Lethargic chick


In the Brooder
Apr 12, 2020
We just got 12 chicks yesterday morning, 6 Isa Browns, 4 Leghorns & 2 Easter Eggers. One of the Isa browns is not doing well. My husband noticed this morning that she seemed lethargic compared to the other chicks. We checked on her a few hours later & she didn't seem better.
They are all in a brooder together with a heat lamp placed to where they can move away from the warmth if need be. They have a food & water feeder in with them & we have been checking & cleaning the water as it gets lots of bedding in it. We are feeding non-medicated starter grow feed.
When we realized she was still lethargic we moved her into her own brooder still under the heat lamp with her own food and water. She doesn't jump up & move around like the other chicks when we open the door of the bedroom we are keeping them in. She is mostly sleepy, she will very slightly stir when I pick her up and open her eyes until she's comfortable and then fall back asleep. When I put her back into the brooder she will eat a few bites and fall asleep in the food bowl and sink from standing to sitting. My husband made her an electrolyte mix of water, baking soda, sugar and salt (honestly not sure where he got this idea from, but he gave her a bit already). I wet her food a bit & she's eating when I set her back down, but still falling asleep & then slumping into laying down. I think she's pooping okay, haven't seen her poop but there is poop in her brooder and I checked her bottom and there doesn't appear to be buildup. My husband gave her a small bit of raw egg yolk this morning (again he read this somewhere) she seemed to do a little better after that but went back to lethargic not long after. This is the first day of her being this way and the second day of us having them. We are first time chick raisers and it's already making me so sad that one seems to be sick. Any advice would help!
So this morning I woke up & checked her and she was in her water bowl, I thought she had drowned but she was still breathing. I got her out and she chirped a lot. I wrapped her in a small blanket and put my hair dryer on its lowest settings and was able to get her a little dryer. Got her warmed up, got some of the electrolyte in her, but she is barely waking up now.
I would give her some viatimins besides the electrolytes I add D- Vi-sol without iron and B complex 5 drops each to the quart water the first day just as a precaution, whether shipped or 20 mile drive to new home. They have had a lot of stress in the first few days . I've started loosing less of them since implemented this
You will need to wrap her burrito style in a warm towel or you'll lose her to hypothermia. Give warm sugar water with a pinch of salt to warm her innards and reverse the effects of stress from hypothermia.

Chicks, either well or sick, will end up in an open water bowl. It's a good idea to provide water in a container too small for swimming or place large pebbles or marbles into the water to make it impossible for a chick to submerge in the water.
I would give her some viatimins besides the electrolytes I add D- Vi-sol without iron and B complex 5 drops each to the quart water the first day just as a precaution, whether shipped or 20 mile drive to new home. They have had a lot of stress in the first few days . I've started loosing less of them since implemented this
Thank you, I will try this, where can I get it? She's only taking water now, I can't get her to eat at all and very watery poop.

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