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  1. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Sommer I just wanted to say that your birds are looking great, I always love looking at your pictures and checking on your progress. I personally am not a fan of the NN breed but can definitely say I've never seen any look like that. All these girls are beautiful.
  2. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    we are incubating some of her eggs for the schools spring hatch. her eggs have an amazing 100% fertility rate, even tho she gave me the eggs in a ziploc bag! i thought for sure something bad would happen because of lack of oxygen. now we just hope for 100% hatch rate, lol
  3. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    just wanted to pop in to tell you that one of the alohas i gave to my friend in PHX is a broody mama. she was so proud telling me about mom and chicks, like a grandma. also found out that they ended up keeping 2 roosters (they were hoping their neighbors wouldnt care) turns out their neighbors...
  4. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    wow sommer, i cant get over those theiving kids. maybe a game camera will work? or an electric fence... i shudder to think what they are doing with them, because any rightly sensed parent would ask questions and have them return the stolen property. i wish i could help with the special pen...
  5. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    from what i remember (or maybe dreamed about) blue eggs were an end goal, there were just so many other things to fix before getting into that. for a quick second she was looking at some project hens at the university of arkansas that had red/brown body and laid blue eggs. we tried to get some...
  6. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    sommer, i might have an idea about the sniffles... i remember my flock and a lot of other mesa flocks having those issues a few years ago. anyway, i started feeding mine fermented feed around that same time and i do not currently have sniffles in my flock. i'm not positive thats what helped...
  7. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    ok guys, i have been putting it off for a while because i dont want to do this but i have to get rid of my chickens. i have 4 crowing roosters right now and am stressed to the max. too close neighbors, house remodeling, family issues and blah blah blah. anyway, i have this really great white...
  8. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    i do agree with that opinion because there isnt 100% proof that its not genetic. thats part of the reason i kept 2 finalists, i really hope the smaller of the 2 beefs up and shows better mottling as he gets older.
  9. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    ...really really want to see her egg color. i'm hoping she'll be an olive egger. there are 3 other so so pullets. all with white legs and less spots. *sigh BELOW: these are the 2 roosters that made the cut. the first one shows more white on the chest, but the second one is bigger with a...
  10. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    out of 10 roosters 2 made it through the final cull. one has crooked toes, but has good size and color so i kept him. i will try to post pics soon, but very busy this weekend.
  11. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    none of the above pictured birds are true ameracauna, or any ameracauna mix either. they should have pea combs and fluffy muffs and beards. i'm not sure what the first rooster is, but he is barred for sure and really pretty. the second rooster looks like it might be an old english game.
  12. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    finally! after heat losses in the first 2 weeks and the first cull at 4 weeks i have 15 left. looking out there now i see at least 7 who will be removed due to lack of spots, or pale leg color. i do have a few good looking roosters. they are 10 weeks so i know there is a chance we can still...
  13. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    she does sound like a great broody :) of all the aloha hens i havent had a single broody. as a matter of fact in 2 years of chicken keeping i havent had a broody ever, of any breed, lol. 2 days ago with all the rain i had to rescue my whole brood. they were in their sleeping piles in TWO...
  14. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    jbolt, some nice looking chicks you have there. they look about the same age as mine :) same colors too, LOL
  15. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    i like that roo you posted last, the one you are going to put with the small alohas (replacing his dad) he looks really nice, even tho not as much white as the other. i do have some pictures to post, but they're on my phone and i have to email each one to myself - its takes forever!! i am...
  16. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    part of my own post, copied from another thread: **in other news, i was incubating 32 eggs from my random backyard flock - some pure aloha, some back yard mix and i only ended up with TWO chicks. i have to say this is by far my worst hatch ever, and it was all my fault. all the times i checked...
  17. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    just wanted to report that i sold all of my NONyellow leg babies last week and then went on vacation for 5 days. i got back and these babies have doubled in size! its hot out there but i need to move the grow out pen to another part of the yard so i can give them some more room - i will try to...
  18. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    hechicken, sounds like a cool project going on there. i like the idea of giving the NH some hens until the others grow up, a rooster without a hen is a sad rooster, lol. unfortunately i have had NO luck at introducing adult males, only the ones that grow up together are even half way friendly to...
  19. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    horsiefly that is awful sad news, sorry for your losses.
  20. notinoz2007

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    ...was 2.5 years old, i've hatched so many chicks that i dont even know how long i've had her!! but i do know i've had her the longest of them all. *sigh* in other news, i have 32 eggs to incubate from my very own stock of layers. this will be the first time i've incubated anything from my...
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