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  1. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Your posts remind me of a woman who wrote a book that my father gave me upon my high school graduation---Woodswoman by Anne LaBastille. I think it is the self sufficient independence and resourcefulness of your posts. If you do indeed ever write a book about your experiences, I would read it...
  2. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    ...darnit, it was really good.. As long as you don't think of them as anything other than really itty bitty furry moo cows. You have NO idea how pis*ed my daughter was that I made it for the dog. She is such a wilderness baby and will literally try ANYTHING. And she apparently has found a...
  3. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    DH thankfully skinned them!! They were a bit pongy like cow poop (I guess though, they're rather like little furry rodent moo cows). After a day of cooking, it honestly smelled like beef stew. Though, the dog eats it much more heartily than she ever did my beef stew-------what's that tell me?? Lol
  4. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I was going to post today, but had held off----I cooked woodchuck again. DH got 3 the other day and we put them in the crockpot for 36 hours and added rice, and now I've got killer organic dog food!!
  5. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Awesome. I'm waiting to turn mine lose into my garden after the harvest-----they can get those dang flea beetles and earwigs for me. I think I'm going to use that "bugs into eggs" in a school analogy for my kids..they'll love it!
  6. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Blueberries are ready already where I live! It's crazy. I remember them being ripe in August, but everything seems to have readied for harvest a lot earlier this year for some reason.
  7. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I think I'll throw a mound into their run and see what they'll do. I'm going to process the carrots Monday when I do the rest of my beets! :-)) I threw them the leftover beet scraps from canning and they went wild over it. From afar it looked really gorey like a flock of ferocious carnivorous...
  8. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I planted really early this spring (roulette with the weather and frosts...), in hopes of harvesting double the crops (at least of my cold loving veggies like spinach, kale, carrots, beets). Anyone else save things like beet greens? I blanched and froze some (I haven't harvested my beets yet...
  9. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I simply love it. They follow me along too, against the fence of their pen, eyeing me with baleful anticipation (baleful in regards that they've been lusting after the garden since their arrival....and have had several failed infiltration attempts-----bum rushing me out the coop door, and...
  10. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Okay, so this has pretty much nothing to do with anything regarding frugality (unless you count them being quite numerous and very much free!!)----but I've discovered that feeding Japanese beetles to my chickens is pretty much the most hysterical thing I have ever witnessed! It's like the...
  11. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I've never tried brewing basil before. I love basil anyway, so I'd definitely be willing to give it a go. I've got a love-hate relationship with caffeine. I starting clean eating, and now that my body is seemingly digesting food better/more efficiently, I'm feeling the caffeine effect with much...
  12. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    My niece has ADD, I'll relay that about the green tea. No offense taken lol. I'm a cold hard tea addict. But my one glass (5 bags strong lol) lasts me all day. Coffee makes my heart do funny things. I used to be a multipot of coffee a day (on my night shift days) but my sleep was all messed up...
  13. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Ditto!!! My go-brain-go juice in the morning is: 5 bags of black tea steeped in 24 oz of water----good strong ice tea!
  14. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    We've got a habitat for humanity store in Erie here and I've always wanted to go check it out. I've got some cheesecloth that I use when I'm making my herbal tinctures, I didn't even think about that for the windows--good call! And I'll tell you what---peppermint and chamomile drying...
  15. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    For drying food outside on a picnic table type set up, I've seen people take window screens and frame them in (so that they're raised up to allow for space over the food). I've never tried it, but I think that's what I would do. Sort of like a screened lid that just sets over something.
  16. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I wanted a stainless steel dehydrator in the worst way, but they are all hundreds of dollars and I don't have that spare cashflow---- this is the next best thing for me lol.
  17. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    Eek! Momentary sticker shock. I honestly think it'd be worth it to try, atleast once. Thanks for the link!
  18. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    This is my super frugal drying method---my herbs hang in my kitchen where there is good circulation and it's always quite warm and dry due to me cooking all the time. BUT I cheat a lot, and I take a cookie drying rack and put it in my car (after I harvest the plants in the am), crack the...
  19. PlaidBattleAxe

    Just curious who else is living super frugal

    I've never heard of Pomona's pectin--but I will be looking for it/ie ordering it online if I have to. I'm just starting my canning for the year and it'd definitely be handy. For the food grade wood barrels, have you tried contacting a local winery? They may sell you a used one.
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