Old fashioned Broody thread for ducks 2013 edition

Well, I now have 2 broody hens. There are 2 finally, laying on all the eggs. I have separated the girls from our mister and his remaining hen. I have a box out for her in case she wants to start her own clutch. OH man....how much longer!! I tried to candle and I just can't tell what I am looking for. It just looks like yolk in there. Lydia, if you are out there reading me, I found the #2 egg I thought I took and when I candled it, it just looked like yolk in there. But it's nearly 24 days old! Sigh....
I just don't know what to do!

After they begin to sit full time.....how much longer? I've made it so now all they can do is sit. I have put a small pond in and food.....is that okay?
Well, I now have 2 broody hens. There are 2 finally, laying on all the eggs. I have separated the girls from our mister and his remaining hen. I have a box out for her in case she wants to start her own clutch. OH man....how much longer!! I tried to candle and I just can't tell what I am looking for. It just looks like yolk in there. Lydia, if you are out there reading me, I found the #2 egg I thought I took and when I candled it, it just looked like yolk in there. But it's nearly 24 days old! Sigh....
I just don't know what to do!

After they begin to sit full time.....how much longer? I've made it so now all they can do is sit. I have put a small pond in and food.....is that okay?
at 24 days the egg should be full and dark except for the air cell. How many eggs did you candle? just because one may not be fertile doesn't mean they all are, and here is a link that may help you understand what you are looking at when you candle. Congrats on broody #2!! http://www.bing.com/images/search?q...&qpvt=candling+duck+eggs+at+14+days&FORM=IGRE
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well i will toss my silkies in there they can sit on the eggs to lol .. well my duck is covering them all i didn't think she would be abke but i went and checked on her and she was sitting on all of them covering the whole nest and she put some more hay up around her so i can barley see her now lol
well i will toss my silkies in there they can sit on the eggs to lol .. well my duck is covering them all i didn't think she would be abke but i went and checked on her and she was sitting on all of them covering the whole nest and she put some more hay up around her so i can barley see her now lol

Sweet!!!! So shes still laying huh? WOW you should take a picture of that clutch esp since its all from 1 duck. Was it your silky that stole one of her eggs?

I put hay around my duck too she's been sitting all day, I just opened the door so she can have yard time. She came out all buffed up screeching like a banshee.. Now the chickens are in the coop with her "visiting"
ya well i will see tomorrow if she layed more eggs its up to 20 now .. ya my silkie stole her egg but i put the egg under the duck again and gave my silkie a chicken egg then the next day she got off the nest and no egg im like what the heck lol .. i still don't know what made the circle patch of missing feathers on her back but i would like to know what it was if it was rats she should be able to fight them off she chases my big black hens away if they got in her box stall .. my female duck has a horse stall filled with hay so she does what she wants im sorta line breeding i think its called i let them do their thing let them hatch eggs if they want and how many they want only time when i step in is to keep the drakes away from the female duck when she is on her nest ... since mine is in the barn the door is open all the time but her box stall is closed up it is opened on the bottom she she goes out to eat and have some fun
....now if they gave the victory call like my gander It would be more apparent.

I had to share this, I have 3 white Scovy's who will be 9yrs old in July, once in a blue moon they will lay and egg but today this is what I found.
it really doesn't do it justice how small it is. this isn't one of the big eggs some of my girls lay sitting next to it. Just thought I'd share there is some spunk in the old girl after all.
I wonder if this egg hatch if it would have a miniature Muscovy in it. LOL
*giggle* That's so cute!!!
well my female duck stopped laying i miss counted when i said 20 its still 19 i thought i saw more but she is sitting for good now and i forget the day its on lol im so bad with remembering the days but i just have to wait 28 days then my babies hatch

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