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  1. R


    Is barn lime the same thing as First Saturday Lime? Or are they 2 separate products?
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    What to use to make run smell fresh and clean?

    I hope someone can help me. What products can I purchase and apply or put down in the run to make it smell good and clean? Currently I sprinkle a very small layer of First Saturday Lime then a small layer of some product that is chicken friendly (cant remember the name) that is used to absorb...
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    Bland Tasting Eggs and Pale Yolks

    I have five hens that appear healthy and happy. They are a buff Orpington, Black Australorp, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Golden Buff, and an Easter Egger. They are seven and a half months old. When I made deviled eggs I noticed that the yolks were much paler than those of store bought eggs...
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    When to add younger chicks to coop with existing flock?

    I have five 7-month old hens in my coop: 1 black australorp, 1 buff orpington, 1 blue laced red wyandotte, and 1 easter egger, and 1 golden buff. They all get along and none seem aggressive. They all appear docile. I also have 2 five week old amberlink pullets in the brooder in my house who...
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    Who lays the largest?

    Which chicken breed lays the largest egg? Jumbo?
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    Bantam vs Standard Chicken?

    I am a newbie. Can someone please post a picture of a bantam chicken and a standard chicken? I know bantams are smaller but I dont know by how much. I would like to see them side by side. Thank you for taking the time and trouble to do so.
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    Who is laying the eggs?

    How can I tell which 2 of my hens are not laying eggs?
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    My loud chirping Amberlink.

    I just bought two 3 day old Australorp females from TSC. The one chirps loudly and constantly. Everyone at the store heard her as I carried her out of the store. She did not quiet down for the 20minute ride home . She is asleep now. The babies i raised last year (buff orpington, blk...
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    HELLO! Can you PLEASE recommend a solar and remote light that I can put inside my 4x3 coop. Hens dont get enough light. They should be laying. I saw many lights on Amazon but virtually all were dim and most got some poor ratings. Most said that after a few days or weeks they stopped working...
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    Possible Eye Problem At a Hatchery.s Farm?

    Does anyone know any details about a hatchery that may possibly have a current problem with an eye problem in started pullets? I was scheduled to receive a pullet but shipping of that specific breed was halted until state vet tests were available. The birds are at a distant farm, not at the...
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    How to get chickens from run to coop before night fall?

    Because I can not walk into my run, how can I get my 4 chickens inside their coop prior to night time? or isnt that necessary?
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    Best Chicken Feed For 20 WEEK Old Pullets?

    Need an update. In your opinion what is the best brand of chicken feed to give 20 week old pullets? Why? How often should you feed them? Any super brands that are not dusty? I like Dumor but starter feed was so dusty.
  13. R

    Should I get rid of Diamataceous Earth?

    Please help this newbie. I am about to put my 4 eighteen week old pullets outside. I went to TSC today and bought Diamataceous Earth because I read it was good to treat and prevent lice, mites, etc. My hens are free of all of that but I thought it would be a great prevention. Once home, I saw...
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    How do I acclimate my pullets to outdoors now before putting in coop permanently?

    My four hens have been indoors since birth. They are 17 weeks old. I finally got a coop and it is assembled. The temp outside has been in 30s and 40s, but the hens have not been out yet. Since tomorrow and the next week will be in the fifties, I thought it would be a great time to take them...
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    Where can I buy a White Leghorn started pullet?

    I would like to purchase a single WL started pullet. Some HATCHERIES require multiple birds. I am having great difficulty finding a hatchery that is not far from Maryland that sells a single. Anyone know of one? And does anyone know of one that also sells a single hyline white leghorn pullet...
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    Chickens exceeding Ordinance?

    I noticed that quite a few hatcheries send an extra or free chick with your order. What happens if you order the exact number of chicks that are allowed, and the hatchery sends you one extra? You are over your limit by one. What happens if the county spot checks you? By that time you are...
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    What happens if not in compliance?

    I noticed that some people unknowingly purchased more chickens than the County Ordinance allowed. I was just wondering what happened when you registered your chicks? Were you forced to give away some of your babies to be in compliance? Were you fined? I am especially interested in stories from...
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    Not in compliance with county ordinance?

    Has anyone had trouble with chicken math and the County says you are not in compliance? What did they say and do about it? What did you do? Do they fine you or take you to court? Interested in hearing how aggressive they are.
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    Reputation of White Leghorn hens?

    I have 4 docile hens: buff orpington, back australorp, blue laced red wyandotte, and an EE. I would like to get a white hen just to add color to my flock. I hear that White Leghorn roosters are noisy and aggressive. I live in the suburbs and dont want to upset me neighbors. Are WL hens also...
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    Silkies and Polish hens in a standard flock???

    I have four hens: a black australorp, buff orpington, blue laced red wyandotte, and EE (I think). I am so tempted to purchase a white silkie and/or a white crested black Polish. Should I? I dont want to do that if that be disatrous and that they would get picked on constantly or a lot...
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