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  1. Valntyn

    Ran out of food-help!!

    Not that I'm HAPPY when we run out of duck food, but I not-so-secretly have SO much fun when we do. I grab left over pasta, a little cat kibble, any fruits and veggies I know they can eat, scrambled eggs, black oil sunflower seeds... I cut it all up, mix it all together and make a lovely 'salad'...
  2. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    Gorgeous, gorgeous birds and pup!
  3. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    ...After seeing how involved she was last year (keeping one nest warm, only "giving up her parental rights" so she could go hatch someone else's nest *snicker*) and seeing how much she wants it this year, I would love to see her hatch a full fertilized nest of her own. I'm REALLY hoping the egg...
  4. Valntyn


    We have pond rocks/pea pebble/whatever it's called in our large outdoor section. I really like it, but it seems to me a lot of 'gunk' collects underneath. My husband wants to try sand, and I think it's a great idea, but I'm wondering which will work better: A-Laying sand over the rock...
  5. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    ...of a sudden! I'm pretty sure these eggs should be hatching this week... buuuut... who really knows, with everything that's gone on with this nest. *laugh* Our second keeper-nest is Blinky's, one of our two Ancona girls... And occasionally BabyDuck... *chuckle* She's one of our original...
  6. Valntyn

    Info on Muscovies

    Congratulations on your new additions! From what I've read (we don't have chickens), you don't want to house your Muscovy drakes with your chickens, because they will try to mate with the hens and they can kill them by doing so. We have mostly Muscovies and we really like them. They're quiet...
  7. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    Oh my! So wonderful! How many hatched so far??
  8. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    Keirys, what a pretty couple you have there!! jdywntr, congratulations!!! Update on the ant-baby? Quote:
  9. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    *giggle* That's so cute!!!
  10. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    ...Our current broody girl, Seelie, is laying on a nest (some her eggs, some from two others) and I've no idea if any of the eggs are going to hatch. *chuckle* Our boys apparently have specific tastes, because I've only ever seen them go for two ducks in particular, and neither of those girls is...
  11. Valntyn

    Silly Seelie

    Hehe. Who knows. Just going to let Mother Nature take Her course and see what does/doesn't come out of that tote in a few weeks. Drama, drama, drama!
  12. Valntyn

    Silly Seelie

    ...Story.... I couldn't get into her nest this morning to check the egg status, but she came out tonight for dinner, so I ran into the duck house. *chuckle* When I felt around, I found the Muscovy egg, the two Ancona eggs... and... a Buff Orpington egg!! *squee* Seelie's first egg...
  13. Valntyn

    Wings hanging low...

    You're very welcome! Glad I could pay it forward and help ease your mind about the "hanging wing." :)
  14. Valntyn

    Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

    Wow, Farm Boy, I hope everything is okay where you are!! Everyone's posted such beautiful birds. What an exciting time of year! Right now, we have Seelie, our single Buff Orpington and only broody gal, laying on a nest of three eggs. She's been laying on a Muscovy egg for a couple weeks...
  15. Valntyn

    Silly Seelie

    *chuckle* No idea on why only one egg. It was like the Muscovy who was laying decided to stop once Seelie starting being all broody. The Ancona kept laying.. I've been collecting her eggs daily. Two days ago, however, she laid one in Seelie's nest. *eye roll* When I tried to get it out from...
  16. Valntyn

    Wings hanging low...

    Sounds like how one of my girls was when she was younger (see picture). She just needed a little extra time for those muscles to strengthen, then her feathers were held in place quite nicely. Does it look like this did?
  17. Valntyn

    2 month old muscovy dropping wings

    Our lavender Muscovy did that for about a month, when she was younger. I panicked at first, until I learned it was just a slower development. No worries. :)
  18. Valntyn

    When will my ducks start laying

    I don't really have an answer for you -- I'm still waiting for our girls to step-up. I would think anytime soon (depending on where you are), since the weather is turning nice and temps are getting out of freezing. Hopefully all works well for you, but keep in mind three boys to three girls...
  19. Valntyn

    Silly Seelie

    So, our duck yard is basically a big soap opera right now. *chuckle* We have mostly Muscovies (1 drake and 4 females), four Anconas (2 drakes and 2 females), and one female Buff Orpington. Our two Ancona drakes started getting their Springtime Frisk on before the snow had finished falling. Did...
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