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  1. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hello Fancy and Satay ( and everyone else ). You two are the only ones here on this page that I know. Been such a long time and so much has happened. Needless to say I cannot go back over hundreds of pages since I was last here - at least 18 months has passed since I last visited. Have...
  2. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hello to all I know here ... ( you all know who you are ) ... and a big hello to those I have not met before. Having not had notifications at all, I rely on an old link, but due to some recent health issues, I have not been here ( or anywhere else for that matter ) for quite a while. The pages...
  3. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Satay - .... So very sad to hear that your second beautiful dog Thor also has cancer. It is so very prevalent in dogs .. has risen at the same rate as in humans ( according to my Vet ) ... makes me wonder a lot. Our 3 Golden Retrievers and our one Shepherd ( GR's and German Shepherds are most...
  4. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    ...all the very best. Looking forward to being reunited with your girls, will speed your recovery I have no doubt. And a hearty :welcome to : ** crazyroosterlady ** MareeIrene ** SarahMonique ** Cathy Carr ** JulieCM ** platypusGold. Hope I haven't missed anyone. It takes some time...
  5. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    **** Good luck with the fox situation. And since this website changed its format, many have complained, and I haven't been getting any notifications - have to keep a very old link handy to get here, when I have time. I'd be here much more often if each day I had some form of reminder in...
  6. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Very sadly, I lost Molly Rhode Island Red a couple of weeks ago ( by Vet euthanasia ). I didn't know she was having a battle ( and I don't think she was overall, as she was sprightly, full of vigour and strength, and interested in everything ) .... but at well past 5 years of age ( as the...
  7. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    OK .... I am now at page 3397, after cruising from some 14 full pages back. !! ... Not getting any notifications, which annoys me very much. Guess others are having problems with this site as well. Fancy ... I am sorry to hear of the loss of your 3 chickens recently. And while here...
  8. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Sparky74 ... been ages since I visited here ( not getting notifications at all now :mad: ) but want to say I feel for your loss of chickens to foxes. ... These cunning, ( but beautiful looking ) creatures, do hunt during the day time, so chickens are always at risk. As for 'marking your...
  9. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Hi all ... I have a couple of - um - questions .... and not sure if I want to hear the answers. Many many pages back, I mentioned that one of my two big girls ( Molly RIR or Mandy Welsummer ), had laid what I thought was a fairy farty egg. It was with some woopsies. Today I found another...
  10. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Welcome "Happy Aussie" Sharon - nice to meet you. You have a wonderful menagerie there - and all those little chicks to look forward to. Sorry to hear of the loss of your Bubbles ... you would miss her dearly, and so would your other cats - but she lived a good long life to almost 16...
  11. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Wondering if Vet checked for mobility of limbs - ( manual manipulation - stretching of his legs etc.) Older large dogs, as you probably know well - are prone to a bit of arthritis, or discomfort in rising or moving as rapidly as they did when younger. You say he is 'slower to react than...
  12. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Sad to say, I have to agree with you - that Bear has been blooded, and it originally was most likely his doing with the others. Dogs can revert too, to more primitive behaviour. How old is he ? Is he older than 9 years, or have you had him since a puppy ? .... He may have some aging...
  13. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    So sad to hear of the loss of your little chick after the extraordinary lengths you went to help her out of her shell. The pics of your remaining two are lovely ... Cheers ...
  14. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    That is so very sad .... such a shock for you. Foxes usually take the entire chicken. Feral cats will behead a chicken, as will ferrets ( those that have escaped domestic keeping and gone wild ) ... Large owls are known also to eat only the head - have only just learned these from googling (...
  15. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Gosh, I do get behind in replying - things seem all over the place on this newly constructed site ( but then it might be just me !! ). Hoping for the best and that not too much damage was done with high heat to your fertile eggs. Having said that and replied here, I no doubt will come across...
  16. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    LuckysMum .... So sorry to hear of your losses, and possibly because of Bear becoming over-enthusiastic, if indeed it WAS him that did the damage. If chickens run, a dog will chase - even my Miss Ruby Golden Retriever - who never hurts my chookens - even nuzzles them in the feathers and gives...
  17. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Satay and Fancy .... Seemed to come from Molly - the barren for 9 months RIR. Then bless her, I 'think' she laid her first 'real' egg yesterday. Mandy Welsummer has been laying like there's no tomorrow, even though she still 'flys' across the ground, stumbling over her huge feet but walking...
  18. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Thanks Fancy .... for your comment. I sincerely hope it was not a lash egg, as that could indicate salpingitis, however, Molly - of the 3 of my girls, is the most active, the best looking, bright red comb, beautiful clear eyes ... eats ( usually during the day unlike the other two who are...
  19. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    Mandy Welsummer ... almost everyone has heard of her and her strange ways. She can walk / run ( not far ) prefers to sit and contemplate, seems to prefer racing her way across to new spots via low-to-ground wing flapping. ( boy can she move ) ... still eats like a horse, fills her crop - and...
  20. Anniebee

    Australia - Six states..and that funny little island.

    After 20+ pages and 2 hours, I can finally reply ( sort of ). My first question is, does anyone know how to fiddle around on this site, so's new comments can be posted to my email address ? ... Used to be so easy. ... not so now. I will keep scrounging to try and find my own way, but any...
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