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  1. BigBlueHen53

    Is This Poop Okay? (**Pics!**)

    I've seen this very dark greenish-brown, shiny, sticky, tarry and STINKY poops for several days now, and I got a couple pics today when cleaning the poop trays. Should I worry? Do I have a sick bird? Everybody seems to be behaving normally, although I know that's not much of an indicator, as...
  2. BigBlueHen53

    Is there hope for older hen laying "rubber" eggs?

    I first noticed this 4-yo EE had a dirty bottom about ten days ago. About the same time I started getting thin-shelled or shell-less eggs, almost aalways in the poop tray. I clipped her dirty feathers and bathed her, and started giving her a calcium citrus +D3 tablet every night just at roosting...
  3. BigBlueHen53

    I Have Confidence in You, BYC!

    This hen showed up at my friend's place recently and she is wondering what breed(s) she might be. I've googled all the black breeds I can find, and she doesn't match any of them. So I'm coming to the pros here. What do you guys think? My friend says her earlobes appear to be black! (Purple...
  4. BigBlueHen53

    How to Feed Cornish Game Hen chicks?

    Hi, I'm picking up some CGH chicks tomorrow (hatched yesterday) along with some layer pullets and need some advice on care and feeding the Cornish, please? The layers will have regular chick starter crumbles available all day along with water and chick grit. For the Cornish, I got high protein...
  5. BigBlueHen53

    I keep getting alert to accept push notifications.

    On my profile I have clicked "accept push notifications" where I want to receive them (not for everything obviously), but every time I log out and then log back in again the next day I keep getting that alert, and I didn't used to, this is something new. Can somebody help me so this doesn't...
  6. BigBlueHen53

    Icky-Bottom Hen, Oogy Pics

    ETA: My hen died on Monday. I gave her a dab of Monistat cream on my finger, and a short time later she convulsed and died. I do not know if the Monistat was the proximate cause of death or not. Her crop was pliant and doughy but there was no odor from her mouth that I could discern. Thanks to...
  7. BigBlueHen53

    So When Should I Process My Dominique Cockerels?

    Hi, so I have half a dozen Dominique cockerels just coming up to four months old and they're getting a little size to them. They don't seem to be getting too hormonal yet, although I don't know if that affects the meat at all. They are currently in a bachelor pen with a nice, mild rooster and...
  8. BigBlueHen53

    I Have My Suspicions

    I have two that look like this. Supposed to be EE pullets. Should they be in the bachelor pen with the cockerels? Four months old. Had this coloring from the start, as day-olds.
  9. BigBlueHen53

    Is This Interior Laying?

    1) What type of bird , age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) EE, 3 yo, markedly thinner than flock mates and thinner than normal. Keel bone very sharp, no meat on her. 🙁 2) What is the behavior, exactly. This afternoon when I scattered scratch as I...
  10. BigBlueHen53

    What Breed(s) Might My Rojo Be?

    Hi, guys. I know this young rooster is a barnyard mix. He was given to me after a coyote got my BJG cockerel a month or so ago. Rojo, pictured here, is much bigger than my EE or BA hens; I believe he is even bigger than my BJG was at a year old. Rojo, as far as I know, is about a year and a half...
  11. BigBlueHen53

    There"s a Coyote, and I Can't Shoot!

    So we lost our BJG rooster, George, and four BA hens in the last couple of days and weren't sure what the predator was until this afternoon when I spotted what appeared to be a single juvenile coyote preparing to come onto our property. I had suspected coyote, as there was virtually no evidence...
  12. BigBlueHen53

    A Little Old for First Egg, Ya Think?

    Hi, BYC, thought this was odd enough to throw out there and see what y'all think. So I have 8 Black Australorps in my mixed flock of 20 hens (and one BJG rooster). These hens were a year old in March, 2021, making them 17 months old. In the last week I've gotten three "pullet eggs," or what...
  13. BigBlueHen53

    Scrumbly-shelled egg

    Sorry, I don't know what else to call this, lol! This egg is not smooth-shelled like a normal egg. I will post a pic in a few minutes. It looks like it was made by a little kid out of lumpy clay. It's extremely rough and knobbly. So my question is, do I have a sick/ dying hen? Nobody is acting...
  14. BigBlueHen53

    Weird Pigmentation, Should I Worry?

    One of my EEs laid these eggs over the last two days. I'll be posting two pics of each egg with a comment in between. Thanks for any advice. So as you can see, there was some weird pigmentation going on with this first egg. It looked "painted," with a dark turquoise swirl on one side. Not...
  15. BigBlueHen53

    She Lies Like a Rug

    This is my Gracie. I used to think you could not lie to a dog, and that a dog could not lie, either. But look at this face. She has already had her bedtime cookies, and she is doing her best to convince me that no, she has not. Look at those innocent-looking eyes! "Why no, Mother, I have not had...
  16. BigBlueHen53

    Question About Scaly Leg Treatment

    A couple of my hens show signs of scaly leg mites, so tonight I started treating them all with Bag Balm. Will this work? I know the aim is to smother the little buggers, which reside up under the scales on the legs. Vaseline is usually recommended, but I thought Bag Balm seemed more therapeutic...
  17. BigBlueHen53

    Upset Flock Dynamics, What Now?

    My lead rooster, Silverwings, about 3 or 4 years old, showed signs of leg mites so I isolated him for treatment. I put him in the bachelor pen. This evening my kid accidentally opened a gate, releasing him to the area where the flock, including the (formerly) submissive yearling BJG, George...
  18. BigBlueHen53

    BJG Cockerel Snaps Head Side to Side.

    George snaps his neck and head sharply from side to side, I would say frequently (rather than occasionally), and he does it whether I am out there or not, so it's not an aggressive move. He's 8 months old and very much a gentleman, both with the hens/ pullets and with humans. He seems otherwise...
  19. BigBlueHen53

    Solved Not getting alerts/notifications last couple days

    Hi Nifty. Yes I have cleared my cache, yes I have turned my phone off and on again. Am using a Samsung Galaxy S7, and I've noticed folks on other threads have mentioned the same problem. Thanks!
  20. BigBlueHen53

    Weak/lethargic pullet, not egg-bound

    Well, here I am. Pictures of bird and poop follow. This started about 4 days ago. DH noticed she was squatted down on chest and did not get up when he approached, and he was able to place hands on her. Odd. So he alerted me. When I checked, she got up and walked a few steps but was easy to...
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