The Aloha Chicken Project


I had this little roo sold and hubby said no way. I banded him and we will see how he turns out.
knjinmn they were shipped to me from Sommer in Arizona, she has the breeders. They are growing at a great rate, I don't weigh them though.
The heat is on here!

I culled way, way down right before we got hot. Now this is most of what is left at my home, about 25 are not in this photo. But, this is most of them here:

Missing from the pic are about five adult hens and probably about 15 Aloha babies, plus 5 pure Sussex babies from the Ideal Hatchery group.

There will be one more heavy cull after this. Already a few of the teenagers are really "popping" while a few others are fizzling out. Will shoot for about 20 adult hens to keep for the next year's breeder group.

Last I talked to Derek he also had a ton at his place, growing out, but he's had predator and other issues that have taken out huge numbers in the past, so that could have already changed.

Stephen also has about four roos and umm, probably 25 really excellent hens. Plus about 25-30 "meh" Aloha-bred hens that need to be sold to new homes.

And now, luckily, we have Jbolt starting up a new flock.

LareePQG is hardly on BYC anymore, and she has not been as focused on the chickens as she was due to time constraints. In fact, she was going to skip hatching altogether this year. However, her chickens took over and decided for her! She didn't collect eggs for 5 days, and the boxes were filled with broodies. Tons of Aloha/Swedish Flower cross chicks were the result! She says I need to take a look at them, because apparently some of them look really nice.

Now the poor Alohas have to survive Phoenix. It was 116 yesterday.
Sommer, I enjoyed visiting you in February but I do not envy you June, July and August! We had 104 here on Thursday and while we all survived, I can't say I really enjoyed it. I know there is more to come but for the next week the temps are in the 80's and that is just fine and dandy with me. That is actually unseasonably cool in this area for this time of year so I will especially enjoy it.

My Excheq Leghorns are growing out nicely and showing a lot more spots the older they get. I think the timing will work perfectly in that they will be mature right at the end of the summer, so I will be able to do some good sized fall hatches, and have the chicks big enough to be integrated before winter.
part of my own post, copied from another thread:
**in other news, i was incubating 32 eggs from my random backyard flock - some pure aloha, some back yard mix and i only ended up with TWO chicks. i have to say this is by far my worst hatch ever, and it was all my fault. all the times i checked on them, i never noticed that the auto turner was off its rocker, until day 14. *smacks forehead* anyway the last one i helped hatch because i couldnt stand the thought of only one chick. i usually dont help, because that can lead to a weak chick - which is the case here. but in my eyes its still better than one all alone. since there are only 2 they are in my daughters room and will end up being house chicks til sometime in the fall. (ps dont tell DH) the tiny one is brahma aloha cross. the other is brahma EE and so fluffy and huge. i will post pics soon.

so sommer, sadly neither of these 2 belong to The Jerk or to my snickerdoodle. my brahma aloha belongs to my pure ginger hen. I was hoping with 32 eggs i would have some pure, and i probably did - but i ruined their chances. by the time i realized they werent being turned about 15 were still viable, but only 5 made it to lock down. *sigh
I have 12 pretty spotty babies from the last hatch from your eggs, they are happily living it up in my side yard. again, pics will come soon. ... i just dont wanna go outside and take the pictures right now! its 115 already!
We took these pics on 6/16 so I'm slow getting these posted. I thought I would post them side by side with the pics taken approx a month ago but it seems like I'm rushing from one thing to the next all the time. Similarly, I don't have time to post the cockerels this a.m. -- these are the pullets. I have 6 pullets and 7 cockerels.







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