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  1. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Hello aloha! Don't know if you remember me, but you shipped me some chicks 6 or 7 years ago. I'd like to get some fresh stock if I can. I currently have an epidemic of egg eating, so most of my flock is going to have to go. edited to add, I am happy to trade fertile eggs, but typically my...
  2. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    The nice thing with he Reptibator is the temps can go as low (I believe) 70 degrees (farenheit of course) and as high as 104. It is digital and allows me to set humidity as well. It is very deep perhaps 2 feet deep? Which means I have to build it up at the bottom so the eggs will get warm...
  3. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project off my hens are now eating their eggs and I may well have to butcher all but the Alohas; and build them a special nesting box. Those cuckoo marans and their thin shelled eggs got them all started, and now I'm not getting any eggs! Talk about a winter of my discontent!! *stoopid* chickens!
  4. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I am so disappointed, the only 2 chicks that survived are both males, and neither are particularly good examples. All that work and both will have to be culled. :(
  5. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I have to agree, that is one yummy tail on him! I have two that I hatched (my hatch rates are really dismal) one of which is a roo, at about 8 weeks he has a bright red comb already. :( He also has blue/grey legs with feathered feet I have one large looking possible hen that is 3 weeks...
  6. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I got one Aloha chick out of 6 I set... One made it to the point of creating a breathing hole out of the egg and then died before hatching. This one looks like a chipmunk, with black and brown stripes on a yellow body. Grey legs tho. Her(crosses fingers!) adopted Mum is doing a fabulous job...
  7. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    @canesisters, we are trying to create a new breed. The American version of the Swedish flower. What we want are large duel purpose chickens with a large plump bodies, a single comb that has exuberant spotted coloring! Oh yeah, it should have yellow legs and lay large brown eggs. it is...
  8. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Please do count me in as well! I would love to swap roos and hens... I have a dozen eggs in the 'bator and next Friday I'll add another 6 for an even 18. I'm really hoping that they will hatch... I haven't real good luck with hatching. So far none of my hens have displayed the slightest...
  9. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I thought it was super kind of them too. The other neighbor, who just bought the house next door, offered me some of their eggs the other day. I was hoping she would consider taking any culls off of my hands, that was a fail for both of us!
  10. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Just checking in real quick here, my neighbor started complaining about the racket the roos were making (they were 13 of them!) so I culled 7 of them and hopefully that will be enough. I have kept the best 4 Aloha roos and have sequestered them with the ladies. In another week or so I'll be...
  11. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    I have EGGS!! WooHoo!!!! The girls are a layin'. I am so happy, can you tell?! They are different colours. One looks pink and the other is a dark cream colour. I am soooo pleased!! That is one cute chick Karen!
  12. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Her are some more Only thing this guy is lacking is yellow legs
  13. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Here are some of the keepers (by the way it was an even 4 to 4 in terms of who to keep and who was culled.) So, here are the keepers! Lovely size and a nice temperament. Another I adore this boy!
  14. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Today I finally sorted the Roosters, and moved the culls into a separate pen. I just about drove myself barking mad trying to decide who to keep and who to cull. So, here are the photos of the keepers and one of the culls. ^^^^^^^ is a cull. One of the smaller ones with pink/grey legs
  15. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    We have been having temps in the 80's to low 90's here, it is summer after all , and the alohas have sailed through our hot afternoons with flying colours! I am really impressed! My other flock has been showing some signs of heat stress, whereas these colourful birds have done remarkably well...
  16. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Eggs aren't generally shipped, due to problems hatching them... Normally day olds are shipped. Chime in anyone, if I'm mistaken! Right now due to the heat Sommer's hens aren't laying well, and mine aren't quite laying yet, (but they're getting close! ). So, you may have to wait a bit...
  17. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Thanks so much for the input Sommer! Great idea using different hatcheries as well. Chicken shopping will have to wait until I get paid next month.
  18. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    Oh goody! a reason to buy more chickens!! So, I need some sussex and New Hampshire hens, correct? Any idea who might have them? I'll have a look in buy-sell forum.
  19. runsw/scissors

    The Aloha Chicken Project

    And the last Way too much white!
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