a human, but even I would have some small sense of empathy if she lost her own flock and would be w/o replacements for at least half a year. Was I mistaken?
  10. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    I live in FL. My average temps, this time of year, are high enough to kill HPAI before incubation is complete - or will be by next month. We are already hitting high 80s during the day, and our humidity ensures we don't (normally) have deep drops in temp overnight. I don't think 70F minimum...
  11. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    thank you for sharing this - I was wondering if they would let eggs be kept, since the process of incubation is hot enough, for long enough, to kill the HPAI (and as the commercial hatchery was allowed to do). Seems like that varies by State. That's alos a VERY long property quarantine period.
  12. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    no, an appetizer. It will be much smaller than the last meal. ;)
  13. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Yeah, I'm definitely stepping off this thread.
  14. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Yeah, no need to use cell data to see who has been buying feed at the farm store.
  15. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    If their coop appears on google maps, the State will find them - its how CA found backyard flocks during Newcastle. and when that didn't work, they did aerial flyovers.
  16. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Yes, that's true. The hot zones for state culling are much smaller than in vND. I hadn't considered that - but that's as much a factor of the State making the decision as a specific response to the disease in question. CA brought a sledge where they may perhaps have brought a std. claw head...
  17. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    I'm unsure how to define "vND" levels so a head to head comparison can be made. AI has already had a greater effect in terms of states on geographic lockdown, its already had a greater effect on the US food supply, and it has already resulted in more birds killed. Around 1.2M birds culled in CA...
  18. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    Popcorn is for Scratch. Not a fan. ...and if I wanted a stream of low information opinions, I'd be watching a Facebook feed, or hanging out on Twitter. Have done what I can here, I'm stepping off. If my opinion is desired, @ me. Otherwise, I've more valuable things to do today. Like...
  19. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    If someone is interested, and has high speed dta (I'm on cell phone, and throttled by my data plan), here's an article from the H5N2 outbreak in 2015 which hit turkeys pretty hard in MN. There seems to be enough detail on locations to find some of these farms on Google Maps and look to see if...
  20. U_Stormcrow

    Avian Flu (H5N1) - Discussion

    ...seem to have moved to climate controlled in-building production much as commercial chicken production did years ago. So its not facilities. It *looks* (though I've not studied closely, I admit) that they maintain similar biosecurity practices and restrictions on employee ownership of...
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