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  1. slordaz

    Conflict in the flock

    a broody raised that has had the chicks out with the flock knows when they are ready and safe, but then again my hen took em out free ranging with her as soon as she was off the nest that may be the difference there, once she weens see if she settles down, I have one broody that terrified the...
  2. slordaz

    Help... Sick Turkey tom

    isn't gape worm a different treatment though? is not awake enough this morning though to even find the coffee so I will just shut up until properly caffeinated lol dang op thats expensive, I ordered the stuff on amazon for in case I need to do a fecal float test, for simple fact chickens aren't...
  3. slordaz

    Conflict in the flock

    remember each chicken is going to be different, no matter they were raised together even. U have had pullets make bette brooders than moms, broodies it's a guessign game but when she feels they are ready she will wean em, i have has some that will ween at 2-3 weeks as long as theres no changes...
  4. slordaz

    Help... Sick Turkey tom

    note sure but if chickens can get gape worm s can a turkey , coud have some type of infection going on too,
  5. slordaz

    I think I messed up! Advice needed!

    thats the spirit, some take more convincing, but they teach us a lot too
  6. slordaz

    Meat chicken is injured

    we raised meat birds with our egg layers , but we made em free range with em, instead of jsut fattening them up without to many issues as they were to busy finding food for their voracious appetite, we only serperated the ones that were overly aggressive and they were processed sooner than the...
  7. slordaz

    I think I messed up! Advice needed!

    some mommas will and some wont, they spent that brood time talking to eachother while chicks were still in the shell. I have some broodies that will take anything in while others won't, you should never give chicks to a broody you aren't prepared to raise your self if she rejects them. That...
  8. slordaz

    Help... Sick Turkey tom

    one thing i always do for chickens after being treated for worms is give them yogurt along with vitamins, don't have a clue though on turkeys. Even if the local vet doesn't see feathered friends they can still run a fecal float test on a fresh sample for you, around here that runs ya about...
  9. slordaz

    Plz Help Plz Help

    just keep seperated and keep an eye he is eating and drinking, their hormones are kicking in and it's gonna be crazy until they level out. my friend took one of my young roos as couldn't have more than one here and he almost gave his life defending his hens from a coon, had severe injuries and...
  10. slordaz

    What age are these chicks

    They look to be around 5 days old to me
  11. slordaz

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    so may of the seeds can be toxic to chickens, did you know some poisons are made from certain seeds?
  12. slordaz

    Average Life Span of a Chicken/Rooster?

    mine passed away this morning at the age of 7.5 and this was the first year he didn't have a lot of healthy chicks hatch out
  13. slordaz

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    Lacto fermenting you put the grains in a bucket about half full of them then add water ti fill the bucket, stir it when your going to feed and add more when you take out, initial takes 3 days befor eready to start feeding them, the longer it goes you start seeing some sprouts in there but it...
  14. slordaz

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    ...easy and so prolific is do several buckets to grow inside and then cut and toss to them, that way they aren't tearing it up. I lacto ferment 3*1 without molassass then back feed and you can keep that going for forever as long as you can keep it from freezing if your in the northern...
  15. slordaz

    The Natural Chicken Keeping thread - OTs welcome!

    always will Laura, did ya have a question
  16. slordaz

    Mutt chick! Pullet or Roo?

    cockerel for sure
  17. slordaz

    2wk old lethargic, mushy crop, no eating, drinking, pooping. HELP!!

    if you can separate here even if it's a divider with her own water and good and get her on some save a chick or nutridrench until some of the more knowledgeable people answer. missed seeing something , warm soak to clean the pasty butt , do not pull at it but just gently rub until it comes...
  18. slordaz

    Lethargic chick

    any place you can get kids liquid vitamins, sorry was down sick myself
  19. slordaz

    Trimming a scissor beak?

    I used one of those things to file the dogs nails down, works great for lots of things, at first she was scared of it, but then she would come up and jump in my lap is she needed a litlle help with the beak, she is still doing fine 5 years later was last report i got on her as warned them she...
  20. slordaz

    Lethargic chick

    I would give her some viatimins besides the electrolytes I add D- Vi-sol without iron and B complex 5 drops each to the quart water the first day just as a precaution, whether shipped or 20 mile drive to new home. They have had a lot of stress in the first few days . I've started loosing less of...
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