Just curious who else is living super frugal

So, are you all saying that green tea has no caffeine? And that it's great for ADD? I can't wrap my head around the taste of it, but perhaps I'll give it an other go, with a lot of honey, some mint, and perhaps a bit of lemon. I'm having huge issues with sleep, or lack of it. And if anyone did an ADD profile on me, I'm guessing that i'd come out at the top of the spectrum. You'd ought to see how i do housework! And gardening/farming is a perfect occupation for someone with ADD. you can go in a thousand different directions at once, and still convince yourself that you're being productive.

While going out to plant some herbs this morning, i went into the coop to inspect the nest box... empty. From there, I walked the perimeter of the electric fence, and found a few Japanese beetles in a raspberry bush. Other folks nightmare offensive garden pest is my "OH boy, free protein for the chooks!" So it was back into the house to set up the 2 beetle traps I bought last week, back out to hang them, back in to find an ammonia bottle to make a hand held trap, out to the shop to cut the top off the cap, and cut the bottle into a scoop shape, back in to get a zip lock and screw it to the bottom of the ammonia bottle scoop with the topless cap, and grab a fly swatter, then back out for 2 slow trips around the yard and garden, wacking beetles into the bottle. Found that the lettuce was dry, had to water it, added some potato beetles to the Jap trap, dumped it into a water bowl several times so the chooks could bob for beetles. They won't touch a potato beetle, or anything that feeds on potato leaves. It's now 11:30. I think i should go out and plant those herbs!!

I want a pictorial of this. Step by step please.
So, are you all saying that green tea has no caffeine? And that it's great for ADD? I can't wrap my head around the taste of it, but perhaps I'll give it an other go, with a lot of honey, some mint, and perhaps a bit of lemon. I'm having huge issues with sleep, or lack of it. And if anyone did an ADD profile on me, I'm guessing that i'd come out at the top of the spectrum. You'd ought to see how i do housework! And gardening/farming is a perfect occupation for someone with ADD. you can go in a thousand different directions at once, and still convince yourself that you're being productive.

While going out to plant some herbs this morning, i went into the coop to inspect the nest box... empty. From there, I walked the perimeter of the electric fence, and found a few Japanese beetles in a raspberry bush. Other folks nightmare offensive garden pest is my "OH boy, free protein for the chooks!" So it was back into the house to set up the 2 beetle traps I bought last week, back out to hang them, back in to find an ammonia bottle to make a hand held trap, out to the shop to cut the top off the cap, and cut the bottle into a scoop shape, back in to get a zip lock and screw it to the bottom of the ammonia bottle scoop with the topless cap, and grab a fly swatter, then back out for 2 slow trips around the yard and garden, wacking beetles into the bottle. Found that the lettuce was dry, had to water it, added some potato beetles to the Jap trap, dumped it into a water bowl several times so the chooks could bob for beetles. They won't touch a potato beetle, or anything that feeds on potato leaves. It's now 11:30. I think i should go out and plant those herbs!!
LOL sleep deprived can mimic some types of ADD apparently, as can other issues. Apparently green tea is from a drifferent plant-- and the taste is Aghhh but I know it has powerful antioxidants so I started drinking it for that reason some time ago-- and now it is for 2 reasons. For my son I mask it in a smoothy, or in strawberry crystal lite. I tried it last week with leon and mint and I wil NEVER do that again. NEVER. Tell me what you think-- I didnt use honey, just splenda.

Getting good sleep is really important a s you know.ANd for those women that have little ones sleep is often in short supply.

potato leaves are probably as posonous as the tomato leaves-- not good for chooks to eat the leaves or the bugs that have eaten the leaves.

When I saw only 3 japanese beetles on my raspberries I was delighted and dismayed at the same time!! Talk about conflicted!! No bugs to destroy the bushes, but not snack for the chooks.

I think when we are sleep deprived it helps to have kdis and animals that can chooler "I"m hungry!" lol
I shot an email to a friend that is a tea "snob" -- her words not mine. BUt if you saw the kitchen draw full of 100 different teas and some very expensive you would totally get her lov e of teas. lol I dont buy her teas in fear of buying junk. lol
My niece has ADD, I'll relay that about the green tea. No offense taken lol. I'm a cold hard tea addict. But my one glass (5 bags strong lol) lasts me all day. Coffee makes my heart do funny things. I used to be a multipot of coffee a day (on my night shift days) but my sleep was all messed up and my body tired but brain wouldn't shut down, so I've cut down a lot and feel much better. :)

Please be very careful about imbibing too much caffeine (even green tea has a small amount of caffeine.).

It can have a cumulative effect. Especially be careful if you are feeling heart palpitations, or, getting a foggy/spacy sensation in your brain, or not sleeping well. I was hospitalized some years ago for caffeine overdose. I had been sipping on my one, extra large (caffeinated) tea from the mall at the time, having a good time with friends. I was only having one extra large tea drink in the mornings. The brain chemistry changes, so it comes on hard and fast, acts exactly like a severe panic attack, and you can't stop the severe pain without meds if it starts. It lasted 7 horrible hours (before the hospital).

Have you ever tried brewing bruised Basil leaves? It is delicious and fragrant. My favorite is Blue Spice basil.
Quote: Dr Northrup talks about only 1 cup of tea a day to get the antioxident benefits. Would need to look up Dr Amens info for the details.

You bring up an important point, that we are all individuals and the amt we can tolerate or how it effects us, varies person to person.

My usual is 2 cups a day, usually over the whole day aaas I dont like the taste. lol

SO as I pointed out earlier both Northrup and AMen say quit the caffiene kick.
Please be very careful about imbibing too much caffeine (even green tea has a small amount of caffeine.).

It can have a cumulative effect. Especially be careful if you are feeling heart palpitations, or, getting a foggy/spacy sensation in your brain, or not sleeping well. I was hospitalized some years ago for caffeine overdose. I had been sipping on my one, extra large (caffeinated) tea from the mall at the time, having a good time with friends. I was only having one extra large tea drink in the mornings. The brain chemistry changes, so it comes on hard and fast, acts exactly like a severe panic attack, and you can't stop the severe pain without meds if it starts. It lasted 7 horrible hours (before the hospital).

Have you ever tried brewing bruised Basil leaves? It is delicious and fragrant. My favorite is Blue Spice basil.

I've never tried brewing basil before. I love basil anyway, so I'd definitely be willing to give it a go. I've got a love-hate relationship with caffeine. I starting clean eating, and now that my body is seemingly digesting food better/more efficiently, I'm feeling the caffeine effect with much less of it. But that being said, I've been getting a terrible headache after my tea for about the past week, week and a half. It's strange, not sure if it's something environmental or if it's the tea. I'm going to do an experiment. I work my hell-shift tomorrow (15 hrs :p), and I'll try the basil instead of my tea. It'd be awesome to not have the headache while I'm running around the clinic. :) Thanks for the suggestion.
Dr Northrup talks about only 1 cup of tea a day to get the antioxident benefits. Would need to look up Dr Amens info for the details.

You bring up an important point, that we are all individuals and the amt we can tolerate or how it effects us, varies person to person.

My usual is 2 cups a day, usually over the whole day aaas I dont like the taste. lol

SO as I pointed out earlier both Northrup and AMen say quit the caffiene kick.
I've never heard of Dr Northrup or Amens. Are they naturopathic Drs? I'll do some googling after I clean out the poop coop deluxe (courtesy of heavy rain and stubborn chickens who THINK they want to be out in it and decide after a soaking and mudding that they do not. Mud+angry chickens+poop=huge mess.).
I've never tried brewing basil before. I love basil anyway, so I'd definitely be willing to give it a go. I've got a love-hate relationship with caffeine. I starting clean eating, and now that my body is seemingly digesting food better/more efficiently, I'm feeling the caffeine effect with much less of it. But that being said, I've been getting a terrible headache after my tea for about the past week, week and a half. It's strange, not sure if it's something environmental or if it's the tea. I'm going to do an experiment. I work my hell-shift tomorrow (15 hrs :p), and I'll try the basil instead of my tea. It'd be awesome to not have the headache while I'm running around the clinic. :) Thanks for the suggestion.
I've never heard of Dr Northrup or Amens. Are they naturopathic Drs? I'll do some googling after I clean out the poop coop deluxe (courtesy of heavy rain and stubborn chickens who THINK they want to be out in it and decide after a soaking and mudding that they do not. Mud+angry chickens+poop=huge mess.).

Lemon basil and Blue Spice are particularly pungent, and I really bruise up the leaves beforehand. Has a lovely fragrance, much more so than store bought regular sweet basil. On a hot day, I will open drop in frozen grapes/ chilled strawberries/ blueberries, melon balls, etc.

I was occasionally getting headaches occasionally as well before that happened- almost always after drinking something with strong caffeine. Truly you sound like you may be at least a bit sensitive to it possibly, so I caution to always access how you are feeling while drinking it. You don't EVER want to be overcome by caffeine and hospitalized. It was worse than having my wisdoms out.
Here is one source for comparing hte caffiene levels in several beverages wehave talked about.


decaf coffee is the loweest 12mg
then green tea.35 mg
reg coffee has 100-200mg

500-600mg a day is when problems arise.

As far as ADD-- I would have expected Dr Amen to recommend reg coffee if caffiene was the chemical that was at work.

On another note when I was in the hospital due to a stroke and had sever migraines, the night shift usually brought me a cup of coffee. I t really calmed the pain.

Basil tea served with a slice of tomato!!
Caffeine is a vasodilator, so is supposed to help with head aches. I am very caffeine sensitive, but not as much since passing through menopause. I do one cup of coffee in the AM, but won't even have iced tea after mid afternoon, even though it is my favorite drink.

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