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  • Users: Jodeekep
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  1. J

    F2 Oliver Eggers

    I’m trying to understand the f1 and f2 gene in Oliver eggers. I hatched these two from my Oliver hen and rooster. Would they lay olive eggs since I’m guessing they are f2
  2. J

    Help something is wrong. (Blood)

    Monday I was dealing with pasty butt with a few of them. The last 2 days I’ve been checking and everything been good. Went to check on the chicks and I found one sitting by herself when I saw something hangout out of her butt so I just wiped it and a string came out and it was bloody. I’ve never...
  3. J

    Help sick chicks ? Poo pics

    Got home from work and I noticed I lost two chicks and one had his feathers ruffled. The other chicks were running around fine. The poop looks off to me, I don’t think watery poop is normal
  4. J

    Brooder plate

    Hi raising babies chicks for the first time myself , I’ve done a a bunch of hatched but my broodies did all the work but since I don’t have them anymore. I got a brooder plate and I just wondering if it’s too low for them. The first pic is there I had it low in the back and high the front or...
  5. J

    Gender ?

    I hatched chicks on November 6th. I think I have 4 pullets and 2 cockerels. In the past I’ve had a late bloomer that would look like a pullet then over night I feel like get a huge red comb. The first chicken in the picture I’m asking about the gender. Also I got barred rock eggs and hatched...
  6. J

    Breed of pullet

    I got this chick back in September for one of my broody hen. The lady did not know what kind of chick it was. She thought it was a turkey. Lucky for me I knew it was not. I am just trying to figure out what breed she is.
  7. J


    I’ve hatched barred rocks before but they have never been fully black or have really black legs. Is That normal? I got 5 eggs from my nana and all she has is barred rocks. There is one with the brown tips on wings that’s the only egg that’s hatched from me. They are 3 weeks
  8. J

    Gender ?

    Got this barred rock from my nana who breeds all barred rock. I thought it was a pullet but the comb is getting bigger and pink. I don’t have another barred rock to compare it too.
  9. J

    Baby chicks

    I got baby chicks tonight to give to my broody hen who’s been broody for a couple weeks. Slipped them in there while she was sleeping and left. Came back and hour later and she kicked them out. I tried again being hopeful and she tried to kill them. I do have another hen who has a baby chick she...
  10. J

    Breed ?

    I have 4 hens that I got from someone who could not care for them any longer. I wasn’t told the breed or anything. I was wondering what breed of hens I got. Also peep momma hen hatched some babies today. Got the eggs from my grandma who has pure breed barred rock. Looks like mostly male 😅
  11. J

    Wondering why she’s acting like this.

    I have hen that just starting laying last month. For the past couple weeks. She’s been trying to sit on eggs. Especially hers and I’ve been getting them and getting her out the nest. Like once or twice a week. This week she sat on 4 other eggs and screamed at me when I got close. I’ve had other...
  12. J

    Breed ?

    I was told she’s a legbar and the guy said she would lay blue eggs. I do have a blue layer and I thought it was my legbar til I walked in and saw in fact it was not her egg today. She laid brown. Could she be crossed with something. I’m not bummed at all. I was just curious as to what she may be...
  13. J

    Blue egg

    I have 2 chickens that I can’t decide who laid this egg. My legbar i saw last week checking out the nesting boxes and my other( I don’t what breed she is ) she has had red waddles for about a month now. They both are 5 months.
  14. J


    Hi , looking for what breed my 10 week old chicks are. The lady I got them from just said barnyard mix. I would like to know if possible what breed they are like isa brown or buff Orpington ( at least that’s what I think the orange ones are). Also the first 3 black ones I got at tractor supply...
  15. J

    Possible sick chicken ?

    While I was at work my husband found a hen that’s passed. I’ve been treating for bumble for the past 5 days. I noticed yesterday she had runny poop. It was in the 100s the last two days but didn’t think much on it. I will add her poo , I just don’t know what happened. I would soak her feet ...
  16. J

    If this okay to give my chick

    Hi , I was trying to find b complex to give my chick. All I found was this , and I was wondering if it is okay to give to her.
  17. J

    Chick hurt ?

    Hi I post Thursday about my 6 week old chicken walking funny and not eating. I was told to treat for being over heated well it’s Sunday and she’s still walking weird. Does eat and drink but not as much as I would like her too. She’s motivated and is trying. She’s walking a lot better than she...
  18. J

    Chick hurt

    Noticed a couple hours ago that something is majorly wrong with a chick of mine. She is 6 week old. I was trying to rack my brain as to what it could be or what happened. All I could think was a chicken ran over her. She’s walking like something is broken. I don’t want her to suffer if there’s...
  19. J

    What breed

    Hi , post a couple weeks ago about what breed of chicks I have. I was told to wait til 6 weeks. They are now 6 weeks old. I would love to know what breed I have added to my flock. Thanks ! (They are dirty cause mom took them into the cow pasture after it had rained so mom and babies are dirty.)
  20. J

    Wanting to know breed

    I have a male and 4 ladies that I’m wanting to know the breed on. The dark ones I got from the same lady I got my welsummer. So im thinking that maybe they could have some welsummer gene. Also the last picture of the two chickens they are siblings.
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